
Provincie Azua
Hlavní městoAzua de Compostela
Rozloha2 682,5 km²
Časové pásmoUTC−04:00
Geodata (OSM)OSM, WMF
Počet obyvatel236 478 (2022)
Hustota zalidnění88,2 obyv./km²
Národnostní složeníDominikánci
Správa regionu
StátDominikánská republikaDominikánská republika Dominikánská republika
Mezinárodní identifikace
ISO 3166-2DO-02
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Azua je provincie Dominikánské republiky, ležící na jihozápadě krajiny. Rozlohou je to pátá největší provincie; Azua zabírá z celkové rozlohy státu 5,2 %. Počtem obyvatel je Azua desátý největší region a počet obyvatel Azuy k celkovému obyvatelstvu Dominikánské republiky je 2,4 %.

Provincie Azua má 10 obcí:

  • Azua de Compostela
  • Estebanía
  • Guayabal
  • Las Charcas
  • Las Yayas de Viajama
  • Padre Las Casas
  • Peralta
  • Sabana Yegua
  • Pueblo Viejo
  • Tabara Arriba


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Flag of Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Azua in Dominican Republic.svg
Autor: TUBS Gallery, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location of province xy (see filename) in the Dominican Republic.
Playa Monte Río en Azua.jpg
Autor: Dcarolina.2000, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Playa Monte Río en Azua de Compostela en República Dominicana.