Harold Cazneaux
Harold Cazneaux | |
Narození | 30. března 1878 Wellington |
Úmrtí | 19. června 1953 (ve věku 75 let) |
Povolání | fotograf |
Rodiče | Pierce Mott Cazneau a Emily Florence Cazneau |
![]() | |
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Harold Cazneaux (30. března 1878 – 19. června 1953) byl australský piktorialistický fotograf. Byl pionýrem australské fotografie, jehož styl měl nesmazatelný vliv na vývoj historie fotografie v této zemi. Byl zakladatelem piktorialistického spolku Sydney Camera Circle, jehož "manifest" byl vypracován a podepsán 28. listopadu 1916. To znamenalo založení skupiny, která obsahovala šest fotografů: Cecil Bostock, James Stening, W. S. White, Malcolm McKinnon a James Paton, (později spojovaný s Henri Mallardem). Tito muži se zavázali "pracovat a zkvalitňovat piktorialistickou fotografii a reprezentovat Austrálii ve světle slunečním, a nikoli v šedi a ponurých stínech".[1][2][3][4] Skupina následovala kroky a inspirovala se piktorialistickými spolky v zahraničí jako například The Linked Ring, Photo Club de París a Fotosecese, její členové pořádali výstavy a šířili pojetí fotografie jako umění. V roce 1922 byl zvolen jejím prvním prezidentem.[5]
Jako pravidelný účastník národních i mezinárodních výstav měl Cazneaux neutuchající touhu přispívat do diskuse o fotografii své doby. Sám vytvořil některé nejpamátnější snímky z počátku dvacátého století.
Život a dílo
Harold Pierce Cazneau (písmeno "x" ke svému příjmení přidal v roce 1904 aby zdůraznil svůj hugenotský původ) se narodil ve Wellingtonu na Novém Zélandu australským rodičům, kteří se po několika letech vrátili domů. Jeho matka byla Emily Florence Cazneau a otec Pierce Mott Cazneau, kteří byli oba fotografové.
Celou řadu let byly Cazneauovy printy vystavovány na výstavách pořádaných Londýnským Salonem fotografie (London Salon of Photography, 1911-1952), později převzaté a pořádané výročními výstavami Královské fotografické společnosti Velké Británie. Kromě celé řady ocenění byl v roce 1937 prvním Australanem s uděleným čestným členstvím v této společnosti.
Cazneaux byl kromě fotografování také plodný redaktor. Jako dopisovatel pro Photograms of the Year (Velká Británie) po více než dvacet let působil jako zástupce australských fotografie pro celý svět. Byl oficiálním fotografem pro magazín The Home v letech 1920 až 1941. Měl pověření fotografovat pro řadu publikací Ure Smitha, včetně Sydney Surfing (1929), The Bridge Book (1930), The Sydney Book (1931) nebo The Australian Native Bear Book (1932).
Výstava Harold Cazneaux: artist in photography v galerii Art Gallery of New South Wales v červnu a červenci 2008 obsahovala více než 100 jeho ikonických děl křížem krážem jeho tvorbou jako byly například krajiny, portréty lidí a výtvarníků, snímky z přístavu a měst.
Jeho snímek dětí na kolotoči byl přetištěn na poštovní známce připomínající 150 let fotografie v Austrálii v roce 1991.[6]
Harold Cazneaux: Norman Lindsay, 1931
Harold Cazneaux: Strom na Wilpena ve Flinders Ranges v jižní Austrálii. Strom stále stojí a je znám jako Cazneaův strom, 1937
Harold Cazneaux: Válečný památník Newington College War Memorial, který navrhl: William Hardy Wilson
Zpěvačka Edna Thomas
Ethel Turner
- ↑ Anglicky: "to work and to advance pictorial photography and to show our own Australia in terms of sunlight rather than those of greyness and dismal shadows".
