4. březen

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4. březen je 63. den roku podle gregoriánského kalendáře (64. v přestupném roce). Do konce roku zbývá 302 dní. Svátek má Stela.





Automatický abecedně řazený seznam existujících biografií viz Kategorie:Narození 4. března


Blanka Bohdanová (* 1930)


Antonio Vivaldi (* 1678)
Miriam Makeba (* 1932)
Shakin' Stevens (* 1948)
Chris Rea (* 1951)
Kenny Dalglish (* 1951)
Khaled Hosseini (* 1965)
Patsy Kensit (* 1968)


Automatický abecedně řazený seznam existujících biografií viz Kategorie:Úmrtí 4. března



Hans von Aachen († 1615)
Jean-François Champollion († 1832)
Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol († 1852)



  • Stela, Estela
  • Gerazim
  • Jadrana, Jadranka


Liturgický kalendář

  • Sv. Kazimír



  • Na Kazimíra pohoda – na kobzole úroda.
  4. březen v pražském Klementinu
Údaje jsou platné k 7. 11. 2024.
minimumdenní průměrmaximum
−15,4 °C (1785)2,6 °C (od 1961)20,5 °C (1998)

Externí odkazy

  • Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu 4. březen na Wikimedia Commons
  • Galerie 4. březen na Wikimedia Commons

Média použitá na této stránce

průčelí Klementina, (jako ikonka pro použití do šablony)
Benefice Blanky Bohdanové.JPG
Autor: ElisabettaBohdanova, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Portrét herečky a malířky Blanky Bohdanové, fotografie z cyklu "Benefice Blanky Bohdanové".
Miriam Makeba 2011.jpg
Autor: Tom Beetz, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Miriam Makeba (* 4. März 1932, † 10. November 2008) in a performance
N.Gogol by F.Moller (1840, Tretyakov gallery).jpg
The portrait exhibited in Tretyakov Gallery is author’s replica of the original portrait painted for the mother of Nikolai Gogol in 1841 in Rome.
The original portrait was kept in Vasilievka, Gogol’s estate, then it was at the house of A.V. Gogol, the sister of the writer. In 1919 S.N. Bykova, the grand-nephew of N. Gogol, transferred the original portrait to the collection of Poltava Museum of Local History, where the portrait was housed till 1941. It was lost during the German occupation of Ukraine.
Chris Rea at the Heineken Music Hall - 2010-03-05.jpg
Autor: Dutch Simba, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Chris Rea playing slide/bottleneck on his Italia Maranello Classic Blue Sparkle! at the Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 5th 2010 during the 2010 Still So Far To Go Tour.
Shakin Stevens 2013.jpg
Autor: Ja Fryta from Strzegom, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Shakin' Stevens
George and Laura Bush with Khaled Hosseini in 2007 detail2.JPG
Khaled Hosseini in 2007. White House photo by David Bohrer
"An anonymous portrait in oils in the Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica di Bologna is generally believed to be of Vivaldi and may be linked to the Morellon La Cave engraving, which appears to be a modified mirror reflection of it. It is striking how the engraving and the painting 'secularize' Vivaldi: they contain no hint of his identity as a priest. (The fashionable, though slightly informal, dress and self-confident attitude of the composer resemble very closely those of Telemann in the well-known engraving by Georg Lichtensteger.) Ghezzi's sketch likewise shows Vivaldi in a non-clerical black stock as opposed to the white clerical stock and still wearing a wig. (Two years later, in the anno santo of 1725, Innocent XIII was to ban the wearing of wigs by priests.) There is disagreement over whether the hint of red showing in front of the centre of the composer's wig in the painting is a sly reference to his famous hair-colour or simply an unpainted part of the canvas. Whatever the case, it is not out of place to observe that, contrary to the belief of many modern illustrators, Vivaldi's wigs were never coloured red." Michael Talbot, The Vivaldi Compendium (2011), p. 148. The proposition that the painting actually depicts Antonio Vivaldi has been questioned by some sources (e.g. by Groves dictionary).
Kenny Dalglish 2009 Singapore.jpg
Autor: Saw from Singapore, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Kenny Dalglish from LFC boat tour @ Singapore river
Patsy Kensit BAFTA.jpg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY 2.0
British actress Patsy Kensit at the 2009 BAFTA award ceremony in London.