DN Galan 2013

Stadio na kterém se Bauhaus-Galan 2013 konal.

Bauhaus-Galan 2013 byl lehkoatletický mítink, který se konal 22. srpna 2013 ve švédském městě Stockholm. Byl součástí série mítinků Diamantová liga.


  • Archiv výsledků zde [1]


Disciplína1. místo2. místo3. místo
200 mUkrajina Serhiy Smelyk 20,54Norsko Jaysuma Saidy Ndure 20,58Jamajka Rasheed Dwyer 20,64
400 mUSA LaShawn Merritt 44,69Dominikánská republika Luguelín Santos 45,25Česko Pavel Maslák 45,33
1500 mDžibutsko Ayanleh Souleiman 3:33,59Keňa Silas Kiplagat 3:33,92Keňa Nixon Kiplimo Chepseba 3:34,05
110 m překážekUSA David Oliver 13,21Rusko Sergej Šubenkov 13,35Spojené království William Sharman 13,36
3 000 m překážekKeňa Hillary Kipsang Yego 8:09,81Keňa Gilbert Kirui 8:11,55Keňa Conseslus Kipruto 8:12,35
Skok dalekýRusko Alexandr Meňkov 818 cmJižní Afrika Godfrey Khotso Mokoena 806 cmŠpanělsko Eusebio Cáceres 800 cm
Hod diskemPolsko Piotr Małachowski 65,86 mÍrán Ihsan Hadádí 63,64 mNěmecko Martin Wierig 63,20 m


Disciplína1. místo2. místo3. místo
100 mJamajka Kerron Stewartová 11,24USA Alexandria Anderson 11,25USA Barbara Pierreová 11,29
400 mUSA Francena McCororyová 51,03Itálie Libania Grenotová 51,44Jamajka Williams-Mills Novlene 51,48
800 mKeňa Eunice Jepkoech Sumová 1:58,84USA Alysia Montaňová 1:58,96Maroko Malika Akkaoui 1:59,74
3 000 mEtiopie Meseret Defarová 8:30,29Keňa Mercy Cherono 8:31,23Etiopie Sifan Hassanová 8:32,53
400 m překážekČesko Zuzana Hejnová 53,70Jamajka Kaliese Spencerová 54,88USA Dalilah Muhammed 55,74
Skok dalekýSrbsko Ivana Španovićová 664 cmSpojené království Shara Proctorová 650 cmFrancie Éloyse Lesueurová 645 cm
Skok do výškyRusko Světlana Školinová 198 cmRusko Anna Čičerovová 198 cmRusko Marija Kučinová 194 cm
Skok o tyčiNěmecko Silke Spiegelburgová 469 cmKuba Yarisley Silvaová 459 cmBrazílie Fabiana Murerová 459 cm
TrojskokKolumbie Caterine Ibargüenová 14,61 mUkrajina Olga Saladuchová 14,07 mIzrael Hanna Knyazheva 13,95 m
Vrh koulíNový Zéland Valerie Adamsová 20,30 mNěmecko Christina Schwanitzová 19,26 mUSA Michelle Carterová 18,56 m
Hod oštěpemRusko Marija Abakumovová 68,59 mNěmecko Linda Stahlová 63,75 mNěmecko Christina Obergföllová 62,36 m


Média použitá na této stránce

Flag of Jamaica.svg
Flag of Jamaica. “The sunshine, the land is green, and the people are strong and bold” is the symbolism of the colours of the flag. GOLD represents the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; GREEN represents hope and agricultural resources; BLACK represents the strength and creativity of the people. The original symbolism, however, was "Hardships there are, but the land is green, and the sun shineth", where BLACK represented the hardships being faced.
Flag of Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
The flag of the Dominican Republic has a centered white cross that extends to the edges. This emblem is similar to the flag design and shows a bible, a cross of gold and 6 Dominican flags. There are branches of olive and palm around the shield and above on the ribbon is the motto "Dios,Patria!, Libertad" ("God, Country, Freedom") and to amiable freedom. The blue is said to stand for liberty, red for the fire and blood of the independence struggle and the white cross symbolized that God has not forgotten his people. "Republica Dominicana". The Dominican flag was designed by Juan Pablo Duarte, father of the national Independence of Dominican Republic. The first dominican flag was sewn by a young lady named Concepción Bona, who lived across the street of El Baluarte, monument where the patriots gathered to fight for the independence, the night of February 27th, 1844. Concepción Bona was helped by her first cousin María de Jesús Pina.
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Vlajka České republiky. Podoba státní vlajky České republiky je definována zákonem České národní rady č. 3/1993 Sb., o státních symbolech České republiky, přijatým 17. prosince 1992 a který nabyl účinnosti 1. ledna 1993, kdy rozdělením České a Slovenské Federativní republiky vznikla samostatná Česká republika. Vlajka je popsána v § 4 takto: „Státní vlajka České republiky se skládá z horního pruhu bílého a dolního pruhu červeného, mezi něž je vsunut žerďový modrý klín do poloviny délky vlajky. Poměr šířky k její délce je 2 : 3.“
Flag of Russia.svg
Old flag of Russia from the Tsarist era. This variant is still used today.
Flag of South Africa.svg

Vlajka Jihoafrické republiky

Used color: National flag | South African Government and Pantone Color Picker

     zelená rendered as RGB 000 119 073Pantone 3415 C
     žlutá rendered as RGB 255 184 028Pantone 1235 C
     červená rendered as RGB 224 060 049Pantone 179 C
     modrá rendered as RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
     bílá rendered as RGB 255 255 255
     černá rendered as RGB 000 000 000
Flag of Iran.svg
Flag of Iran. The tricolor flag was introduced in 1906, but after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 the Arabic words 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), written in the Kufic script of the Qur'an and repeated 22 times, were added to the red and green strips where they border the white central strip and in the middle is the emblem of Iran (which is a stylized Persian alphabet of the Arabic word Allah ("God")).
The official ISIRI standard (translation at FotW) gives two slightly different methods of construction for the flag: a compass-and-straightedge construction used for File:Flag of Iran (official).svg, and a "simplified" construction sheet with rational numbers used for this file.
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Vlajka Etiopie
Flag of Belgium.svg

Belgická vlajka

This is the national flag of Belgium, according to the Official Guide to Belgian Protocol. It has a 13:15 aspect ratio, though it is rarely seen in this ratio.

Its colours are defined as Pantone black, Pantone yellow 115, and Pantone red 032; also given as CMYK 0,0,0,100; 0,8.5,79,0; and 0,94,87,0.