- ↑ Harold Cazneaux letter to Jack Cato National Library of Australia Manuscript MS 5416
- ↑ Gael Newton "Silver and Grey: fifty years of Australian photography 1900 - 1950", Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1980
- ↑ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA. Sydney Skyline [online]. National Library of Australia, 2002-12-16 [cit. 2011-08-30]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2011-06-08. (anglicky)
- ↑ Sougez, M. L.; García Felguera, M. A., Pérez Gallardo, H. y Vega, C. (2009). Historia general de la fotografía (2. vydání). Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra. str. 241-247. ISBN 978-84-376-2344-3.
- ↑ This photographer's life [online]. 2009-10-02 [cit. 2020-07-17]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
Související články
- Robert McFarlane, Leading light, Good Weekend magazine, 21. května 2008
- Helen Ennis "Intersections: Photography, History and the National Library of Australia", Canberra : National Library of Australia, 2004. ISBN 0-642-10792-0
- Gael Newton. "Australian pictorial photography : a survey of art photography from 1898 to 1938 organised by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney" Sydney : Trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1979. (ISBN 0-7240-1715-1)
- Gael Newton ; with essays by Helen Ennis and Chris Long and assistance from Isobel Crombie and Kate Davidson. "Shades of light : photography and Australia 1839-1988" Canberra : Australian National Gallery : Collins Australia, 1988. (ISBN 0-7322-2405-5 (Collins Australia : pbk.))
- Gael Newton "Silver and Grey: fifty years of Australian photography 1900 - 1950", Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1980.
Externí odkazy
Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Harold Cazneaux na Wikimedia Commons
- Shades of Light (Australian Photography 1839 - 1988) online verze originálu Shades of Light publikovaného v roce 1998, Gael Newton, National Gallery of Australia.
- Online verze Gael Newton's "Australian pictorial photography: a survey of art photography od 1898 - 1938 organizace: Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney" Sydney : Trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1979.
- Cazneaux biografie na stránkách National Library of Australia
Média použitá na této stránce
Identifier: americanannualof1911newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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W. S. Crolly. Illustrating article on The Reilex Camera for Portraiture.
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X < N<U P iJ o Pi < <Wen W H OH
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Identifier: americanannualof1912newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Louis Pope Gratacap (1850-1917)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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CHILD PORTRAIT. Harold Cazneaux. ryrr^T^
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CATHEDRAL ROCKS, BERMUDA. L. P. GRATACAP. THE CAMERA IN BERMUDA By L. P. GRATACAP EW places offer to the scene-hunter more de-licious little bits of sunlight, water and land thanthese entrancing islands. The whole dreamyand delightful archipelago covers hardly morethan twenty-four square miles, but every yardof its diversified and fruitful surface tempts a snapshot.And then the sunlights-such downright blistering illumina-tion will give you something, though a little carelessness maybe punished by flat pictures. You can wheel around fromshore to ocean, from villa, or bungalow, or cottage, to break- IT7
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Portrait of William Hardy Wilson at Purulia, Warrawee, March 1921, by Harold Cazneaux, from vintage gelatin silver glass plate negative, State Library of New South Wales, ON 39/Item 740
Australian photographer Spencer Shier
Photograph of a tree at Wilpena in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The tree still stands and is now known as the Cazneaux Tree.
