Bariéry na Temži

(c) Tom Corser, CC BY-SA 2.0 uk
Pohled na bariéry

Bariéry na Temži jsou systémem ochrany Londýna a jeho aglomerace před povodněmi ze Severního moře proti proudu řeky Temže při vysokém přílivu nebo bouřích. O vybudování této ochrany se začalo přemýšlet po velkých záplavách v roce 1953. Zkonstruovány byly v letech 19741984. Od té doby byly vícekrát využity, naposledy 5. prosince 2013. Jde o druhý největší protipovodňový systém na světě po bariérách Oosterscheldekering v Nizozemsku.



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Thames Barrier 04.jpg
Autor: Andy Roberts from East London, England, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Thames Barrier
Thames Barrier from a boat.jpg
Autor: Secretlondon, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Thames Barrier in london, taken from a boat
Thames Barrier London.jpg
(c) Tom Corser, CC BY-SA 2.0 uk
The Thames Barrier prevents the floodplain of most of Greater London from being flooded by exceptionally high tides and storm surges moving up from the North Sea. It has been operational since 1984. When needed, it is closed (raised) during high tide; at low tide it can be opened to restore the river's flow towards the sea. Built approximately 3 km due east of the Isle of Dogs, its northern bank is in Silvertown in the London Borough of Newham and its southern bank is in the New Charlton area of the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
Thames Barrier Gate Closing.JPG
(c) Kbthompson na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce angličtina, CC BY 2.5
I admit it, I did it ... Kevin Thompson, if nothing else, pls attribute

A distant view of workers roped to a barrier. I assume the barrier is in a maintenance position.

Photographed by Adrian Pingstone in June 2005 and released to the public domain.