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1824 (MDCCCXXIV) byl rok, který dle gregoriánského kalendáře započal čtvrtkem.


Probíhající události

Vědy a umění



Bedřich Smetana (* 2. března)


William Thomson (* 26. června)
Alexandre Dumas mladší (* 27. července)




George Gordon Byron († 19. dubna)

Hlavy států

Francouzským králem se stal Karel X.

Externí odkazy

  • Kategorie 1824 ve Wikizprávách
  • Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu 1824 na Wikimedia Commons

Média použitá na této stránce

Portrait of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin.jpg
Autor: Unidentified creator. Smithsonian Institution from United States, Licence: No restrictions

Creator/Photographer: Unidentified creator

Medium: Medium unknown

Dimensions: 14.6 cm x 10 cm

Date: 1906

Collection: Scientific Identity: Portraits from the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology - As a supplement to the Dibner Library for the History of Science and Technology's collection of written works by scientists, engineers, natural philosophers, and inventors, the library also has a collection of thousands of portraits of these individuals. The portraits come in a variety of formats: drawings, woodcuts, engravings, paintings, and photographs, all collected by donor Bern Dibner. Presented here are a few photos from the collection, from the late 19th and early 20th century.

Persistent URL: [1]

Repository: Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Accession number: SIL14-T002-05
Alexandre Dumas fils.jpg
Portrait d'Alexandre Dumas fils
Bedrich Smetana.jpg
Bedřich Smetana
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron by Richard Westall.jpg

George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, by Richard Westall (died 1836). See source website for additional information.

This set of images was gathered by User:Dcoetzee from the National Portrait Gallery, London website using a special tool. All images in this batch have been confirmed as author died before 1939 according to the official death date listed by the NPG.
Charles X of France 1.PNG
Portrait of King Charles X of France in his coronation robes