David Francis Barry
David Francis Barry | |
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Narození | 6. března 1854 Honeoye Falls |
Úmrtí | 6. března 1934 (ve věku 80 let) Superior |
Povolání | fotograf |
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David Francis Barry (6. března 1854 – 6. března 1934) byl fotograf amerického Západu 19. století.
Narodil se v Honeoye Falls v New Yorku jako syn irských přistěhovalců obuvníka Edmunda Barryho a Bridgett rozené Brophy.[1][2] V roce 1861 se jeho rodina přestěhovala na západ od Otsega, ve Wisconsinu a následující rok do nedalekého Columbusu. Tady David Barry začal pomáhat putovnímu fotografovi Orlandu Scottu Goffovi, který v tomto městě udržoval malou galerii.[3]
V roce 1871 se Orlando Scott Goff přestěhoval do Yanktonu, kde v Dakota Territory otevřel první fotografické studio v této osadě a o dva roky později se přestěhoval do Bismarcku. Brzy nato Goff vzal svého bývalého mladého pomocníka Davida k sobě do péče jako učně, aby mu pomáhal v jeho nové galerii Bismarck. Postupem jejich dlouhého přátelství jej začal Goff vybízet, aby se Barry stal jeho obchodním partnerem. V letech 1878 až 1883 cestoval Barry s využitím přenosného fotografického studia přes pláně do Fort Buford a Fort Yates v Dakotas a Fort Assiniboine v Montaně, přičemž během svých cest fotografoval. Poté, co převzal Goffovy obchodní zájmy, založil své vlastní studio ve Fort Yates a později v Bismarcku. Barry si vytvořil dobré jméno fotografováním lidí kmene Lakotů, jako byli například Sedící býk, Rain-in-the-Face (Déšť ve tváři), náčelník Žluč, John Grass a další. Lidé kmene Lakotů mu říkali “Little Shadow Catcher” („Malý chytač stínů“). V polovině osmdesátých let prodal Goff svou fotografickou firmu partnerovi Davidu Francisovi Barrymu a sám se odstěhoval do Montany.
Barry se vrátil v roce 1890 do města Superior ve Wisconsinu, kde provozoval úspěšnou galerii až do své smrti v roce 1934.[3][4]
Osobní život
Barry se oženil v Chicagu 27. března 1884 s Margaret “Patty” Young z Quincy v Illinois, ale manželství zůstalo bezdětné. Patty zemřela 20. srpna 1932. O rok později utrpěl Barry vážné zranění nohy, když vystupoval z pouličního vozu v Duluthu v Minnesotě. Ze zranění se už nikdy úplně nezotavil. Zemřel na své 80. narozeniny ve svém domě ve Wisconsinu 6. března 1934.[5]
Náčelník Žluč ve Fort Buford v Severní Dakotě, 1881
Rain-in-the-Face (Déšť ve tváři), 1885
John Grass, 1885
Spotted Tail (Tečkovaný ocas)
Zadní strana albumenové fotografie (kabinetka), je na ní náčelník Žluč
Crow Foot, syn Sedícího Býka
Curley Scout
Generál Edward Settle Godfrey
Osm tanečníků z kmene Siouxů z Dakoty v tradičním oblečení, Standing Rock
Sedící Býk s dlouhou čelenkou drží palici
Rodina Sedícího Býka, asi 1891
Standing Holy, dcera Sedícího Býka v tradičním oblečení
Thomas Ward Custer, William W. Cooke a Agnes Wellington na saních tažených koňmi
V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku David Francis Barry na anglické Wikipedii.
- ↑ Edmund Barry [online]. [cit. 2018-02-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
- ↑ Hawkins/Murphy Family Tree [online]. [cit. 2018-02-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
- ↑ a b HESKI, Thomas M. The Little Shadow Catcher: The Story of D.F. Barry. [s.l.]: Superior Publishing Company, 1978. Dostupné online. ISBN 9780875648088. (anglicky)
- ↑ HARBAUGH, Paul. Plains Warriors, Chiefs, Scouts, and Frontier Personalities. [s.l.]: Denver Public Library. Western History Division. David Francis Barry Negative Collection, 1982. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
- ↑ David Francis Barry [online]. [cit. 2018-02-23]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
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Média použitá na této stránce
c. 1891 Family of Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa, posed in the dooryard where the chief had been killed several weeks earlier. Photo by D.F. Barry, at Grand River, S.D., Spring, 1891. Albumen cabinet card.
Sitting Bull's senior wife Four Robes is at center, left, with her daughter White Buffalo Cow Walking, also called Her Lodge Appearing, beside her. Her sister Seen by the Nation, the junior wife, is at center, right, with her daughter Standing Holy at far right. They are posed against the wall of their former home, the log cabin where Sitting Bull and his son Crowfoot, son of Four Robes, had been murdered in the early hours of Dec 15, 1890. The family abandoned the structure immediately thereafter, and were at this time living in a small, canvas tipi, which Barry also photographed. Soon afterward the cabin was bought by a consortium of White speculators who dismantled the structure and transported it to Chicago, where it was reassembled and used as an "attraction" during the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893-94.
This photograph documents Lakota mourning traditions. The haggard women had hacked their hair short and would have been eating very little since the murders. What cannot be seen here, but is abundantly documented in ethnographic records, is that their grief would also have involved slashing their arms and legs with knives. By the following year they had all moved to the Pine Ridge Reservation, S.D. After the death of Seen by the Nation in 1897, Four Robes returned to live with their brother Grey Eagle, at Grand River, where she died in 1929. Standing Holy married Urban Spotted Horse at Pine Ridge and spent the remainder of her life there, far from the tragic scenes of her childhood. They had five daughters. Standing Holy died in 1927.LIBI_00019_00194; This item is an original card-mounted albumen photograph of 8 Dakota Sioux dancers (misidentified as a war party) in costume and standing in front of a log structure. The full view photograph, taken at Standing Rock, D.T., is 7 1/2 x 8 3/4" (8 x 9 7/8" mounted) and was produced circa 1879 by David F. Barry. On the front, a caption reads, "War Party." On the verso, a handwritten notation in pencil reads, "Property of Mrs. Gen. Custer, Do not lose it/ Dakota [illegible word]."Note: "Pkg 1/Custer Chest" handwritten on verso.; PRINT, PHOTOGRAPHIC [Mounted on card]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00194, D. F. Barry, "Eight Dakota Sioux Dancers in Costume at Standing Rock, Dakota Territory," circa 1879
- Keywords: little bighorn battlefield national monument
LIBI_00312_11169; Albumen photograph; portrait in left profile, full length view. This image depicts Sitting Bull. He is wearing a long, feathered headdress and holding a club. “Copyrighted” is written in on a white patch on the image. Below the image is the printed information: “Sitting Bull. Copyrighted by D.F. Barry 1888 Bismarck, date unknown” The information for D.F. Barry’s photography studio is printed on the verso. This image was created by D.F. Barry in 1888. This is the original image. ; album, photograph;Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00312_11169, D. F. Barry, "Sitting Bull in Long Feathered Headdress and Holding a Club," 1888.
Rain-in-the-Face, Hunkpapa Lakota warrior chief by David F. Barry
Studio portrait, 3/4 length, of Sintegaleska (Spotted Tail), Sichangu (erroneusly classified as Oglala) Dakota Chief, wearing scarf, jacket and blanket. Copy photonegative is cropped. On glass plate: B-240.; Original image photographed by C.M. Bell. Photoprint cropped; printed by D.F. Barry at later date.
LIBI_00019_00179; This item is an albumen cabinet card (card-mounted photograph) of Crow Foot, son of Sitting Bull. The full view studio portrait is 3 7/8 x 5 1/2" (4 1/4 x 6 1/2" mounted) and was produced circa 1875 by David F. Barry. On the front, the typed notation on the card reads, "Crow Foot (Sitting Bull's son.) Crow Foot surrendered his father's gun to Major Brotherton at Fort Buford, in 1882. Sitting Bull claims the boy surrendered, not he." On the verso, the photographer's stamp is printed in red ink.; CABINET CARD [Card photograph]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00179, D. F. Barry, "Crow Foot, Son of Sitting Bull," circa 1875
- Keywords: little bighorn battlefield national monument
LIBI_00019_00217; This item is a card-mounted albumen photograph of Thomas Custer, William Cooke and Agnes Wellington in a sleigh pulled by 2 horses. The photograph is 5 7/8 x 9" (7 3/4 x 9 3/4" mounted with an oval overlay) and was produced circa 1875 by David F. Barry. On the front, a handwritten notation reads, "7 3/4 x 9 1/2." On the verso, a handwritten notation in pencil reads, "Tom, Agnes & Col. Cooke/Abraham Lincoln, Dakota/Tom Custer/Col. Cook 7th/Agnes W. [illegible word]/1875."Photograph reprinted in "The Custer Album" by Lawrence A. Frost, page 147.; PRINT, PHOTOGRAPHIC [Mounted on card]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00217, D. F. Barry, "Thomas Ward Custer, William W. Cooke, and Agnes Wellington in a Horse-Drawn Sleigh," circa 1875
- Keywords: little bighorn battlefield national monument
Chief Gall (Pizi) Hunkpapa Lakota leader; three-quarter- length, seated. holding bow and arrow. Photographed by David F. Barry at Fort Buford, Dakota Territory, 1881.
Studio profile of head and shoulders of Curley, Crow male scout for General George Custer, wearing necklace. Curley, Crow Scout, wearing beads, bust NOTES
Title supplied by cataloger.LIBI_00019_00570; This item is an albumen cabinet card (card-mounted photograph) of Standing Holy, daughter of Sitting Bull, in three-quarters view. The photograph is 3 7/8 x 5 3/8" (4 1/4 x 6 1/2" mounted) and was produced circa 1885 by David F. Barry. On the front, a typed caption reads, "Standing Holy. (Sitting Bull's Daughter.)" The photographer's stamp is printed in dark green ink on the front. On the verso, the photographer's stamp is printed in red ink.; Cabinet Card [Card Photograph]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00570, D. F. Barry, "Standing Holy, Daughter of Sitting Bull in Traditional Dress with Dentalium Earrings; Seated in 3/4 View," circa 1885
- Keywords: little bighorn battlefield national monument
LIBI_00019_00184; This item is an albumen cabinet card (card-mounted photograph) of Bull Head, who killed Sitting Bull, in full regalia and holding a pipe. The studio portrait is 3 3/4 x 5 1/2" (4 1/4 x 6 1/2" mounted) and was produced circa 1878 by David F. Barry. A label adhered to the front of the card reads, "Bull Head" and a handwritten notation in black ink reads, "Killed Sitting Bull." The photographer's stamp is embossed in red ink on the front of the card. On the verso, there is a drawing of Chief Gall and the photographer's stamp printed in red ink.Note: "Pkg I/Custer Chest" handwritten on verso.; CABINET CARD [Card photograph]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00184, D. F. Barry, "Bull Head in Full Regalia and Holding a Pipe," circa 1878
- Keywords: little bighorn battlefield national monument
David F. Barry, 1900 - self portrait
John Grass [Charging Bear / Matȟó Watȟákpe], Sihasapa Lakota Chief by David F. Barry, 1885