Administrativní dělení Švédska

(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Regiony Švédska

Švédsko má dva stupně místních úřadů (vlád): lokální/municipální a regionální/krajské. Území Švédska je rozděleno na 290 samosprávných obcí (kommun) a 21 regionů (län).

V každém kraji působí krajské představenstvo (länsstyrelse) v čele s guvernérem (landshövding), jmenované vládou na 6 let, a krajská rada (landsting), volená na 4 roky.

Nejvíce obyvatel žije ve Stockholmském kraji (Stockholms län). Největší rozlohu má nejsevernější kraj Norrbotten, který má zároveň nejnižší hustotu zalidnění.

Někdy jsou kraje zaměňovány za provincie (landskap), což jsou historické, geografické a kulturní regiony. Švédsko má 25 provincií. Provincie nemají žádnou administrativní funkci, ale jsou historickým dědictvím a kulturní identifikací. Některé z nich byly součástí Švédska do roku 1634, kdy byly nahrazeny kraji (län). Některé jiné byly původně dánské či norské, další pak byly ztraceny (na dnešním území Finska). Laponsko je jedinou provincií, která byla získána kolonizací.

Kraje se dále dělí na samosprávné obce (švédsky kommun), které zajišťují státní správu na místní úrovni (např. školství, sociální služby, zásobování vodou, odvoz komunálního odpadu). V čele obce stojí zastupitelstvo (kommunfullmäktige), volené na 4 roky, které jmenuje obecní radu (kommunstyrelse) a jejího předsedu (kommunstyrelsens ordförande). Samosprávná obec zahrnuje obvykle město či větší sídlo a jeho okolí, včetně dalších obcí bez vlastní samosprávy. V málo osídlených oblastech na severu země mají samosprávné obce značnou rozlohu. Největší rozlohu má území města Kiruna (19 446 km²).

Kraj Gotland je zároveň tvořený jedinou samosprávnou obcí.

Přehled krajů

KrajRozloha [km²]Počet obyvatelHlavní město krajePísmeno na mapěKódUstanoven
Blekinge&0000000000002941.0000002 941&0000000000153131.000000153 131KarlskronaK101683
Dalarna&0000000000028194.00000028 194&0000000000276770.000000276 770FalunW201634
Gotland&0000000000003140.0000003 140&0000000000057203.00000057 203VisbyI091678 (?)
Gävleborg&0000000000018191.00000018 191&0000000000276323.000000276 323GävleX211762
Halland&0000000000005454.0000005 454&0000000000299606.000000299 606HalmstadN131719
Jämtland&0000000000049433.00000049 433&0000000000126573.000000126 573ÖstersundZ231810
Jönköping&0000000000010475.00000010 475&0000000000337013.000000337 013JönköpingF061687
Kalmar&0000000000011171.00000011 171&0000000000233168.000000233 168KalmarH081634
Kronoberg&0000000000008458.0000008 458&0000000000183988.000000183 988VäxjöG071674
Norrbotten&0000000000098911.00000098 911&0000000000248421.000000248 421LuleåBD251810
Skåne&0000000000011027.00000011 027&0000000001245214.0000001 245 214MalmöM121997
Stockholm&0000000000006490.0000006 490&0000000002063945.0000002 063 945StockholmAB011968
Södermanland&0000000000006060.0000006 060&0000000000270981.000000270 981NyköpingD041683
Uppsala&0000000000008209.0000008 209&0000000000336533.000000336 533UppsalaC031634
Värmland&0000000000017583.00000017 583&0000000000272773.000000272 773KarlstadS171779
Västerbotten&0000000000055432.00000055 432&0000000000259239.000000259 239UmeåAC241638
Västernorrland&0000000000021678.00000021 678&0000000000242347.000000242 347HärnösandY221762
Västmanland&0000000000005146.0000005 146&0000000000252819.000000252 819VästeråsU191634
Västra Götaland&0000000000023942.00000023 942&0000000001581850.0000001 581 850GöteborgO141998
Örebro&0000000000008517.0000008 517&0000000000280305.000000280 305ÖrebroT181634
Östergötland&0000000000010562.00000010 562&0000000000429852.000000429 852LinköpingE051634
Celkem410 9609 428 054


Srovnání hranic krajů, provincií a samosprávných obcí:

Švédské kraje (viz tab. výše)
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Švédské provincie
Samosprávné obce
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Švédské kraje (mapka vlevo), provincie (mapka uprostřed) a samosprávné obce (mapka vpravo)



V tomto článku byly použity překlady textů z článků Sveriges län na švédské Wikipedii, Counties of Sweden na anglické Wikipedii a Provinces of Sweden na anglické Wikipedii.

Související články

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Europe map.png
Political map of Europe
Norrbotten län vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Södermanland vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Västmanland vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Jönköping län vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Sweden provinces and counties overlayed.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Counties of Sweden 2007 overlaying former provinces, which are named
Jämtland län vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Counties of Sweden 2007 with (partial) ISO 3166-2:SE codes
Stockholm län vapen.svg
Autor: Lokal_Profil
, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
Skåne län vapen.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
This coat of arms was drawn based on its blazon which – being a written description – is free from copyright. Any illustration conforming with the blazon of the arms is considered to be heraldically correct. Thus several different artistic interpretations of the same coat of arms can exist. Sometimes, the design officially used by the armiger is likely protected by copyright, in which case it cannot be used here.
Individual representations of a coat of arms, drawn from a blazon, may have a copyright belonging to the artist, but are not necessarily derivative works.
SWE-Map Kommuner2007.svg
(c) Lokal_Profil, CC BY-SA 2.5
Municipalities of Sweden 2007. Note that Heby municipality now is part of Uppsala county therefore has a new municaipal code. For info on how to easiest edit the map see SWE-Map Documentation