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1819 (MDCCCXIX) byl rok, který dle gregoriánského kalendáře započal pátkem.


Probíhající události

Vědy a umění




Královna Viktorie (* 24. května)
Walt Whitman (* 31. května)
Jacques Offenbach (* 20. června)
Herman Melville (* 1. srpna)
Léon Foucault (* 18. září)




James Watt († 19. srpna)

Hlavy států

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Digitalizované noviny a časopisy z roku 1819:

Média použitá na této stránce

Portrait de Léon Foucault in Recueil des travaux scientifiques de Léon Foucault, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1878.
Walt Whitman.jpg

The Laughing Philosopher: American poet Walt Whitman (1819–92)[1]

This image was made in 1887 in New York, by photographer George C. Cox[1]. The image is said to have been Whitman's favorite from the photo-session; Cox published about seven images for Whitman, who so admired this image that he even sent a copy to the poet Tennyson in England. Whitman sold the other copies.[2]

Currently vended commercially, in a format suitable for magazine & book reproduction, by picture library Corbis. The image was apparently originally in the collection of Charles E. Feinberg, and then entered the collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art under curator John Szarkowski.
Watt James von Breda.jpg
the noted Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer