Administrativní dělení Belgie

Regiony a provincie v Belgii

Belgie je federálním státem a skládá se ze tří regionů, ve kterých žijí nizozemsky mluvící Vlámové, frankofonní Valoni a německá komunita.

Jazyková společenství

Podle tohoto jazykového principu je Belgie rozdělena následovně do tří společenství.

SpolečenstvíVlámské společenstvíFrancouzské společenství
(Valonsko-bruselská federace)
Německojazyčné společenství
název - nizozemskyVlaamse GemeenschapFranse GemeenschapDuitstalige Gemeenschap
název - francouzskyCommunauté flamandeCommunauté françaiseCommunauté germanophone
název - německyFlämische GemeinschaftFranzösische GemeinschaftDeutschsprachige Gemeinschaft
PolohaPoloha Vlámského společenstvíPoloha Francouzského společenstvíPoloha Německého společenství
Vlajka Vlámského společenství
Vlajka Francouzského společenství
Vlajka Německého společenství
Hlavní městoBruselBruselEupen


Podle administrativně-správního principu je Belgie členěna do 3 regionů. Vlámský a Valonský region se dále dělí na provincie; Bruselský region se dělí na 19 obcí.

RegionVlámský regionBruselský regionValonský region
název - nizozemskyVlaams GewestBrussels Hoofdstedelijk GewestWaals Gewest
název - francouzskyRégion flamandeRégion de Bruxelles-CapitaleRégion wallonne
název - německyFlämische RegionRegion Brüssel-HauptstadtWallonische Region
PolohaPoloha Vlámského regionuPoloha Bruselského regionuPoloha Valonského regionu
Vlajka Vlámského regionu
Vlajka Bruselského regionu
Vlajka Valonského regionu
Hlavní městoBruselBruselNamur
Rozloha13 522 km²
161 km²
16 844 km²
Vlámský Brabant
Východní Flandry
Západní Flandry
Valonský Brabant
Počet obyvatel 20156 444 127
1 175 173
3 589 744
Hustota zalidnění476 obyv./km²7 300 obyv./km²213 v/km²


MapaVlajkaZnakProvincieISO kódHlavní městoObyvatelstvo
Hustota zalidnění
Počet okresůPočet obcíGeodeta (OSM)
AntverpyBE-VANAntverpy&0000000001813282.0000001 813 282&0000000000002867.0000002 867&0000000000000632.000000632370OSM, WMF
LimburkBE-VLIHasselt&0000000000860204.000000860 204&0000000000002422.0000002 422&0000000000000355.000000355344OSM, WMF
Východní FlandryBE-VOVGent&0000000001477346.0000001 477 346&0000000000002982.0000002 982&0000000000000495.000000495665OSM, WMF
Vlámský BrabantBE-VBRLovaň&0000000001114299.0000001 114 299&0000000000002106.0000002 106&0000000000000529.000000529265OSM, WMF
Západní FlandryBE-VWVBruggy&0000000001178996.0000001 178 996&0000000000003144.0000003 144&0000000000000375.000000375864OSM, WMF
Valonský BrabantBE-WBRWavre&0000000000393700.000000393 700&0000000000001091.0000001 091&0000000000000361.000000361127OSM, WMF
HenegavskoBE-WHTMons&0000000001335360.0000001 335 360&0000000000003786.0000003 786&0000000000000353.000000353769OSM, WMF
LutychBE-WLGLutych&0000000001094791.0000001 094 791&0000000000003862.0000003 862&0000000000000283.000000283484OSM, WMF
LucemburkBE-WLXArlon&0000000000278748.000000278 748&0000000000004440.0000004 440&0000000000000063.00000063544OSM, WMF
NamurBE-WNANamur&0000000000487145.000000487 145&0000000000003666.0000003 666&0000000000000133.000000133338OSM, WMF


