Burton Holmes
Burton Holmes | |
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Narození | 1. srpna 1870 Chicago |
Úmrtí | 22. července 1958 (ve věku 87 let) Los Angeles |
Místo pohřbení | Forest Lawn Memorial Park |
Povolání | filmový režisér, fotograf, filmový producent a objevitel |
Ocenění | Hvězda na Hollywoodském chodníku slávy |
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Elias Burton Holmes (1. srpna 1870, Chicago – 22. července 1958, Los Angeles) byl americký cestovatel, fotograf a filmař, který vytvořil termín „cestopis“. Cestovní příběhy, prezentace a filmy existovaly již před Holmesem, než začal svou kariéru, stejně jako profese cestovatele; ale Holmes byl první, kdo všechny tyto prvky spojil do dokumentárních cestovatelských přednášek.
Raná léta
Elias Burton Holmes se narodil v chicagské rodině ze střední třídy, jako syn bankéře. Jeho zájem o cestování se probudil v devíti letech, když ho jeho babička vzala na přednášku tehdy slavného cestovatelského lektora Johna L. Stoddarda (s nímž se měl Holmes setkat na následné cestě do zahraničí).[1]
V roce 1890 doprovázel Holmes svou babičku na cestě do Evropy a když se vrátil, ukázal snímky ze své cesty v klubu Chicago Camera Club, jehož byl členem. Holmes o této události napsal: „Aby nebylo v sále ticho a udržel jsem představení v pohybu, napsal jsem o své cestě zprávu a četl si ji, když kolega měnil snímky na stereoptikonu.“[1]
Navzdory úspěchu této akce, která pro klub vydělala 350 $, se až po několika letech Holmes rozhodl, že se stane lektorem. V roce 1893, poté, co Holmes rozeslal 2000 pozvánek vybrané skupině obyvatel Chicaga, dvakrát vyprodal přednášky o nedávné cestě do Japonska.
Holmes měl se svými přednáškami o cestování zpočátku jen malý úspěch. V roce 1897 odešel John L. Stoddard do důchodu a ve svém oboru vytvořil něco jako vakuum. Přibližně ve stejnou dobu začal Holmes doplňovat své ručně barevné skleněné diapozitivy tehdy vzrušující novou technologií pohyblivých obrázků. Jak roky plynuly, jeho přednášky ovládal stále více film.[2]
V následujících letech Holmes hodně cestoval: Severní a Jižní Amerika, Evropa, Rusko, Indie, Etiopie, Barma (nyní Myanmar). Přednášel o takových tématech, jako je Panamský průplav, „Frivolity Paříže“, dokonce o dobrodružstvích Richarda Halliburtona, jednoho z jeho konkurentů v profesi lektora cestování. V roce 1896 navštívil první moderní olympijské hry, jel prvním transsibiřským vlakem a v roce 1899 natočil první filmy, které kdy byly vyrobeny z Japonska. Během svých cest překročil Atlantik a Tichý oceán více než 50krát. Jak se Holmes stal známějším, přivedl si asistenty, jako například Andreje de la Varreho, na natáčení filmů a fotografií, zatímco si dělal poznámky na své přednášky, a také zaměstnával obchodního manažera. S nástupem Hollywoodu začal Holmes točit krátké cestovní filmy pro Paramount a později Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Holmesova jednání – kterých bylo do konce života více než 8 000 – si získala své největší publikum v kosmopolitních městech, jako je New York, Boston a Philadelphia. Zvláště se staral o cestovatele v křesle s fantazií únikových cest, a proto své přednášky vědomě zaměřil na nejpříjemnější a nejkrásnější aspekty míst, o kterých přednášel. Vyhnul se veškeré diskusi o politice, chudobě a dalších sociálních neduzích.[3]
Osobní život
V roce 1914 se Holmes oženil s Margaret Oliverovou, kterou potkal na jedné ze svých expedic. Žili především na panství zvaném „Topside“ v Hollywood Hills, což byl bývalý jezdecký klub. Holmes měl v New Yorku také duplex „Nirvana“, který byl plný pokladů z jihovýchodní Asie; toto nakonec prodal Robertu Ripleymu.[4]
Burton Holmes má hvězdu na hollywoodském chodníku slávy. V roce 2004 se 200 svitků Holmesových dokumentárních záběrů, dlouho ztracených myšlenek, objevilo v opuštěné skladovací jednotce. V současné době jsou umístěny ve filmovém muzeu George Eastmana.
Burton Holmes travelogues (1908)
Burton Holmes travelogues (1908)
Burton Holmes travelogues (1908)
Burton Holmes travelogues (1908)
Travelogues; (1917)
Travelogues; (1917)
Travelogues; (1917)
Travelogues; (1917)
Travelogues; (1917)
Travelogues; (1908)
Travelogues; (1908)
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Burton Holmes na anglické Wikipedii.
