Anaplastický astrocytom

Anaplastický astrocytom
Anaplastic astrocytoma - very high mag - cropped.jpg
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Anaplastický astrocytom je vzácný zhoubný nádor mozku. Postihuje 4 lidi z 1 milionu.


Anaplastický astrocytom se projevuje bolestmi hlavy, záchvaty, ohniskovým neurologickým deficitem, vzácněji částečným ochrnutím jedné poloviny těla, poruchou řeči a psychickými změnami. Užívá se CT a MRI.


Léčba je vzhledem k difuzní (neohraničené) povaze nádoru komplikovaná a chirurgicky nelze nádor kompletně odstranit. Ozařování doplňuje léčbu. Chemoterapie se neprovádí. 23 % pacientů se dožije 5 let, přičemž starší pacienti umírají mnohem více v prvních letech po diagnóze.[1]



  1. NUÑO, Miriam; BIRCH, Kurtis; MUKHERJEE, Debraj; SARMIENTO, J. Manuel; BLACK, Keith L.; PATIL, Chirag G. Survival and Prognostic Factors of Anaplastic Gliomas. S. 458–465. Neurosurgery [online]. 2013-09-01 [cit. 2020-11-24]. Roč. 73, čís. 3, s. 458–465. DOI 10.1227/01.neu.0000431477.02408.5e. PMID 23719055. (anglicky) 

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Star of life2.svg
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Star of life2.svg
Star of life, blue version. Represents the Rod of Asclepius, with a snake around it, on a 6-branch star shaped as the cross of 3 thick 3:1 rectangles.
The logo is basically unicolor, most often a slate or medium blue, but this design uses a slightly lighter shade of blue for the outer outline of the cross, and the outlines of the rod and of the snake. The background is transparent (but the star includes a small inner plain white outline). This makes this image usable and visible on any background, including blue. The light shade of color for the outlines makes the form more visible at smaller resolutions, so that the image can easily be used as an icon.

This SVG file was manually created to specify alignments, to use only integers at the core 192x192 size, to get smooth curves on connection points (without any angle), to make a perfect logo centered in a exact square, to use a more precise geometry for the star and to use slate blue color with slightly lighter outlines on the cross, the rod and snake.

Finally, the SVG file is clean and contains no unnecessary XML elements or attributes, CSS styles or transforms that are usually added silently by common SVG editors (like Sodipodi or Inkscape) and that just pollute the final document, so it just needs the core SVG elements for the rendering. This is why its file size is so small.
Anaplastic astrocytoma - very high mag - cropped.jpg
Autor: Nephron, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Very high magnification micrograph of an anaplastic astrocytoma. H&E stain.

The typical features are present:

  • Marked nuclear atypia.
  • Elongated nuclei (consistent with derivation from an astrocyte ).
  • Mitoses.
  • Fine fibrillary processes (consistent with a glial cell population).
  • Cytoplasmic staining of atypical cells with GFAP.
  • p53 immunohistochemical stain positivity.
  • High proliferative rate based on Ki-67 staining.

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