8. prosinec

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8. prosinec je 342. den roku podle gregoriánského kalendáře (343. v přestupném roce). Do konce roku zbývá 23 dní.





Bohuslav Martinů (* 1890)
Milan Drobný (* 1944)
Jaroslav Svěcený (* 1960)


Jean Sibelius (* 1865)
Thomas Robert Cech (* 1947)
Francis Huster (* 1947)
Nancy Meyersová (* 1949)
(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0
Kim Basinger (* 1953)
(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0
Teri Hatcherová (* 1964)
Sinéad O'Connor (* 1966)
Ian Somerhalder (* 1978)
AnnaSophia Robbová (* 1993)



Wenzel Franz Jäger († 1928)


Pavel Florenskij († 1937)
Hermann Weyl († 1955)
Golda Meirová († 1978)
John Lennon († 1980)
Ján Smrek († 1982)
John Glenn († 2016)




Katolický kalendář

  8. prosinec v pražském Klementinu
Údaje jsou platné k 3. 5. 2024.
minimumdenní průměrmaximum
−21,0 °C (1875)1,8 °C (od 1961)13,4 °C (1914)

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

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(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0
Teri Hatcher outside the 1995 Emmy Awards
Sinead O'Connor (14828633401) (cropped).jpg
Autor: Bryan Ledgard, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Sinéad O'Connor performing at the Cambridge Folk Festival 50th Anniversary in 2014.
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Autor: NeznámýUnknown author, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 cz
Portrét Bohuslava Martinů smějícího se, U.S.A. Darien 1943
John Herschel Glenn Jr. (born July 18, 1921, in Cambridge, Ohio,) is a former American astronaut, Marine Corps fighter pilot, and United States Senator. He was the third American to fly in space and the first American to orbit the earth. This photo for his second space flight on October 29, 1998, on Space Shuttle Discovery's STS-95.
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Wenzel Franz Jäger (1861 - 1928), Německočeský malíř, krajinář.
Autor: Mhornik, Licence: CC0
Jaroslav Svěcený
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Composer Jean Sibelius
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Autor: thedemonhog, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0

Something's Gotta Give screenwriter Nancy Meyers

At one point, she dissed the film 27 Dresses; the moderator informed her that the screenwriter was another of the guests at the event.
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Autor: Matěj Baťha, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Praha, Svět knihy 2009 - Milan Drobný
Photograph of John Lennon of the The Beatles as they arrive in New York City in 1964
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Autor: Rach, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Cropped out of a larger photo containing Candice Accola, Matt Davis, Ian Somerhalder, Michael Trevino & Jenna Ushkowitz
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(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0
Kim Basinger at the 1990 Academy Awards.
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Autor: ETH Zürich, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Porträt von Hermann Weyl
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Autor: Jane Gitschier, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Photo of a 1989 Nobel prize chemist Thomas Robert Cech.
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Ján Smrek (1898–1982)
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Autor: Thesupermat, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Francis Huster lors d'une séance de dédicaces au salon du livre de Paris 2011.
průčelí Klementina, (jako ikonka pro použití do šablony)