HMS Warrior (R31)

Základní údaje
Vlajka Vlajka Vlajka
Typlehká letadlová loď
Číslo trupuRoyal Navy:
Kanadské královské námořnictvo:
Argentinské námořnictvo:
UživateléVlajka Royal Navy
Vlajka Kanadské královské námořnictvo
Vlajka Argentinské námořnictvo
Zahájení stavby12. prosince 1942
Spuštěna na vodu20. května 1944
Osudsešrotována v Argentině, 1971
Takticko-technická data
Výtlak18 600 t (plný)
Délka192 m (vodoryska)
211,8 m (letová paluba)
Šířka24,4 m
Ponor7,1 m
40 000 koní
Rychlost25 uzlů (46 km/h)
Dosah12 000 nám. mil (22 200 km) při 14 uzlech (26 km/h)
Posádka1 300 důstojníků a námořníků (max.)
Výzbroj28× 40mm Bofors (4×2, 20×1)
Letadla42× letadlo (max.)

HMS Warrior (R31) byla lehká letadlová loď Britského královského námořnictva za druhé světové války. Jednalo se o loď třídy Colossus. Loď byla roku 1946 přesunuta do Kanady (HMCS Warrior (CVL-20), kde ale byla ve službě pouze 2 roky a poté byla vrácena zpět do Británie. Tam zůstala ve službě do roku 1958 a potom byla prodána Argentinskému námořnictvu (ARA Independencia (V-1).

Technické specifikace

Délka lodi dosahovala skoro 212 m a šířka 25 m. Ponor letadlové lodě Warrior byl hluboký 7,1 m a o pohon se staraly čtyři kotle Admiralty a dvě parní turbíny Parsons. Maximální rychlost činila 46 km/h a Warrior při plném naložení mohl vytlačit 18 600 t vody. Posádku tvořilo až 1 300 důstojníků a námořníků.


Warrior byla vyzbrojena čtyřmi dvojhlavňovými a dvaceti jednohlavňovými 40mm protiletadlovými kanóny Bofors.




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The current naval ensign of Canada, since 2013. It was previously the Canadian naval jack from 1968 to 2013.
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The current naval ensign of Canada, since 2013. It was previously the Canadian naval jack from 1968 to 2013.
HMS Warrior (R31) starboard side c1957.jpg
The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Warrior (R31). The photo was taken circa in 1957, as Warrior wears the deck code "J" which had been assigned to HMS Eagle (R05) from 1951 to late 1956. Eagle then received the new deck code "E", whereas deck code "J" was assigned to the newly refitted Warrior. The carrier was decommissioned in February 1958 and was sold to Argentina in the summer 1958. She was renamed ARA Independencia (V-1) and served until 1970.
HMS Warrior (R31) MOD 45139702.jpg
(c) Photo: Royal Navy/MOD, OGL v1.0
HMS Warrior, a Colossus class light fleet aircraft carrier, was completed in 1946 and served in the Royal Canadian navy for her first two years. In 1957 she was headquarters ship for Britain’s atom bomb tests on Christmas Island. In 1958 she was sold to Argentina and became their Independencia, and was withdrawn from service in 1971.
  • Organization: Royal Navy
  • Keywords: HMS, Warrior, off, Gibraltar, OLD, SHIPS, HISTORICAL
HMS Warrior (R31) at anchor 1945.jpg
The Royal Navy Colossus-class aircraft carrier HMS Warrior (R31) at anchor.
HMCS Warrior (R31) ca1947.jpg
Autor: Canadian Forces, Licence: CC BY 2.0
The Colossus-class aircraft carrier HMCS Warrior (R31) while in service with the Royal Canadian Navy, 1946-48.
HMS Warrior (R31) port side c1957.jpg
The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Warrior (R31). The photo was taken circa in 1957, as Warrior wears the deck code "J" which had been assigned to HMS Eagle (R05) from 1951 to late 1956. Eagle then received the new deck code "E", whereas deck code "J" was assigned to the newly refitted Warrior. The carrier was decommissioned in February 1958 and was sold to Argentina in the summer 1958. She was renamed ARA Independencia (V-1) and served until 1970.
HMS Warrior (R31), USS Des Moines (CA-134) and HMS Gambia (48) at Malta, circa in 1951 (IWM A32043).jpg
Views of the Royal Navy anchorage at Grand Harbour, Malta, circa in 1951. Vessels at anchor include the light fleet carrier HMS Warrior (R31) (foreground), U.S. Navy heavy cruiser USS Des Moines (CA-134) (middle) and the light cruiser HMS Gambia (48) (background).
HMS Warrior (R31), USS Des Moines (CA-134) and HMS Gambia (48) at Malta, circa in 1951 (IWM A32044).jpg
Views of the Royal Navy anchorage at Grand Harbour, Malta, circa in 1951. Vessels at anchor include the light fleet carrier HMS Warrior (R31) (foreground), U.S. Navy heavy cruiser USS Des Moines (CA-134) (middle) and the light cruiser HMS Gambia (48) (background). Note the Maltese lightermen in the foreground.