Adidas Grand Prix 2013
Adidas Grand Prix 2013 byl lehkoatletický mítink, který se konal 25. května 2013 v americkém New Yorku. Byl součástí série mítinků Diamantová liga.
Disciplína | 1. místo | 2. místo | 3. místo |
100 m | Tyson Gay 10,02 | Ryan Bailey 10,15 | Keston Bledman 10,16 |
200 m | Warren Weir 20,11 | Alonso Edward 20,38 | Jeremy Dodson 20,65 |
400 m | Josh Mance 45,59 | Kévin Borlée 45,71 | Jeremy Wariner 45,72 |
800 m | David Rudisha 1:45,14 | Andrew Osagie 1:46,44 | Timothy Kitum 1:46,93 |
5 000 m | Hagos Gebrhiwet 13:10,03 | Vincent Kiprop Chepkok 13:15,51 | Ibrahim Jeilan 13:16,46 |
110 m překážek | Ryan Brathwaite 13,19 | Orlando Ortega 13,24 | Sergej Šubenkov 13,29 |
400 m překážek | Michael Tinsley 48,43 | Javier Culson 48,53 | Johnny Dutch 48,78 |
Trojskok | Benjamin Compaoré 16,45 m | Christian Taylor 16,42 m | Gaëtan Saku Bafuanda 16,15 m |
Vrh koulí | Ryan Whiting 21,27 m | Reese Hoffa 20,69 m | Cory Martin 20,60 m |
Disciplína | 1. místo | 2. místo | 3. místo |
100 m | Aleen Baileyová 11,37 | Mikele Barber 11,39 | Lekeisha Lawson 11,44 |
200 m | Veronica Campbellová-Brownová 22,53 | Anneisha McLaughlin 22,63 | Shalonda Solomon 22,91 |
400 m | Amantle Montshoová 49,91 | Natasha Hastings 50,24 | Francena McCororyová 51,06 |
1500 m | Abeba Aregawiová 4:03,69 | Hellen Onsando Obiriová 4:04,84 | Brenda Martinez 4:06,25 |
3 000 m překážek | Lidya Chepkurui 9:30,82 | Etenesh Diro Neda 9:33,76 | Sofia Assefaová 9:33,84 |
Skok do výšky | Blanka Vlašičová 194 cm | Emma Greenová 191 cm | Brigetta Barrettová 191 cm |
Skok o tyči | Jennifer Suhrová 463 cm | Fabiana Murerová 453 cm | Yarisley Silvaová 453 cm |
Skok daleký | Janay DeLoachová 679 cm | Shara Proctorová 672 cm | Éloyse Lesueurová 667 cm |
Hod diskem | Sandra Perkovićová 68,48 m | Gia Lewis-Smallwood 61,86 m | Mélina Robertová-Michonová 61,45 m |
Hod oštěpem | Christina Obergföllová 65,33 m | Marija Abakumovová 64,25 m | Kimberley Mickleová 63,93 m |
Média použitá na této stránce
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
This is the national flag of Belgium, according to the Official Guide to Belgian Protocol. It has a 13:15 aspect ratio, though it is rarely seen in this ratio.
Its colours are defined as Pantone black, Pantone yellow 115, and Pantone red 032; also given as CMYK 0,0,0,100; 0,8.5,79,0; and 0,94,87,0.Vlajka Etiopie
Old flag of Russia from the Tsarist era. This variant is still used today.
Při zobrazení tohoto souboru lze snadno přidat orámování
Flag of Australia, when congruence with this colour chart is required (i.e. when a "less bright" version is needed).
See Flag of Australia.svg for main file information.