Crew Dragon Endurance
Endurance | |
Údaje o lodi | |
Typ | Dragon 2 |
Výrobní číslo | C210 |
Výrobce | SpaceX |
Provozovatel | SpaceX |
První let | SpaceX Crew-3 |
Datum prvního letu | 11. listopadu 2021 |
Počet letů | 3 |
Doba letů | 532 dní, 19 hodin, 0 minut |
Návštěvy stanice | 3 (ISS) |
Status | Obnova po 3. letu |
Navigace | |
Předchozí Dragon C209 Následující Dragon C211 |

Crew Dragon Endurance (kabina Dragon 2 - C210) je kabina Crew Dragon, vyrobená společností SpaceX a využívaná NASA k dopravě astronautů na Mezinárodní vesmírnou stanici (ISS) v rámci programu komerčních letů s posádkou (Commercial Crew Program).
Velitel první mise kabiny C210, astronaut Raja Chari, oznámil 7. října 2021, že loď ponese jméno Endurance (česky Vytrvalost). Dodal, že toto pojmenování je poctou týmům SpaceX a NASA za to, že v podmínkách koronavirové pandemie kosmickou loď postavily a vycvičily astronauty, kteří v ní poletí.[1] Jméno současně vzdává hold stejnojmenné námořní lodi, kterou používala Shackletonova Imperiální transantarktická expedice. Třístěžňová Endurance se potopila v roce 1915 poté, co ji před dosažením Antarktidy spoutal led[2] a její zbytky nalezli vědci v březnu 2022,[3] shodou okolností právě v době, kdy Crew Dragon Endurance poprvé létala kolem Země během svého letu SpaceX Crew-3.
Mise | Znak | Start (UTC) | Přistání (UTC) | Posádka | Délka | Výsledek | Poznámka |
Crew-3 | ![]() | 11. listopad 2021, 02:03:31 | 6. května 2022, 04:43 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 176 dní, 2 hodiny a 39 minut | Úspěšná | První let německého astronauta na komerční kosmické lodi. Let k ISS. |
Crew-5 | ![]() | 5. října 2022, 16:00:57 | 12. března 2023, 02:02 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 157 dní, 10 hodin a 1 minuta | Úspěšná | První let ruského kosmonauta na komerční kosmické lodi. Let k ISS. |
Crew-7 | ![]() | 26. srpna 2023, 07:27:27 UTC[4] | 12. března 2024, 09:47 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 199 dní, 6 hodin, 20 minut | Úspěšná | První let Crew Dragonu, při němž pilotem nebyl Američan. První let Dragonu s astronauty 4 různých zemí. Let k ISS. |
- ↑ Twitter [online]. [cit. 2023-08-03]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ CLARK, Stephen. Astronauts choose ‘Endurance’ as name for new SpaceX crew capsule – Spaceflight Now [online]. [cit. 2023-08-03]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
- ↑ Endurance: Shackleton's lost ship is found in Antarctic. BBC News. 2022-03-09. Dostupné online [cit. 2023-08-03]. (anglicky)
- ↑ O’SHEA, Claire. NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Launches to International Space Station. NASA [online]. 2023-08-26 [cit. 2023-08-26]. Dostupné online.
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Old flag of Russia from the Tsarist era. This variant is still used today.
A fire-breathing, five-shaped dragon propels the Crew Dragon spacecraft of NASA's SpaceX Crew-5 mission beyond the confines of a pentagon’s outline and into low-Earth orbit. As the spacecraft ascends above the Earth’s atmosphere and its crew of courageous explorers embarks on their expedition aboard the International Space Station, the dragon’s fire transitions to the colors of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program representing the unrelenting efforts of the many teams who have met this challenge with unparalleled determination. The sun shines its light on this international team as they bravely pursue.
iss068e014262 (Oct. 6, 2022) --- The SpaceX Dragon Endurance crew ship, carrying four Crew-5 members, approaches the International Space Station with the waxing gibbous Moon pictured in the background.
Logo of Crew-7.
- Central to the Crew-7 patch is the colorful Earth, with its beauty and magnificence standing out against the white dragon and black background. The caring dragon holds the Earth protectively, highlighting that every aspect of Crew-7’s long-duration mission is ultimately for the benefit of our home planet and those on it. The dragon is a shoutout to the namesake of the Crew Dragon capsule delivering the crew of four to and from the International Space Station.
- The dragon is on guard for threats against the Earth, its neck craned in the shape of a “7” to represent the seventh operational flight of the Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station. The dragon’s tail curves upwards towards a golden star, symbolizing the ascent towards the stars in honor of the pioneering spirit and perseverance that continue to propel us further in human space exploration.
- The colors blue, white, and red on the tail symbolize the international make-up of the four crew members, with the colors encompassing those used in the flags of all four nations – the United States of America, Denmark, Japan, and the Russian Federation. The crew is proud to represent the progress that can be achieved for all of humanity when we work together in unity. The Crew-7 astronauts would like to dedicate this patch to all those who contributed to the success of the Crew-7 mission, especially their families, and to the next generation of explorers.
The official NASA insignia for the Crew-3 mission to transport Raja Chari, Thomas Marshburn, Matthias Maurer, and Kayla Barron to and from the International Space Station.
- The Crew Dragon Crew-3 patch highlights the beauty of space and the vehicle that is delivering our team to the International Space Station.
- The sunlit capsule heralds the dawn of a new era of human space flight, as commercial vehicles expand into low earth orbit. The capsule flies upward, thrusting beyond the edge of the circle, representing an international effort that pushes to reach new heights of space exploration. The flames below the capsule honor the of thousands of workers who contributed to the US commercial vehicle effort — the fire in their hearts propels the program's success.
- Since Crew-3 is the third operational flight to the Space Station, the number three figures prominently in both the shape of the exhaust below the capsule and the highlighted stars. A dragon is embedded in the exhaust opposite the three for the capsule's namesake.
- Finally, four red planets represent the four crew members of the mission, as well as humanity's dream to explore Mars and even more distant planetary bodies.