Beauty dish

Beauty dish (z angličtiny beauty = krása, dish = parabolický reflektor) je typ fotografického zařízení sloužícího k osvětlení scény. Využívá parabolický reflektor k usměrnění světla do ohniska. Takto generované světlo je něco mezi přímým bleskem a softboxem, snímku dává „zabalený“, kontrastní vzhled s dramatickým efektem. Využívá se při portrétní, modelingové i produktové fotografii.
Dodávají se ve velikostech 40, 56 a 70 cm, například s voštinami, difuzérem nebo klapkami. Klapky světlo lépe směrují, voštiny a difuzér světlo změkčují.
- (c) Ra Boe / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 de
Beauty dish během záblesku
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Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Beauty dish ve Wikimedia Commons
- Beauty Dish po domácku na[nedostupný zdroj]
- Porozumění beauty dish na
Média použitá na této stránce
(c) Ra Boe / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 de
Bilder von Hamburger Workshop Studioblitzen 2012. Hier Ausschnitt vom Originalbild und Beschriftung: Oktagon Softbox, Beauty Dish
Autor: Michael Carian, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
The following is the author's description of the photograph quoted directly from the photograph's Flickr page.
"This was I think the best of the lot. It breaks my heart that I had half my gear, a crummy location and only 5 minutes with her. This turned out so nice.
7D with a Tamron 17-50, Main light 550EX In my homemade beauty dish <a href="">seen here</a>. backlight 420EX on floor behind subject. "
Autor: Gürkan Sengün, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Deflectors in white, clear, and silver
Autor: Gürkan Sengün, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Elinchrom beauty dish, 44 cm diameter, white
Autor: Robert Bejil, Licence: CC BY 2.0
About a year ago, I did some photos for Tasha and her cousin Angelina for their birthdays. Tasha hit me up and wanted to more photos again this year, but unfortunately Angelina had to cancel, so we still decided to shoot. I went out to the shoot expecting to use my brand new 86" PLM, but I COMPLETELY underestimated the wind and as soon as I opened the PLM the wind forced it open and broke it! ERG! I called Paul C. Buff company and luckily it was still under Warranty so they already shipped me a new one! Luckily I asked Alan to bring his beauty dish (i'm obsessed with that thing) because otherwise I would not have had any kind of modifier and would have had to shoot natty or bare bulb. Thanks for helping save the day bud! I'd also like to thank my girlfriend Monica for being such a great assistant :D
- AB1600 @ 1/32 power with Alan's Paul Buff Beauty Dish. Camera left. - Silver reflector held by Monica for fill, camera right. - powered with Vagabond II - Triggered Via Cactus V4
last year's shoot:
<a href=""></a>Autor: svajcr, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
beauty dish s voštinami