- ↑ a b Wallace, Irving. „Everybody's Rover Boy“. In The Sunday Gentleman, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1965, s. 115.
- ↑ „Burton Holmes, Extraordinary Traveler“ website, „Hand-Painted Colored Slides“ page.
- ↑ Wallace, Irving. „Everybody's Rover Boy“. In The Sunday Gentleman, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1965, s. 113.
- ↑ „Burton Holmes, Extraordinary Traveler“, burtonholmes.org; accessed March 2, 2018.
- Díla Holmese
- The Burton Holmes Lectures. [s.l.]: Little-Preston OCLC 5082081 (anglicky) . v.1, v.5, v.9
- The Traveler's Russia. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1934.
- The World Is Mine. Culver City, California: Murray & Gee, 1953.
- HOLMES, Burton. The Olympian Games in Athens, 1896: The First Modern Olympics. [s.l.]: Grove / Atlantic, Incorporated, 1920. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0-394-62115-9.
- Díla o Holmesovi
- HOLMES, Burton; TASCHEN, Benedikt; CALDWELL, Genoa. Burton Holmes Travelogues: The Greatest Traveler of His Time, 1892-1952. [s.l.]: Taschen, 2006. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-3-8228-4815-9.
- CALDWELL, Genoa. The Man who Photographed the World: Burton Holmes, Travelogues. [s.l.]: H.N. Abrams, 1977. Dostupné online. ISBN 9780810910591.
- ROAN, Jeanette. Envisioning Asia: On Location, Travel, and the Cinematic Geography of U.S. Orientalism. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2010. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0-472-05083-3. OCLC 671655107 Kapitola "To travel is to possess the world": The Illustrated Travel Lectures of E. Burton Holmes, s. 27–68.
- SOULE, Thayer. On the Road with Travelogues: 1935-1995 a Sixty-Year Romp. [s.l.]: 1st Books Library, 2003. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-1-4107-9971-5.
- Wallace, Irving. „Everybody's Rover Boy.“ In The Sunday Gentleman. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1965.
- Stockham, Ed. „Burton Holmes“, song, 2015.
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: burtonholmest19086holm (find matches)
Title: Burton Holmes travelogues
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, 1870-1958
Subjects: Voyages and travels
Publisher: New York : McClure Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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workmanship, it is comparatively insignificant ; this is but asingle isolated terrace — it is as nothing when we standbelow the veritable mountain where the same phenomenaare reproduced in countless numbers. But here the fact isvividly impressed upon us that these springs, like mortal men,are subject to the awful law of death — the streams of life areever changing in their course. To-day they are flowing herefrom terrace to terrace, bowl to bowl, clothing them allwith brilliancy and warmth, creating things of beauty todelight a generation. They will in time forsake this slope,and then it, like the one down which the warm flood coursedin earlier days, will gradually grow white with age, dry withneglect, and finally, enfeebled by the alternating shocks ofheat and cold, wind and rain, its graceful, snow-white, death-like forms will crumble to powder to be trampled underfootby the travelers of future years. But meantime otherbeautiful structures will have been created. As we turn our
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Photograph by P. Jay Haynes, St. Paul CLEOPATRA TERRACE :.*« YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 23 dazzled eyes upon these marvelous productions of an unseenworker, we realize that perennial beauty is destined to reignhere, as in the human race, although an impartial providencehas decreed that individual loveliness shall be ephemeral.
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: travelogues08holmuoft (find matches)
Title: Travelogues;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, b. 1870
Subjects: Argentina -- Description and travel Chile -- Description and travel Brazil -- Description and travel South America -- Description and travel Iguassu Falls
Publisher: Chicago, Travelogue Bureau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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o THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY 293 •-^-.*«*^^^sii■
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Advertisement in Moving Picture World, Aug 1917
Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: burtonholmest19086holm (find matches)
Title: Burton Holmes travelogues
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, 1870-1958
Subjects: Voyages and travels
Publisher: New York : McClure Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 39 phonograph of fun. The eruptions of laughter that occurevery day with greatest regularity at Larrys, certainly causeas much genuine amusement as any of the spoutings of theneighboring geysers. It was at Larrys that we met theoriginal, Simon-pure Calamity-Jane, who twenty years agowas famous as a woman-scout, and served our generals faith-fully in many of the Indian wars. As we ride away fromLarrys and the laughter dies away, we begin to hear a
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Photograph by F. Jay Haynes, St. Paul THE BLACK GROWLER 40 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK roaring as of rushing steam, and presently we are haltedby the sentinel of the geyser regions, who holds aloft a pillarof hissing vapor to warn us that we are approaching danger- __j^ 1 1 ! . .V^>:; , tf ■ - i i $1 if §^; &3iiNi flB^^ ■ h 4* -i -tL ! ! ■ mmSOKHT ^^•^SpSSy^JKiSwii^ ^^~ *- -■-j^fef3l*w. -s-ff mw^ii „ .;--;PPP Photograph by F. Jay Haynes, St. Paul ^ GIBBON CANON ous ground. We could not, if we would, ignore the BlackGrowler, whose gruff songs of greeting and farewell willhaunt the tourists memory for years. Day and night,unceasingly, the growler utters his deep, sullen roar. Butwhy called Black Growler no one seems to know. Perhapssome blind man may have named it ; for just as to the blind ablare of trumpets suggests a brilliant red, so to us, if we shutour eyes, the roar of this great safety-valve sounds black. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 4i As the other features of th
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The principal thoroughfare
Photo by Dana Hull, published in The Burton Holmes Lectures vol. 1, 1905.
Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: travelogues08holmuoft (find matches)
Title: Travelogues;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, b. 1870
Subjects: Argentina -- Description and travel Chile -- Description and travel Brazil -- Description and travel South America -- Description and travel Iguassu Falls
Publisher: Chicago, Travelogue Bureau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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By Hahn DAUGHTERS OF THE TSAR Palace, which is adorned byCohimn, the hugest mono-from the earth — a pillargranite nearly one hun-in height. Like all thememorials of departedTsars, the column hasits guard of honor. Wefind always an oldsoldier of the ImperialGuard posted at the base ofeach Imperial monument. Fronting theWinter Palace is m the stupendous Alexander lith ever brought forth of reddish Finland dred feet By permission
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: burtonholmest19086holm (find matches)
Title: Burton Holmes travelogues
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, 1870-1958
Subjects: Voyages and travels
Publisher: New York : McClure Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ON THE BRIDGE 8 YELLOWS! ONE NATIONAL PARK New York State to Minnesota the traveler may speed in aluxurious steamer, almost at railway pace. Of the most delightful voyage through Erie, Huron, andSuperior I shall say little ; exhilarating as are the fresh lakewinds, and lovely as is the expanse of water over which wespeed, the winds and waters do not lend themselves to illus-tration ; but among the few events that call for pictorialrecord is the arrival at the gay summer port of Mackinac,reached on the second morning. The summer colony turnsout in force to welcome us. Newspapers which are broughton board tell us that throughout the length and breadth ofthe land people are dying from the effects of the intenseAugust heat. With selfish pleasure we recall two days of
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Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: travelogues08holmuoft (find matches)
Title: Travelogues;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, b. 1870
Subjects: Argentina -- Description and travel Chile -- Description and travel Brazil -- Description and travel South America -- Description and travel Iguassu Falls
Publisher: Chicago, Travelogue Bureau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Note About Images
Autor: Holmes, Burton, 1870-1958, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: burtonholmest19086holm (find matches)
Title: Burton Holmes travelogues
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, 1870-1958
Subjects: Voyages and travels
Publisher: New York : McClure Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 33 the early explorers became so ex-asperated by the ridicule withwhich his stories were re-ceived that he decidedto give his hearersgood and sufficientcause for incredu-lity. While hunt-ing in this valley, soruns his yarn, hecame upon a splen-did elk, and being a
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Advertisement in Moving Picture World, Aug 1917
A corner tower
Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: travelogues08holmuoft (find matches)
Title: Travelogues;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, b. 1870
Subjects: Argentina -- Description and travel Chile -- Description and travel Brazil -- Description and travel South America -- Description and travel Iguassu Falls
Publisher: Chicago, Travelogue Bureau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Note About Images
Autor: Internet Archive Book Images, Licence: No restrictions
Identifier: travelogues08holmuoft (find matches)
Title: Travelogues;
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Holmes, Burton, b. 1870
Subjects: Argentina -- Description and travel Chile -- Description and travel Brazil -- Description and travel South America -- Description and travel Iguassu Falls
Publisher: Chicago, Travelogue Bureau
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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O Q S THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY 279 magnificent as one views it from the belfry of a church, butdisillusion awaits the traveler below. I cannot understandwhy photographs should make the city look so trim whenm reality it is so soiled and dingy and unkempt. Russia is always striving for effect, and here in Irkutskwe get the same impression as in St. Petersburg, of a citybuilt to order — designed to impress the observer. The samestone walls of stucco, the same marble pillars of staff,
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THE CATHEDRAL tne wide streets and the endless avenues, still unpaved andinsistently suggestive of the wilderness of which they latelyformed a part. Space is the cheapest thing in northernAsia. The Russians have been prodigal of space in layingout their cities. The Orthodox Cathedral is huge enough tosatisfy the needs of a city four times the present size ofIrkutsk ; but the critical tourist must not forget that Irkutskwill in the near future quadruple its population. 28o THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY A great city should have a museum. The governmenthas seen to it that Irkutsk does not lack one. Within wefind one floor devoted to natural history and one to ethno-logical collections ; but the fine arts have not yet appeared inMid-Siberia. There are also an imposing theater, severalofficial palaces, many fine private residences, and in the mainstreet an astounding row of big department-stores, in one ofwhich we photographed an effective array of spring bonnets
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