Alexandrijský kodex

Alexandrijský kodex (Codex Alexandrinus, London, British Library, MS Royal 1. D. V-VIII) je jeden z nejstarších rukopisů Bible, řecký majuskulní kodex pocházející z konce 5. století. Kodex byl napsán v Egyptě. Původně se skládal z 820 pergamenových listů, z nichž se dochovalo celkem 773. Rozměry listů jsou 32 cm (výška) a 26 cm (šířka), každý list má dva sloupce o 49 - 52 řádcích. Obsahuje s několika mezerami celý Starý zákon, Nový zákon se také vyznačuje rozsáhlejšími mezerami. Volně je k biblickému textu připojen list Klementův.
Kodex se dostal v roce 1098 do vlastnictví alexandrijského patriarchy. Odtud pochází i jeho název. V roce 1621 se kodex dostal do Konstantinopole a v roce 1627 jej daroval řecký patriarcha Kyril Lukaris anglickému králi Karlovi I.. Od té doby se nachází v Britském muzeu v Londýně.
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- Alexandrijský kodex Archivováno 18. 7. 2011 na Wayback Machine
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Média použitá na této stránce
Luke 12:54-13:4, extracted from the manuscript of the Codex Alexandrinus. BL Royal MS 1 D, f. 32r. Held and digitised by the British Library.mail
Cust pmñjjmnmmljjjjĵmmmmFolio 41v from the Codex Alexandrinus contains the end of the Gospel according to Luke with the decorative tailpiece found at the end of each book. Codex Alexandrinus (Gregory-Aland 02), Bible in four volumes: Volume 4 (New Testament)
- Please note that the old folio number was folio 65; older literature including the catalogue entry reproduced online refer to fol. 41v as "fol. 65v" catalogue entry, which gives "6. (ff. 20r-41v): Superscription (f. 20r): 'Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Λουκᾶν'. Colophon (f. 41v): 'Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Λουκᾶν'" [Evangelion according to Luke])
From British Library Codex Alexandrinus:
Held by British Library
Shelfmark: Royal MS 1 D VIII
Copied in the 5th century, Codex Alexandrinus is one of the three early Greek manuscripts that preserve both the Old and the New Testaments together.
Its name (‘Book from Alexandria’) derives from the city of Alexandria in Egypt, where it was preserved before the Greek Patriarch of Alexandria, Cyril Lucar (d. 1638) brought it to Constantinople in 1621. As Greek Orthodox Patriarch, Lucar had close ties to Britain and the Church of England, which supported him in many of his activities. He presented this manuscript as a gift to the ruling monarch, Charles I (r. 1625–1649) in 1627. Arriving in London through the English Ambassador to Istanbul, Codex Alexandrinus became part of the Royal Library. It survived the devastating fire of 1733, when the librarian Richard Bentley (d. 1742) rescued it himself from the flames. It subsequently entered the British Museum and then the British Library.
Codex Alexandrinus contains the entire Bible in Greek, comprising the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament (Septuagint), together with the New Testament. Its content is slightly different from a modern printed Bible: it contains several extra books, including Maccabees as part of the Septuagint Old Testament and the First Epistle of St Clement of Rome (d. 99) at the end of the New Testament. It is especially noteworthy for preserving one of the best texts of Deuteronomy and Revelation, and it is the oldest manuscript of the second and third books of Maccabees.