Bitva u Pánípatu (1526)

První bitva u Pánípatu
konflikt: Mughalská expanze
Bitva u Pánípatu a smrt sultána Ibráhíma. Ilustrace z Rukopisu Baburnama (Paměti Báburovy) z konce 16. století.
Bitva u Pánípatu a smrt sultána Ibráhíma. Ilustrace z Rukopisu Baburnama (Paměti Báburovy) z konce 16. století.

Trvání21. dubna 1526
MístoPánípat (dnešní Harijána), Indie
Výsledekvítězství Tímúrovců, vyplenění Dillí
Změny územíanexe a zánik Dillíského sultanátu, vznik Mughalské říše
Mughalská říše Tímúrovská dynastieDillíský sultanát Lódiové
Mughalská říše Bábur
Mughalská říše Humájún
Mughalská říše Chin Timúr Chán
Mughalská říše Mustafa Rúmí
Mughalská říše Asad Málik Hast
Mughalská říše Sanghar Alí Chán
Dillíský sultanát Ibráhim Lódí
Dillíský sultanát Vikramjit †
12 000–25 000 mužů,
15–20 děl
20 000 regulérní jízdy,
20 000 nepravidelných jezdců,
30 000 pěšáků vyzbrojených meči, kopími, luky a bambusovými tyčemi
neznámé6 000 mrtvých v bitvě,
další tisíce zabitých při útěku

Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Bitva u Pánípatu (též první bitva u Pánípatu) proběhla v roce 1526 a střetly se zde armády Bábura z Tímúrovské dynastie a Ibráhima Lódího z dynastie Lódiů. Bitva skončila vítězstvím Bábura, který zde položil základ mughalské říše, a smrtí Ibráhíma Lódiho, který se stal posledním sultánem dillíského sultanátu.

Pánípat se nachází v dnešní Harijáně.

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Alam of the Mughal Empire.svg
Autor: TRAJAN 117, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Alam of the Mughal Empire.
The battle of Panipat and the death of Sultan Ibrāhīm, the last of the Lōdī Sultans of Delhi.jpg
Illustrations from the Manuscript of Baburnama (Memoirs of Babur) - Late 16th Century

Bāburnāma is the memoirs of Ẓahīr ud-Dīn Muḥammad Bābur (1483-1530), founder of the Mughal Empire and a great-great-great-grandson of Timur. It is an autobiographical work, originally written in the Chagatai language, known to Babur as "Turki" (meaning Turkic), the spoken language of the Andijan-Timurids. Because of Babur's cultural origin, his prose is highly Persianized in its sentence structure, morphology, and vocabulary,and also contains many phrases and smaller poems in Persian. During Emperor Akbar's reign, the work was completely translated to Persian by a Mughal courtier, Abdul Rahīm, in AH (Hijri) 998 (1589-90).

These Paintings, being a fragment of a dispersed copy, was executed most probably in the late 10th AH /16th CE century. It contains 30 mostly full-page miniatures in fine Mughal style by at least two different artists. Another major fragment of this work (57 folios) is in the State Museum of Eastern Cultures, Moscow.
Delhi Sultanate Flag.svg
Flag of the Sultanate of Delhi according to the Catalan Atlas (1375). The flag is grey with a black band in the Catalan Atlas (attached image), not green with a black band as previously uploaded.
The actual grey and black color appears clearly in the primary source (and the Catalan Atlas has plenty of green otherwise, so the grey cannot be a result of color fading), and this interpretation is confirmed by academic sources:

REFERENCE: "....that helps to identify yet another curious flag found in northern India – a brown or originally sliver flag with a vertical black line – as the flag of the Delhi Sultanate (602-962/1206-1555)." in (2010). "On the Timurid flag". Beiträge zur islamischen Kunst und Archäologie 2: 148.

WARNING: This is primary source image, the actual flag is otherwise unknown. The main source pointing to this design is the Catalan Atlas, which as a historical primary source. This image should not be added to articles without clearly attributing its primary source origin, and secondary sources are additionally desired if available (such as the one above). Note that FOTW (where most of those flags on Commons are adapted from) is based on user contributions like Wikipedia, and hence not authoritative.


The file of the actual grey flag from the Catalan Atlas was overwritten by the uploader over the previous green flag, a hoax that actually cannot be found in the Catalan Atlas. The original file claiming to be the "Flag of the Delhi Sultanate" being a hoax, it was quintessentially false and misled users, and therefore had to be updated with a proper and accurate image. This is following the spirit of the COM:OW rule about "Files with current data" which for example allows to modify the file of a map which has false national boundaries: "Files with current data: (...) However, files may be identified to reusers as ones where information may be updated – these files can and should be overwritten to reflect new information as necessary. (...) A file named "File:Germany location map.svg" is expected to indicate the current boundaries, and is expected to be updated if, for example, the boundaries changed or errors were observed." So a map with false boundaries can, and should be, overwriten: similarly a national flag with a false design can and should be overwritten.