MapaOkres (arrondissement)Nadřazená provincieObyvatelstvo
Hustota zalidnění
Počet obcí
Okres AntverpyAntverpy&0000000001027342.0000001 027 342&0000000000001000.0000001 000&0000000000000632.00000063230
Okres MechelenAntverpy&0000000000335418.000000335 418&0000000000000510.000000510&0000000000000658.00000065813
Okres TurnhoutAntverpy&0000000000450522.000000450 522&0000000000001357.0000001 357&0000000000000332.00000033227
Okres HasseltLimburk&0000000000420777.000000420 777&0000000000000906.000000906&0000000000000464.00000046418
Okres MaaseikLimburk&0000000000238338.000000238 338&0000000000000884.000000884&0000000000000270.00000027013
Okres TongerenLimburk&0000000000201089.000000201 089&0000000000000632.000000632&0000000000000318.00000031813
Okres Halle-VilvoordeVlámský Brabant&0000000000617330.000000617 330&0000000000000942.000000942&0000000000000655.00000065535
Okres LovaňVlámský Brabant&0000000000496969.000000496 969&0000000000001169.0000001 169&0000000000000425.00000042530
Okres AalstVýchodní Flandry&0000000000283609.000000283 609&0000000000000469.000000469&0000000000000605.00000060510
Okres DendermondeVýchodní Flandry&0000000000197806.000000197 806&0000000000000342.000000342&0000000000000578.00000057810
Okres EekloVýchodní Flandry&0000000000083517.00000083 517&0000000000000334.000000334&0000000000000250.0000002506
Okres GentVýchodní Flandry&0000000000544959.000000544 959&0000000000000944.000000944&0000000000000577.00000057721
Okres OudenaardeVýchodní Flandry&0000000000122629.000000122 629&0000000000000419.000000419&0000000000000293.00000029311
Okres Sint-NiklaasVýchodní Flandry&0000000000244826.000000244 826&0000000000000474.000000474&0000000000000517.0000005177
Okres BruggyZápadní Flandry&0000000000280153.000000280 153&0000000000000661.000000661&0000000000000424.00000042410
Okres DiksmuideZápadní Flandry&0000000000050844.00000050 844&0000000000000362.000000362&0000000000000140.0000001405
Okres KortrijkZápadní Flandry&0000000000285509.000000285 509&0000000000000403.000000403&0000000000000708.00000070812
Okres OstendeZápadní Flandry&0000000000154577.000000154 577&0000000000000291.000000291&0000000000000531.0000005317
Okres RoeselareZápadní Flandry&0000000000148778.000000148 778&0000000000000271.000000271&0000000000000549.0000005498
Okres TieltZápadní Flandry&0000000000091910.00000091 910&0000000000000275.000000275&0000000000000334.0000003349
Okres VeurneZápadní Flandry&0000000000060930.00000060 930&0000000000000275.000000275&0000000000000222.0000002225
Okres YpryZápadní Flandry&0000000000106295.000000106 295&0000000000000549.000000549&0000000000000194.0000001948
Okres Brusel
(Bruselský region)
-&0000000001175173.0000001 175 173&0000000000000161.000000161&0000000000007209.0000007 20919
Okres AthHenegavsko&0000000000086167.00000086 167&0000000000000487.000000487&0000000000000177.0000001778
Okres CharleroiHenegavsko&0000000000429854.000000429 854&0000000000000554.000000554&0000000000000776.00000077614
Okres MonsHenegavsko&0000000000257804.000000257 804&0000000000000584.000000584&0000000000000441.00000044113
Okres MouscronHenegavsko&0000000000075200.00000075 200&0000000000000101.000000101&0000000000000745.0000007452
Okres SoigniesHenegavsko&0000000000188389.000000188 389&0000000000000517.000000517&0000000000000364.0000003648
Okres ThuinHenegavsko&0000000000151115.000000151 115&0000000000000934.000000934&0000000000000162.00000016214
Okres TournaiHenegavsko&0000000000146831.000000146 831&0000000000000607.000000607&0000000000000242.00000024210
Okres ArlonLucemburk&0000000000060656.00000060 656&0000000000000317.000000317&0000000000000191.0000001915
Okres BastogneLucemburk&0000000000046857.00000046 857&0000000000001043.0000001 043&0000000000000045.000000458
Okres Marche-en-FamenneLucemburk&0000000000055857.00000055 857&0000000000000954.000000954&0000000000000059.000000599
Okres NeufchâteauLucemburk&0000000000062099.00000062 099&0000000000001354.0000001 354&0000000000000046.0000004612
Okres VirtonLucemburk&0000000000053279.00000053 279&0000000000000771.000000771&0000000000000069.0000006910
Okres HuyLutych&0000000000111839.000000111 839&0000000000000659.000000659&0000000000000170.00000017017
Okres LutychLutych&0000000000618887.000000618 887&0000000000000797.000000797&0000000000000777.00000077724
Okres VerviersLutych&0000000000285214.000000285 214&0000000000002016.0000002 016&0000000000000141.00000014129
Okres WaremmeLutych&0000000000078851.00000078 851&0000000000000390.000000390&0000000000000202.00000020214
Okres NivellesValonský Brabant&0000000000393700.000000393 700&0000000000001090.0000001 090&0000000000000361.00000036127
Okres DinantNamur&0000000000108941.000000108 941&0000000000001592.0000001 592&0000000000000068.0000006815
Okres NamurNamur&0000000000311684.000000311 684&0000000000001165.0000001 165&0000000000000268.00000026816
Okres PhilippevilleNamur&0000000000066520.00000066 520&0000000000000909.000000909&0000000000000073.000000737

