Anne McClainová

Anne McClainová
Astronautka NASA
Státní příslušnostUSAUSA USA
Datum narození7. června 1979 (44 let)
Místo narozeníUSA Spokane, USA
Čas ve vesmíru203 dní, 15 hodin a 16 minut
MiseSojuz MS-11 (Expedice 58/59)
Znaky misíEmblém Expedice 58 Emblém Expedice 59
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Anne Charlotte McClainová (nepřechýleně McClain; * 7. června 1979, Spokane, USA) je podplukovnice americké armády a astronautka ve službách NASA. Pro vesmírný program NASA byla vybrána v roce 2013 a ke konci roku 2018 poprvé letěla na Mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici (ISS) v rámci Expedice 58.


Anne McClain se narodila v americkém městě Spokane, kde v roce 1997 úspěšně dokončila střední školu Gonzaga Preparatory School, načež se přestěhovala do státu New York kvůli studiu na vojenské akademii United States Military Academy.[1] Z té získala bakalářský titul v roce 2002 v oboru mechanického a leteckého inženýrství.[2] Poté se přesunula do Velké Británie, kde studovala na univerzitách University of Bath a na bristolské universitě.[1]

Během svého působení v armádě McClain nalétala přes 2 tisíce hodin na různých letounech a helikoptérách jako jsou Bell OH-58 Kiowa, Eurocopter UH-72 Lakota či Beechcraft C-12 Huron. Na některé stroje též vlastní licenci testovacího pilota.[1]

Mise na ISS

V roce 2013 byla vybrána pro vesmírný program agentury NASA a začala s výcvikem. Mezi astronauty a astronautkami, kteří byli vybráni do 21. oddílu, byla McClain nejmladší.[2] Na ISS McClain odstartovala 3. prosince 2018 z ruského kosmodromu Bajkonur v rámci 58. expedice. Tento start byl prvním s lidskou posádkou po nehodě předchozího pilotovaného letu s raketou Sojuz MS-10.[3]



  1. a b c NASA. Anne C. McClain (Lt Col, U.S. Army) NASA Astronaut [online]. NASA [cit. 2019-03-08]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  2. a b MAJER, Dušan. Konečně šestičlenná posádka ISS [online]., 2018-12-06 [cit. 2019-03-08]. Dostupné online. 
  3. MAJER, Dušan. ŽIVĚ A ČESKY: První pilotovaný Sojuz po nehodě [online]., 2018-12-02 [cit. 2019-03-08]. Dostupné online. 

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Média použitá na této stránce

ISS Expedition 59 Patch.svg
The Expedition 59 crew insignia
  • The Expedition 59 patch celebrates the International Space Station’s role as a microgravity science laboratory. The crew, made up of scientists, doctors, engineers and pilots, will conduct hundreds of experiments for the benefit of mankind and our fragile environment on planet Earth.
  • The patch shape depicts the cupola windows. Through these windows, astronauts have made many significant observations of Earth’s ecosystems and they have discovered and documented real-time events like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
  • The position of the Earth at the top of the patch depicts where the Earth would be seen by an astronaut from the cupola. It represents the explorers’ unique perspective on his or her home. The image at the center of the patch is the station itself, the largest single structure humans have ever put into space, an engineering marvel.
  • The station is overlaid on an atom, the basic building block of all matter. The atom has three electron orbits with the flags of Russia, the United States of America and Canada, representing the home countries of the Expedition 59 crew. Like electrons in an atom, international cooperation is the basic stabilizing force that enables large scale space exploration.
  • To achieve great deeds, humans from all across the globe must work together in peace with a shared vision. The Expedition 59 patch celebrates the massive scientific accomplishments of the space station while highlighting the importance of global teamwork in understanding our planet and continuing with bold exploration in the future.
ISS Expedition 58 Patch.svg
The official insignia for the three-member Expedition 58 crew with Anne McClain of NASA, Oleg Kononenko of Roscosmos and David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency.
  • Thousands of people worldwide dedicate their lives to the human exploration of space. As one team, we strive to learn, discover and pioneer for the benefit of all mankind. The Expedition 58 patch is a crew tribute to those thousands who stand ready every day committed to supporting this mission.
  • Central to the patch is the compass rose—a symbol of exploration past, present and future. The passing of the International Space Station from darkness into light suggests that we are only just peaking over the horizon, looking forward to advancing human understanding of our place in the universe.
  • The crew of Expedition 58 are fortunate explorers … never alone in their journey. Among the night lights on the Earth are glints of brightness – the global team and major control facilities that keep the space station on orbit and its inhabitants on track.
  • And as the explorers from centuries past used stars to guide their way, so too does the crew of Expedition 58. The stars on the Expedition 58 patch are their families, one star for each member. They shine on as a beacon of strength and a guiding light home.
Anne C. McClain portrait.jpg
JSC2014-E-008049 (16 Jan. 2014) --- Anne C. McClain, NASA astronaut candidate class of 2013.