Evropská silnice E19

Evropská silnice E19
Tabliczka E19.svg
E19 route.jpg
Základní údaje
ZačátekAmsterdam (Nizozemsko)
KonecPaříž (Francie)
Celková délka551 km
StátNizozemskoNizozemsko Nizozemsko
BelgieBelgie Belgie
FrancieFrancie Francie
Geodata (OSM)OSM, WMF
Rijksweg A4 002.JPG
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Evropská silnice E19 je evropskou silnicí 1. třídy. Začíná v Nizozemsku, v Amsterdamu a končí v Paříži. Celá trasa měří 551 kilometrů.





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Média použitá na této stránce

Flag of Belgium.svg

Belgická vlajka

This is the national flag of Belgium, according to the Official Guide to Belgian Protocol. It has a 13:15 aspect ratio, though it is rarely seen in this ratio.

Its colours are defined as Pantone black, Pantone yellow 115, and Pantone red 032; also given as CMYK 0,0,0,100; 0,8.5,79,0; and 0,94,87,0.
International E Road Network green.png
Map generated using coastline/boundary data from World Data Bank, and locations from http://www.world-gazetteer.com/. Straight lines connect control cities, no attempt to follow the real road. Roads color has been changed to green.
E19 route.jpg
Autor: Thoron, Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0
The European route 19
E19 in Nederland, zelf gemaakt
Autor: MPD01605, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Directional Sign on the E40/E19 near Brussels, Belgium
Rijksweg A4 002.JPG
Rijksweg 4, richting Amsterdam-Den Haag, afrit 2 naar Schiphol
(c) Kliek, CC-BY-SA-3.0
A4 motorway, Rijswijk, the Netherlands
(c) Kliek, CC-BY-SA-3.0
Motorway A16/E19 at interchange Ridderkerk-Noord, the Netherlands
A16 Hazeldonk2.jpg
Autor: Kliek, Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0
A16 near Belgian border, Breda, Netherlands
Rotterdam Overschie A13.jpg
Autor: M.Minderhoud, Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Overschie, A13, 13 november 2005
Autor: Rossano, Licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Autoroute E19 au niveau de Nivelles en Belgique