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Blank map of Europe cropped (blue).svg
Autor: NikNaks, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Cropped version of Blank map of Europe.svg, coloured blue.
Province of Limburg (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: Vascer, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Limburg, Belgium
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 150 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 51.8° N * S: 49.2° N * W: 2.2° E * E: 6.9° E
Arrondissement Ieper Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Ieper in Belgium.
Flag of Flanders.svg
Autor: Tom Lemmens, Licence: CC0
Flag of Flanders (Belgium), the region and community.
Arrondissement Tielt Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Tielt in Belgium.
Autor: w:nl:Gebruiker:Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
This map indicates (in red) the location of administrative and judicial arrondissements of Turnhout in the province of Antwerp, Belgium. Both maps are the same and fill all the province of Antwerp. In this case, a redirection is available at File:Judicial_Arrondissement_Turnhout_Belgium_Map.png for an easy and intuitive access to judicial arrondissement map.
Héraldique Province BE Hainaut crown.svg
Autor: Benzebuth198, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason couronné de la province de Hainaut (Belgique).
Arrondissement Charleroi Belgium Map.png
Map of Charleroi District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Franse GemeenschapLocatie.png
Kaart Franse Gemeenschap
Arrondissement Hasselt Belgium Map.png
Map of Hasselt District in province of Limburg, Belgium.
Flag of Flemish Brabant.svg
Pavillon de la province Flamande du Brabant (Belgique)
Autor: w:nl:Gebruiker:Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Mechelen in Belgium.
Arrondissement Veurne Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Veurne in Belgium.
Arrondissement Ath Belgium Map.png
Map of Ath District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Walloon Region in Belgium.svg
Autor: TUBS Gallery, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of xy province/ region/ community (see filename) in Belgium.
Province of Antwerp (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: Vascer, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Antwerp, Belgium
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 150 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 51.8° N * S: 49.2° N * W: 2.2° E * E: 6.9° E
Map of the province East Flanders, showing Aalst arrondissement in red.
Arrondissement Diksmuide Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Diksmuide in Belgium.
Arrondissement Marche-en-Famenne Belgium Map.png
Map of Marche-en-Famenne District in province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
Colors changed by me, based on work from w:nl:Gebruiker:LennartBolks/kaartenhoekje also in PD.
Autor: Morwen, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Brussels location
Province of Luxembourg (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Luxembourg Belgium
Vlag van Oost-Vlaanderen.svg
Flag of the Belgian province of East-Flanderes
Arrondissement Tongeren Belgium Map.png
Map of Tongeren District in province of Limburg, Belgium.
Province of Liege (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Liege Belgium
Autor: w:nl:Gebruiker:Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Antwerpen in Belgium.
Blason namur prov crown.svg
Autor: Benzebuth198, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason de la Province de Namur (Belgique)
Arrondissement Soignies Belgium Map.png
Map of Soignies District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Map of the province West-Flanders, showing Kortijk arrondissement in red.
Arrondissement Mouscron Belgium Map.png
Map of Mouscron District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Arrondissement Halle-Vilvoorde Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Halle-Vilvoorde in Belgium.
Flag of Namur Province.svg
Shows the flag of the province of Namur in Belgium.
Map of the province East-Flanders, showing Eeklo arrondissement in red.
Arrondissement Leuven Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Leuven in Belgium.
Vlaams GewestLocatie.svg
Autor: Moi, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Carte avec la Flandre en rouge plein
Map of the province East-Flanders, showing Dendermonde arrondissement in red.
Wapen van Waals-Brabant.svg
Autor: Tom Lemmens, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Wapen van Waals-Brabant
Arrondissement Brugge Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Brugge in Belgium.
Arrondissement Roeselare Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Roeselare in Belgium.
Arrondissement Neufchâteau Belgium Map.png
Map of Neufchâteau District in province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
