
Groove je hudební základ, který hraje rytmická složka hudební skupiny (bicí, basová linka, případně rytmická kytara nebo klávesy). Groove je typický pro populární hudbu, ale také pro alternativní hudbu a nezbytný v hudebních žánrech jako jazz, swing, bebop, funk, rock nebo soul. Označení „mít groove” nebo „mít drajv” se také používá ve smyslu „mít švih”, „mít svěží rytmus”, „mít odpich“. Groove je ta hudební složka, která některé posluchače nutí tančit nebo si podupávat do rytmu.
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- Ivan Poledňák: Úvod do problematiky hudby jazzového okruhu, Olomouc 2000
Média použitá na této stránce
Created in Sibelius by User:Hyacinth from common knowledge.
See: File:Characteristic rock drum pattern.mid
Also characteristic funk drum pattern but with ride cymbal.[1]
The "basic [rock] beat" may be notated using half notes on the bass drum and a quarter note ride cymbal pattern while "four to the floor"[2] features steady quarter notes on the bass drum.[2].
The first of the examples of, "commonly used rock beats", given features, "an eighth-note ride pattern," as the pattern notated above but riding the hi-hat.[3]
"Basic" beats include four to the floor with quarter note hi-hat ride, described as appropriate for "hard rock", with eighth-note ride pattern appropriate for a "pop song", with swung eighths on the backbeat of the ride pattern for a "jazz feel", and second notated pattern above, descried as "basic 4/4 'beat'...[with] a sixteenth-note feel," with hi-hat ride.[4]
Groove #1: "bass drum on beats 1 and 3 and snare drum on beats 2 and 4 of the measure...add eighth notes on the hi-hat".[5]
"Straight blues/Rock groove" "Blues may also be played with a straight feel....The tempo of straight Blues grooves covers a large range of quarter note = 80-160 bpm."[6]
- ↑ Bolton, Ross (2001). Funk Guitar: The Essential Guide, p.5. ISBN 0634011685.
- ↑ a b Schroedl, Scott (2001). Play Drums Today!, p.15. Hal Leonard. ISBN 0-634-02185-0.
- ↑ Morton, James (1990). You Can Teach Yourself Drums, p.32. Mel Bay. ISBN 1-56222-033-0.
- ↑ Mattingly, Rick (2006). All About Drums, p.42. Hal Leonard. ISBN 1-4234-0818-7.
- ↑ Peckman, Jonathan (2007). Picture Yourself Drumming, p.50. ISBN 1598633309.
- ↑ Berry, Mick and Gianni, Jason (2003). The Drummer's Bible, p.36. ISBN 1884365329.
Simple quadruple drum pattern: divides four beats into two. Created in Sibelius.