29. červen

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29. červen je 180. den roku podle gregoriánského kalendáře (181. v přestupném roce). Do konce roku zbývá 185 dní. Svátek slaví Petr a Pavel.





Josef Ressel (* 1793)



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (* 1900)
Nicole Scherzingerová (* 1978)



Josef Masopust († 2015)


Elizabeth Barrettová-Browningová († 1861)
Katharine Hepburn († 2003)






  • Na Petra a Pavla den jasný a čistý, rok úrodný bude jistý.
  • O Petru-li prší, třicet dní déšť se vyprší.
  • Prší-li na svatého Petra a Pavla, bude mnoho myší.
  • Prší-li na svatého Petra a Pavla, urodí se hojně hub.
  • Na svatého Petra Pavla když hrom tříská, hřiby do země zatiská.
  • Petr a Pavel chodí s nůší, kořínky a houby suší.
  • Petr rozsévá houby, Pavel myši, když prší.
  • Je-li od Petra až po Vavřince parno,
    bývá v zimě dlouho studeno.
  • Jaký je Petr a Pavel, takový bude i Havel.
  • O svatém Petru a Pavlu zabalme se do svých shawlů (humorná pranostika Karla ČapkaZahradníkův březen)
  29. červen v pražském Klementinu
Údaje jsou platné k 3. 5. 2024.
minimumdenní průměrmaximum
7,9 °C (1962)18,3 °C (od 1961)34,9 °C (1947)

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

průčelí Klementina, (jako ikonka pro použití do šablony)
Josef Masopust official photo.jpg
Autor: Study1919, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Josef Masopust with the FIFA Ballon d'OR
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.jpg
A still image of Saint-Exupéry during a boat tour of a lake near Montreal, Canada, filmed in May 1942. The image was extracted from a single frame of an approximate two minute length 16mm color Kodachrome movie shot casually while meeting with his Canadian publisher Bernard Valiquette and friends, along with wife Consuelo (all of whom are out of view in the image).

The group, which included many women who regaled with laughter at his stories and jokes, were at that moment enjoying a leisurely tour of the lake, with the occasion being caught on movie/ciné film by the boat's owner. The levity and cheerfulness is all the more remarkable as at the time Saint-Exupéry was beset by visa problems which prevented him from returning to the United States, and was also bedridden with cholecystitis of the gallbladder.

According to Frédérique Parent of Sotheby's Auction House in London: "In the film Saint-Ex is surrounded by women under the watchful eye of [his wife] Consuelo, who we see driving the boat; he is telling jokes and laughing and being charming and lovely. It's an absolutely unusual portrayal of Saint-Exupéry especially as he was said to be ill and depressed at the time..... He looks pale and tired and he has dark rings under his eyes but what is so wonderful is that we see a very happy Saint-Ex, even though we know that this time in Canada was one of the most unhappy times of his life."

The French newspaper Le Figaro described the footage as "an unexpected little miracle". The film also provided a never-before seen movie view of Saint-Exupéry's wife and muse, Consuelo, the source of much of his inspired works and angst.

The film is the best, and longest, of three known privately held historical movies of Saint-Exupéry and the only one shot in colour. It was listed for sale in 2010 at Sotheby's, London and was expected to be sold for €50,000. More information can be found at: (French) Découverte d’un film en couleur sur Saint Exupéry, and also at: Haunting Film Of Petit Prince Author Saint-Exupéry For Auction, by Kim Willsher for the guardian.co.uk, Friday 9 April 2010.
410px-Elizabeth-Barrett-Browning, Poetical Works engraving flipped.png
Warning: Mirror image. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Engraved September, 1859, by Macaire Havre, engraving by T. O. Barlow.
Nicole Scherzinger 2007.jpg
Autor: Miguel Cuenca, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Nicole Scherzinger