16. leden

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16. leden je 16. den roku podle gregoriánského kalendáře. Do konce roku zbývá 349 dní (350 v přestupném roce). Svátek v Česku má Ctirad.





Automatický abecedně řazený seznam viz Kategorie:Narození 16. ledna


Josef Skupa (* 1892)
Jiří Borovička (* 1964)


Kálmán Mikszáth (* 1847)
(c) Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F073494-0025 / Wienke, Ulrich / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Johannes Rau (* 1931)
(c) Lynn Gilbert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Susan Sontag (* 1933)
Kabir Bedi (* 1946)
Kate Moss (* 1974)
Aaliyah (* 1979)


Automatický abecedně řazený seznam viz Kategorie:Úmrtí 16. ledna


Josef Mocker (* 1899; architekt)


Léo Delibes (* 1891)
Carole Lombard (* 1942)
Arturo Toscanini (* 1957)
Richard Henry Tawney (* 1962)



Katolický kalendář



  • Na svatého Marcela zima leze do těla.
  16. leden v pražském Klementinu
Údaje jsou platné k 3. 5. 2024.
minimumdenní průměrmaximum
−24,0 °C (1820)−0,8 °C (od 1961)12,7 °C (1993)

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

průčelí Klementina, (jako ikonka pro použití do šablony)
Kabir Bedi.jpg
Autor: Graphikamaal, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Bollywood actor Kabir Bedi at the launch of Mehul Kumar's Krantiveer 2
Arturo Toscanini 1908.png
Arturo Toscanini in 1908
Susan Sontag 1979 ©Lynn Gilbert (headshot).jpg
(c) Lynn Gilbert, CC BY-SA 4.0
Susan Sontag photographed in her home 1979 ©Lynn Gilbert
Jiří Borovička.jpg
Autor: Czech Wikipedia user Packa, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Astronom Jiří Borovička v Astronomickém ústavu na Ondřejově. Zabývá se výzkumem meziplanetární hmoty, zejména meteorů.
Autor: mika-photography.com, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Aaliyah in Berlin, May 2000
Léo Delibes 01.jpg
Depicted person: Léo Delibes
Prof. Josef Skupa.jpg
Prof. Josef Skupa
Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F073494-0025, Bundespressekonferenz, Bundestagswahlkampf, Rau.jpg
(c) Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F073494-0025 / Wienke, Ulrich / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Pro dokumentární účely německý Spolkový archiv často ponechal původní popisky obrázků, které mohou být chybné, neobjektivní, zastaralé nebo politicky extrémní.
Pressekonferenz des NRW-Ministerpräsidenten der SPD, Johannes Rau, zu seinem Regierungsprogramm im Falle eines Wahlsieges der SPD bei der Bundestagswahl im Januar 1987- Im Saal der Bundespressekonferenz.
Jan Vilímek - Josef Mocker HL.jpg
Josef Mocker (1835 - 1899), architekt. Portréty osobností od Jana Vilímka
Carole Lombard still.jpg
Studio portrait photo of Carole Lombard taken for promotional use.
Autor: Deon Maritz, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
British supermodel Kate Moss
R. H. Tawney.png
Autor: , Licence: No restrictions
Richard Henry Tawney Professor of Economic History Extracts from ‘Portraits from the past: Richard Henry Tawney 1881-1962,’ by Richard M. Titmuss in LSE Magazine, November 1971, No42, p.6 'The School was only a part of Tawney’s life as a writer and as a teacher. Despite all the legends of ‘the Squire of Houghton Street’ which accumulated between 1920 and 1949 he was not content to be the conventional academic in universities where many (as he once wrote) ‘make a darkness and call it research, while shrinking from the light of general ideas.’ After leaving Oxford with a Second in Greats (he wrote too slowly for exams; ‘I’m on the floor chewing the doormat’) he found many ways of linking life and learning; to him this was the meaning of education. He found some of these links at Toynbee Hall, as Secretary of the Children’s Country Holiday Fund, learning ‘shovehalfpenny’ at a Workman’s Club, studying poverty at the School on a grant from the Ratan Tata Foundation (which helped to bring into being the Social Administration Department in 1912-3), attending meetings at the ward level of his local Labour Party, consorting with miners and lecturing mine-owners as a member of the Royal Commission on the Coal Mines, serving on the Cotton Trade Conciliation Committee and the Education Committee of the London County Council, and above all, in his work for the W.E.A. which stretched over half a century. Tawney once told me that the fellowship of the W.E.A. has meant more to him than his connections with Labour Party, the School and the Church… He was appointed as a teacher at the School in 1920… and when appointed Professor in 1931 he was given the title but not the salary as part of his time was left free for activities outside the school… ‘Three things,’ he said, ‘have caused me to love the LSE.’ One was the intellectual dynamism. A second was its informal, egalitarian school atmosphere. The last was its sense, derived from Sidney Webb and many others, that the purpose of learning is ultimately to make a juster society –‘the School exists not for itself but for the public.’ Though he retired from the School in 1950 he went on teaching. More than ever it was accompanied by his beloved Coltsfoot tobacco, a mosaic of pipe-ash on the carpet, and much talk about how to reconcile and sustain visionary power and practical action, personal conduct and involvement in social reform.’… IMAGELIBRARY/1105 Persistent URL: archives.lse.ac.uk/dserve.exe?dsqServer=lib-4.lse.ac.uk&a...