Bratři Zangakiové
Bratři Zangakiové | |
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Adelphoi Zangaki (George a Constantine Zangaki, bratři Zangakiové, aktivní v letech 1870[1]-1890[2]) byli dva řečtí fotografové, kteří se specializovali na fotografie historických nebo starověkých egyptských scén, které pak prodávali turistům jako pohlednice. Občas spolupracovali s fotografem Hippolytem Arnouxem z města Port Said.
O činnosti obou bratrů je toho známo velmi málo. Své fotografie označovali písmeny C. a G. a pracovali v Port Said a v Káhiře.[3] Jejich fotografie z konce 19. století Egypta byly sice určené ke komerčnímu prodeji během tehdy prosperujícího turistického ruchu Evropanů do Egypta, ale v moderní době jsou velmi ceněné historiky a sběrateli pro jejich vhled do života tamních obyvatel. Snímky zahrnují pohledy na pyramidy (např. Cheopsovu pyramidu nebo Sfingu) a města (např. Suez nebo Alexandrie), stejně jako portréty Egypťanů a jejich každodenní život (např. učitel s žáky, muži u rozvodněného Nilu, nebo ženy v domácnosti).
Jsou známé tyto používané názvy:
- Adelphoi Zangaki
- C. & G. Zangaki
- C. & G. Zangaki Brothers
- C. and G. Zangaki
- C. and G. Zangaki Brothers
- Constantine Zangaki
- George and Constantine Zangaki
- George Zangaki
- Zangaki
- Zangaki frères
Arab, vlevo dole je značka fotografů
Arab se třemi ženami a dvěma sluhy
Chlapec s oslíkem čeká na turisty, kteří si prohlížejí chrám
Pozvánka na arabskou svatbu
The Pests of the Pyramids, sbírka Boston Public Library
Arabský festival
Akt, asi 1880
- ↑ Princeton University Archivováno 11. 6. 2011 na Wayback Machine, The Zangaki Collection finding aid lists them as flourishing 1870 to 1875
- ↑ Cambridge University Archivováno 5. 3. 2012 na Wayback Machine, The Janus database lists them as flourishing 1880 to 1889
- ↑ Many of the Zangaki photographs are signed with a brother's initial and/or a place of business (e.g. "C. Zangaki" or "Zangaki, Cairo")
Související články
Externí odkazy
- Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Bratři Zangakiové na Wikimedia Commons
- (anglicky) Royal Commonwealth Society Photograph Collection, Photographers'
- (anglicky) C. & G. Zangaki Photographs Collection, circa 1870-1875: Finding Aid
- (anglicky) Zangaki Brothers In Egypt
- (anglicky) Zangaki Brothers na Luminous Lint
Média použitá na této stránce
Autor: New York Public Library, Licence: No restrictions
Digital ID: 88440. Zangaki -- Photographer. 1860s-1920s
Source: [Photographs and prints of Egypt and Syria.] (more info)
Repository: The New York Public Library. Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.
See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery. Persistent URL:
Rights Info: No known copyright restrictions; may be subject to third party rights (for more information, click here)Zangaki Brothers nude photographs
BPLDC no.: 08_04_000016
Page Title: The Pests of the Pyramids
Collection: Tupper Scrapbooks Collection
Album: Volume 26: Lower Egypt. Pyramids.
Call no. 4098B.104 v26 (p. 15)
Creator: Tupper, William Vaughn
Description: Scrapbook page with one photograph showing a group of children gathered in the middle of the road leading to the Egyptian Pyramids, annotated with additional information about the Pyramids.
Subjects: Egypt travel photography pyramids (tombs) group portraits children (people by age group) Pyramids--Egypt--Al-Qāhirah
Page size: 33 x 38.1 cm
Annotations: Traditions exist that these Pyramids were covered by inscriptions and while no traces remain it is quite in – accord with the habits of the Egyptians. Inasmuch as temples, obelisks, and mastabas are covered with inscriptions it is quite natural to infer that the same course should have been pursued with the Pyramids. The Copts have a legend that one inscription read “I have built the Pyramid in sixty years let him who come after me try to destroy it in six hundred. I have covered it with silk let them try to cover it with mats.” Myth describes a Lady of the Pyramids, a beautiful naked woman with dazzling teeth enthroned on [continued next page]
Language: English, photograph has French title
Rights: No known restrictions.
Coverage: Egypt
Notes: Title supplied by cataloger, derived from captions or annotated information.
