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1892 (MDCCCXCII) byl rok, který dle gregoriánského kalendáře započal pátkem.


Rakousko-uherská bankovka v hodnotě 10 korun



Vědy a umění





Josef Skupa (* 16. ledna; loutkoherec)
Karel Opočenský (* 7. února; šachista)
Václav Zelenka (* 11. února; cestovatel)
Alois Vicherek (* 20. června; letec)


Iosif Berman (* 17. leden)
Bessie Colemanová (* 26. leden)
William Parry Murphy (* 6. únor)
Josip Broz Tito (* 7. květen)
Zita Bourbonsko-Parmská (* 9. květen)
Pearl S. Bucková (* 26. červen)
Haile Selassie I. (* 23. červenec)
Francisco Franco (4. prosinec)



František Zdeněk Skuherský († 19. srpen)
Bedřich z Fürstenberka († 20. srpen)


Walt Whitman († 26. březen)
Ernst Werner von Siemens († 6. prosinec

Hlavy států

Externí odkazy

  • Kategorie 1892 ve Wikizprávách
  • Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu 1892 na Wikimedia Commons

Digitalizované noviny a časopisy z roku 1892:

Média použitá na této stránce

Francisco Franco (1892-1975)
Kaiserin Zita.jpg
Empress Zita of Austria in her younger years.
Vicherek Alois 1929.jpg
Letec Alois Vicherek (1892-1956) vytvořil světový rekord na uzavřené trati ve dnech 6.-7. června 1928, když uletěl 2 500 km za 19:53 hod na letadle Avia BH-11 b s motorem Walter 60 KS.
William P Murphy.jpg
William Parry Murphy (February 6, 1892 – October 9, 1987), Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1934.
Bessie Coleman, First African American Pilot - GPN-2004-00027.jpg
Born on January 26, 1892 in Atlanta, Texas to a family of sharecroppers, Bessie Coleman grew up in poverty. Her father abandoned the family when she was nine, and her elder brothers soon left as well, leaving her mother with the four youngest of her thirteen children. While taking care of her younger sisters, Bessie completed all eight available years of primary education, excelling in math. She enrolled at the Colored Agricultural and Normal University in Langston, Oklahoma in 1910, but lack of funds forced her to leave after only one term.

Five years later, she left the South and moved to Chicago to join two of her brothers, Walter and John, where she worked as a beautician for several years. An avid reader, she learned about World War I pilots in the newspaper and became intrigued by the prospect of flying. As a black woman, she had no chance of acceptance at any American pilot school, so she moved to France in 1919 and enrolled at the Ecole d'Aviation des Freres Caudon at Le Crotoy.

After returning briefly to the United States, she spent one more term in France practicing more advanced flying before finally settling back in her birth country. She did exhibition flying and gave lectures across the country from 1922 to 1926. While flying, she refused to perform unless the audiences were desegregated. She was test flying a new plane on April 30, 1926 when it malfunctioned, killing both her and the mechanic who was piloting it. Her career as the world's first African American pilot inspired many who followed.
Karel Opočenský 1969.jpg
Autor: Anefo / Mieremet, R, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 nl
Karel Opočenský
Ing Zelenka.JPG
Autor: Wakowlk, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ing Václav Zelenka - etnograf a cestovatel
Pearl Buck.jpg
Pearl S. Buck, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning American author
AHK 10 1904 obverse.jpg
10 Austro-Hungarian Krone/korona (1904) - obverse
Iosif Berman - Autoportret.jpg
Iosif Berman - Autoportret
Prof. Josef Skupa.jpg
Prof. Josef Skupa