HMS (Royal Navy)
Zkratka HMS (His Majesty's Ship nebo Her Majesty's Ship, v překladu loď Jeho/Jejího Veličenstva) je předřazený přívlastek v označeních lodí (a ponorek) britského královského loďstva Royal Navy. Označení je používáno od roku 1789.
Související články
- Seiner Majestät Schiff - německé Kaiserliche Marine nebo rakouskouherské Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine
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Média použitá na této stránce
(c) Photo: HMS Gannet/MOD, OGL v1.0
The Royal Navy's largest ever warship HMS Queen Elizabeth is gently floated out of her dock for the first time in Rosyth, Scotland in July 2014.
In an operation that started earlier that week, the dry dock in Rosyth near Edinburgh was flooded for the first time to allow the 70,000 tonne aircraft carrier to float. It then took only three hours this morning to carefully manoeuvre HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH out of the dock with just two metres clearance at either side and then berth her alongside a nearby jetty.
Teams will now continue to outfit the ship and steadily bring her systems to life in preparation for sea trials in 2016. The dock she vacates will be used for final assembly of her sister ship, HMS PRINCE OF WALES, which will begin in September.
- Organization: Royal Navy
- Category: MOD
- Supplemental Categories: Equipment, Ships, Carriers
- Keywords: Royal Navy, Equipment, Ship, Aircraft Carrier, Carrier, CVF, Queen Elizabeth Class, QE Class, HMS Queen Elizabeth, Rosyth, Dockyard, Tugs
- Country: Scotland