Format: Scrapbooks
Technique: Photographs, Albumen prints
BPL Department: Print Department
Photo 1: Photographer: Zangaki, Constantine
Title: No. 388 La retoure des Pyramides
Caption: The pests of the Pyramids
Date: ca. 1860-1890
Flickr data on 2011-08-03:
- Camera: Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW, Sinar m
- License: CC BY 2.0
- User: Boston Public Library BPL
BPLDC no.: 08_04_000051
Page Title: Arab with Three Wives and Two Servants
Collection: Tupper Scrapbooks Collection
Album: Volume 26: Lower Egypt. Pyramids.
Call no. 4098B.104 v26 (p. 50)
Creator: Tupper, William Vaughn
Description: Scrapbook page with a photograph of an Egyptian man standing next to a cart with five people riding in it.
Subjects: Group portraits Egypt travel photography Carts & wagons Spouses
Page size: 33 x 38.1 cm
Annotations: On their weekly Friday excursion to the cemetery. Amoung the Muslims the separation of the sexes is as strict after death as his life. In family vaults one side is set apart for the men and the other for the women exclusively.
Language: English, photograph titled in French
Rights: No known restrictions.
Coverage: Egypt
Notes: Title supplied by cataloger, derived from captions or annotated information.
Format: Scrapbooks
Technique: Photographs, Albumen prints
BPL Department: Print Department
Photo 1: Photographer: Zangaki, Constantine
Title: No. 896 visite de cimitier
Caption: Arab with three wives and two servants
Date: ca. 1860-1890
Flickr data on 2011-08-03:
- Camera: Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW, Sinar m
- License: CC BY 2.0
- User: Boston Public Library BPL
A self-portrait of one of the Zangaki brothers. Albumen print 8.4 in x 11 in (216 mm x 280 mm) . Shows cannon at Alexandria., ca1870s. Note: It is generally thought that the man sitting on the cannon and pointing to the initials G.Z. carved on its barrel is one of the Zangaki brothers, mostly likely George.
Autor: Boston Public Library, Licence: CC BY 2.0
BPLDC no.: 08_04_000217
Page Title: Donkey Boy waiting while Tourist inspects Temple.
Collection: William Vaughn Tupper Scrapbook Collection
Album: On the Nile. Cairo to Luxor.
Call no.: 4098B.104 v31 (p.31)
Creator: Tupper, William Vaughn
Photographer: Adelphoi Zangaki (Firm)
Genre: Scrapbooks; Albumen prints
Extent: 1 photographic print mounted on page : albumen ; page 33 x 39 cm.
Description: Scrapbook page contains one photograph of a little boy sleeping with a donkey outside of a temple. The annotations included on this page describe Tuppers experience with so called donkey boys of Egypt.
Transcription: These boys seem to know a little of every European language and are accustomed to tell one that the donkey bears a name suggestive of his home. My donkey at Cairo was named Yankee Doodle, Rosa Neal, at Karnak it was Kalamazoo. Their grammar is sometimes defective for instance the remark of boy at Luxor. "Luce good donkey, why his mother my wife not come?" Their treatment of their beast is justified only by the Arab proverb "The stick came down from heaven!"- they are hardy and will run sometimes 17-20 miles.
Notes: Page description supplied by cataloger, derived from captions and/or annotated information.; Caption on image: No. 808 Le Someille pronde
BPL Department: Print Department
Rights: No known restrictions.Autor: New York Public Library, Licence: No restrictions
Digital ID: 88428. Zangaki -- Photographer. 1860s-1920s
Notes: Title on photograph is very difficult to read
Source: [Photographs and prints of Egypt and Syria.] (more info)
Repository: The New York Public Library. Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.
See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery. Persistent URL:
Rights Info: No known copyright restrictions; may be subject to third party rights (for more information, click here)Autor: New York Public Library, Licence: No restrictions
Digital ID: 88431. Zangaki -- Photographer. 1860s-1920s
Source: [Photographs and prints of Egypt and Syria.] (more info)
Repository: The New York Public Library. Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.
See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery. Persistent URL:
Rights Info: No known copyright restrictions; may be subject to third party rights (for more information, click here)Autor: New York Public Library, Licence: No restrictions
Digital ID: 88439. Zangaki -- Photographer. 1860s-1920s
Source: [Photographs and prints of Egypt and Syria.] (more info)
Repository: The New York Public Library. Photography Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs.
See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery. Persistent URL:
Rights Info: No known copyright restrictions; may be subject to third party rights (for more information, click here)