Colors changed by me, based on work from w:nl:Gebruiker:LennartBolks/kaartenhoekje also in PD.
Arrondissement Oostende Belgium Map.png
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of Arrondissement Oostende in Belgium.
Province of Namur (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Namur Belgium
Region Brussels Capital region blank.jpg
Autor: DerekvG, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Trace Brussel Capital region
Arrondissement Namur Belgium Map.png
Map of Namur District in province of Namur, Belgium.
Arrondissement Philippeville Belgium Map.png
Map of Philippeville District in province of Namur, Belgium.
Flag of Limburg (Belgium).svg
Flag of the province Limburg, Belgium.
Map of the province East-Flanders, showing Ghent arrondissement in red.
Arrondissement Tournai Belgium Map.png
Map of Tournai District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Vlaamse Gemeenschap in Belgium.svg
Autor: TUBS Gallery, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of xy province/ region/ community Vlaamse Gemeenschap in Belgium in Belgium.
Arrondissement Mons Belgium Map.png
Map of Mons District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Province of West Flanders (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: Vascer, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of West Flanders, Belgium
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 150 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 51.8° N * S: 49.2° N * W: 2.2° E * E: 6.9° E
Arrondissement Maaseik Belgium Map.png
Map of Maaseik District in province of Limburg, Belgium.
Arrondissement Arlon Belgium Map.png
Map of Arlon District in province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
Colors changed by me, based on work from w:nl:Gebruiker:LennartBolks/kaartenhoekje also in PD.
Flag of the Province of Liège.svg
Autor: Ch1902, Min's, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of the Belgian province Liege.
Duitstalige GemeenschapLocatie.png
map of Belgium showing the autonomous "German Speaking Community" in red.
Arrondissement Thuin Belgium Map.png
Map of Thuin District in province of Hainaut, Belgium.
Arrondissement Bastogne Belgium Map.png
Map of Bastogne District in province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
Colors changed by me, based on work from w:nl:Gebruiker:LennartBolks/kaartenhoekje also in PD.
Autor: Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of the province East-Flanders, showing Oudenaarde arrondissement in red.
Province of Hainaut (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Hainaut Belgium
Province of Flemish Brabant (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: Vascer, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 150 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 51.8° N * S: 49.2° N * W: 2.2° E * E: 6.9° E
Provinces of Belgium with CoA-en.svg
Autor: Lordsutch, based on Greek version by Wikibelgiaan, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Map of the provinces of Belgium, with coats of arms, labeled in English.
Blason liege prov crown.svg
Autor: Benzebuth198, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Blason couronné de la province de Liège
Province of East Flanders (Belgium) location.svg
Autor: Vascer, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Province of East Flanders, Belgium
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 150 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 51.8° N * S: 49.2° N * W: 2.2° E * E: 6.9° E
Arrondissement Nivelles Belgium Map.png
This map indicates (in red) the location of administrative and judicial arrondissements of Nivelles in the province of Brabant Wallon, Belgium. Both maps are the same and fill all the province of Brabant Wallon. In this case, a redirection is available at File:Judicial_Arrondissement_Nivelles_Belgium_Map.png for an easy and intuitive access to judicial arrondissement map. Colors changed based on work from w:nl:Gebruiker:LennartBolks/kaartenhoekje also in PD
Autor: w:nl:Gebruiker:Westermarck, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Map of the province East-Flanders, showing Sint-Niklaas arrondissement in red.
Arrondissement Virton Belgium Map.png
Map of Virton District in province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
Flag of the German Community in Belgium.svg
Flag of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, SVG version of File:BE DG Fahne randlos.png. Note: by Decree, the official flag has the same ratio as the Belgian national flag (13:15), but the 2:3 version is used almost exclusively instead, similar to the Belgian national flag.
Arrondissement Dinant Belgium Map.png
Map of Dinant District in province of Namur, Belgium.
Flag of Hainaut.svg
Autor: User:Phlegmatic, Licence: CC0
Flagge Hennegaus, belgische Provinz
Wapen van Oost-Vlaanderen.svg
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC0