Gregory Jordan Harbaugh

Gregory Jordan Harbaugh
Gregory Jordan Harbaugh
Gregory Jordan Harbaugh
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostUSA USA
Datum narození15. dubna 1956 (66 let)
Místo narozeníCleveland, Ohio
Čas ve vesmíru34 dní, 01 hodin a 59 minut
Kosmonaut od1987
MiseSTS-39, STS-54, STS-71, STS-82
Znaky misíSts-39-patch.pngSts-54-patch.pngSts-71-patch.pngSts-82-patch.png
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Gregory Jordan Harbaugh (* 15. dubna 1956 v Clevelandu, stát Ohio, USA) je americký kosmonaut. Ve vesmíru byl čtyřikrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

V roce 1974 ukončil střední školu Willoughby High School v městě Willoughby a pokračoval studiem na Purdue University, obor astronautika. Po skončení studií nastoupil v roce 1978 do NASA jako technický pracovník. Měl přezdívku Greg. V roce 1987 absolvoval u NASA výcvik a poté byl zařazen do oddílu astronautů.

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánech dostal čtyřikrát ve funkci letového specialisty a strávil ve vesmíru 34 dní, 1 hodinu a 59 minut. Má za sebou i tři výstupy do volného vesmíru (EVA), při nichž v něm strávil přes 18 hodin. Byl 245 člověkem ve vesmíru.


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STS-39 Mission Insignia

The arrowhead shape of the STS-39 crew patch represents a skyward aim to learn more about our planet's atmosphere and space environment in support of the Department of Defense. Our national symbol is represented by the star constellation Aguila (the eagle) as its brightest star, Altair, lifts a protective canopy above Earth. The Space Shuttle encircles the spectrum which represents x-ray, ultraviolet, visible and infrared electromagnetic radiation to be measured by a variety of scientific instruments.

STS-54 Mission Insignia

Designed by the crewmembers, the STS-54 crew patch depicts the American bald eagle soaring above Earth and is emblematic of the Space Shuttle Endeavour in service to the United States and the world. The eagle is clutching an eightpointed star in its talons and is placing this larger star among a constellation of four others, representing the placement of the fifth Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) into orbit to join the four already in service. The blackness of space -- with stars conspicuously absent -- represents the crew's other primary mission in carrying the Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer to orbit to conduct astronomical observations of invisible x-ray sources within the Milky Way Galaxy. The depiction of Earth showing North America is an expression of the crewmembers and NASA's intention that the medical and scientific experiments conducted onboard be for the benefit of mankind. The clouds and blue of Earth represent the crew's part in NASA's Mission to Planet Earth in conducting Earthobservation photography.
STS-71 Mission Insignia
The STS-71 crew patch design depicts the orbiter Atlantis in the process of the first international docking mission of the Space Shuttle Atlantis with the Russian Space Station Mir. The names of the 10 astronauts and cosmonauts who flew aboard the orbiter are shown along the outer border of the patch. The rising sun symbolizes the dawn of a new era of cooperation between the two countries. The vehicles Atlantis and Mir are shown in separate circles converging at the center of the emblem symbolizing the merger of the space programs of the two space faring nations. The flags of the United States and Russia emphasize the equal partnership of the mission. The joint program symbol at the lower center of the patch acknowledges the extensive contributions made by the Mission Control Centers (MCC) of both countries. The crew insignia was designed by aviation and space artist, Bob McCall, who also designed the crew patch for the Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) in 1975, the first international space docking mission.
STS-82 Mission Insignia
  • STS-82 is the second mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The central feature of the patch is HST as the crew members will see it through Discovery's overhead windows when the orbiter approaches for rendezvous, retrieval and a subsequent series of spacewalks to perform servicing tasks. The telescope is pointing toward deep space, observing the cosmos. The spiral galaxy symbolizes one of HST's important scientific missions, to accurately determine the cosmic distance scale. To the right of the telescope is a cross-like structure known as a gravitational lens, one of the numerous fundamental discoveries made using HST Imagery. The names of the STS-82 crew members are arranged around the perimeter of the patch with the extravehicular activity's (EVA) participating crew members placed in the upper semicircle and the orbiter crew in the lower one.
Gregory J. Harbaugh portrait.jpg
Portrait of former NASA astronaut Gregory J. Harbaugh. NASA photo in public domain.