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Flag of the Papal States (pre 1808).svg
Flag of the Papal States before 1808.
Royal Banner of León.svg
Autor: Heralder, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal Banner of León
Flag of Bouillon.svg
Flag of the Belgian municipality of Bouillon
Flag of Morocco 1073 1147.svg
A white flag inscribed with the Shahada (in Maghrebi script).

This is supposedly a banner used by the Almoravid dynasty in Morocco (11th to 12th centuries). This claim is apparently due to an entry at the "Flags of the World" website:

"The use of the flag in Morocco as a symbol of the state dates way back to the Almoravide dynasty (1062-1125 AD). Prior to this time, white silk banners were often carried in battle,sometimes with Koranic inscriptions written on them. The Almoravides institutionalized this practice. They gave one banner to every unit of 100 soldiers; the leaders always carried one inscribed: «There is no god but god, and Mohammad is His Prophet». The two following dynasties (the Merinides and the Saadiens) continued the use of the White flag as the symbol of the State." (Dov Gutterman, 17 Apr 1999)

Note that no source is being given for this claim, the best we can do at this point is say that we heard it from Dov Gutterman in 1999. Also note that the imlied claim that the modern form of the shahada was written on the flags.

This is not only unsubstatiated but also implausible, as medieval sources tend to give a longer form of the shahada, lā ilāha illā-llāh waḥdahu lā šarīka lahu, muḥammadan ʿabduhu wa rasūluhu. It is completely unclear when the modern form is first recorded, let alone when it can first be shown to have been written on a flag (the earliest positive reference we have for this in the en-wiki's shahada article is the earliest 20th century, possibly (without explicit reference) traceable to flags used by Wahhab in the 18th century.
Royal Standard of the King of France.svg
Autor: Sodacan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Královská standarda francouzského krále (používaný jako státní vlajka Francouzským královstvím v období absolutní monarchie). Používaná byla v letech 1638 až 1790.
Flag of Hungary (1915-1918, 1919-1946).svg
Flag of Hungary from 6 November 1915 to 29 November 1918 and from August 1919 until mid/late 1946.
Vexillum Regni Hierosolymae.svg
Autor: Ec.Domnowall, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Drapeau du Royaume de Jérusalem
Banner of arms of Moravia.svg
Prapor s moderní verzí historického znaku Moravy.
Seal of Stefan Nemanja.svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC0
Seal of the Serb ruler Stefan Nemanja (1166–1199). It reads in Greek: "Seal of Stephen, the Great Zupan, Nemanja"
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor with haloes (1400-1806).svg
Autor: David Liuzzo, eagle by N3MO, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire, double headed eagle with halos (1400-1806)
Flag of Lorraine.svg
Autor: Patricia.fidi, Licence: CC0
Flag of the region Lorraine in France.
Flag of Croatia (Early 16th century–1526).svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Flag of Croatia (Early 16th century–1526) per source, which is historically innacurate as such a flag or coat of arms was used only since 1527 when the Croatian nobility elected the Habsburg dynasty.
Swallow-tailed flag used between the reign of Gustav I of Sweden until c. 1650, when it was succeeded by a triple-tailed flag.
Banner of Přemyslid family.svg
Autor: Samhanin, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Heraldická korouhev se znakem Přemyslovců, též korouhev svatého Václava a Českého knížectví.
Labarum of Zoe and Theodora.png
Autor: Dragovit, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Byzantine labarum of Constantine VIII, Romanos III, Michael IV., Zoe, Theodora, Constantine X, Michael VII, Nikephoros III, Alexios I etc according to various coins from Constantinople. On the coins of the following Byzantine emperors, the labarum was replaced by the Patriarchal cross.
State Banner of Denmark (14th Century).svg
State Banner of Denmark or the Dannebrog, drawn from the Wapenboek Gelre.