
Pohled na město Chárga
Pohled na město Chárga
Nadmořská výška32 m n. m.
Časové pásmoUTC + 2
StátEgyptEgypt Egypt
Guvernorátal-Vádí al-Gadíd
Rozloha a obyvatelstvo
Rozloha440 098 km²
Počet obyvatel67 700 (2012)
Hustota zalidnění0,2 obyv./km²
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Charga je hlavním městem guvernorátu al-Vádí al-Gadíd. Leží asi 250 km západně od Luxoru. K roku 2012 zde žilo 67 700 obyvatel na celkové ploše 440 098 km².

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Média použitá na této stránce

Egypt location map.svg
Autor: NordNordWest, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of Egypt
Kharga Oasis by Hanne Siegmeier.jpg
Autor: kairoinfo4u (Hanne Siegmeier), Licence: CC BY 2.0
Kharga Oasis in the Libyan desert is the largest oasis known to exist in Western Egypt.
  • It is located about 200 kilometres west of the Nile Valley.
  • Kharga Oasis is also well known for featuring the well preserved Temple of Hibis--which was first built by pharaoh Psamtik II of the 26th Saite dynasty and subsequently decorated by the Persian king Darius I--as well as the 3rd to 7th century AD Christian cemetary of El-Bagawat. El-Bagawat is one of the earliest known Christian cemetaries in the world.
Coat of arms of Egypt.svg
Coat of arms of Egypt -- standard pan-Arab "Eagle of Saladin" with shield of vertical tricolor of the national flag, holding a scroll with the words جمهورية مصر العربية (Jumhuriyat Misr al-`Arabiya or "Arab Republic of Egypt").