Identifier: americanannualof1911newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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Identifier: americanannualof28newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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is just how some of thedifficult things of photography can be made easier. If you canmake good negatives, of just the kind you want every time,then are you free to concentrate your attention to composi-tion, to lighting, and to pictorialism. And until you can makegood negatives every time, I believe you are wasting your timetrying to make pictures. Its like a man that is color blindpainting tulips. Get away from this old and extremely dead idea of feelingin a negative process. Any sort of negative can be made thescientific way, and if you make one that you like, it is an easymatter to produce another one just like it. Its not a matterof feeling,—its a matter of light intensities on a piece ofbromide paper in a meter—coupled with a certain number ofseconds on the dial of a watch—coupled with a developer ofstandardised composition—with a thermometer of reasonableveridity in it—with a dark-room clock, and careful, sure,methodical work on the part of the operator. Then if he 58
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SUNLIGHT ON CHALLIS HOUSE, SYDNEY. HAROLD CAZNEAUX. likes a negative that is ten per cent over exposed, and ten percent under developed—if that gives the effect he is looking for,then he can produce negatives of that sort until his purse orthe supply of gelatine runs short. If every point in the pro-duction of a negative is carefully systematized according to theWatkins methods, and certain variations give the results de-sired for any reason, then it is always easy to produce the sameresults, and the day of occasional satisfactory negatives willbe at an end. The point of the whole thing—the gist of itall—the raison detre of the scientific method is this—theworker by guess, or feeling, or inspiration sometimes makesa good negative for his purpose and the worker by scientificmethods, sometimes makes a bad one for his. One last word I want to say—and I feel like Luther that 1must say it even if there were as many devils about as thereare tiles on the roof—if you want to make
Note About Images
Identifier: americanannualof1911newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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■g---^ •%■• *.*^l.i. i*.-rf..w Some western clouds all billowy bosomed,Overbrowed by many benedictions. FRANK E. HUSON. acter. The developer should be well washed out and the printdried. The process is, of course, one of chromium intensification,and may naturally be used for improving thin negatives if de-sired, but I am dealing with the production of bromide printsand my instructions presuppose a bromide made with the de-liberate intention of after treatment. It is comparatively easy to prepare the requisite bromideprint, whether in enlarging or by contact. A weak developerof the Rodinal or Metol type is to be preferred for the dark-room development. Strong developers like standard M. Q.,unless about ten times the usual quantity of water is added,are useless, and of course the exposure must be increased togive a developable image. The second development, on thecontrary, should be carried out rapidly with an energetic re-ducer, especially if a rich efifect is desired.
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Cazneaux’s portrait of Ethel Turner posing in the window of her study at her Mosman home, ‘Avenel’, 1928.
Identifier: americanannualof1917newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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/58596061626364 U. S. No.210.25 IM .097 217.56 1.414 17181920212222.62 18.0620.2522.5625.0027.5630.2532 225.00 13^2 .140.191 232.56240.25248.06256 2^ 2^2.828 .316.390 656667686970717273747576777879808182%?,8485868788899090.50 264.06272.25 2% 3 3^ 3M4 .472.562.660.765.8781 23242526272829303132 33.0636.0039.0642.2545.5649.0052.5656.2560.0664 280.56289.00297.56306.2515.06324.00333 06 43^ 43^ 4M5 342.25351.56361.00370 56 5^ 53^5.656 3?,34353637383940414243444545.25 68.06 72.25 76.56 81.00 85.56 90.25 95.06 100.00 105.06 110.25 115.56 121.00 126.56 128 380.25390.06400.00 5^ 6 6M 63^ 6% 7 ^^7^ 7M8 410.06420.25430.56440.00451.56462.25473.06484.00495.06506.25 8M 4.254.514.785.065.345.645.946.257.568 512 83^8^99^ 93^ 9%101111.31 464748495051525354555657 132.25138.06144.00150.06156.25162.56169.00175.56182.25189.06196.00203.06 919293949596979899100 517.56529.00540.56552.25564.06576.00588.06600.25612.56 121314 9.0010.5612.25 625 288
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c NO oCO 2 ww << <W w H WW W THE REFLECTING POWER OF VARIOUS SURFACESACCORDING TO MAX FRANK Translated by Henry F. Raess Mirror 0.923 The moon 0.170 Freshly fallen snow 0.783 Light red 0.162 White paper 0.700 Dark green _.. .0.101 Light orange paper 0.548 Dark earth 0.079 Light green paper 0.465 Dark blue 0.065 Light yellow paper 0.400 Black paper 0.045 Light blue paper 0.300 Black cloth 0.012 Wliite sandstone 0.237 Black velvet 0.004 Dark yellow 0.200 STRENGTH OF VARIOUS LIGHTS, ACCORDING TO EDER COMPILED BY HENRY F. RAESS Sun at zenith 100.000-160.000 Flaming arc light 2000-3000 Electric arc light 400-1000 and higher Nemst projection lamp, 220 volts 1000 « « 110 « 500 Mercury vapor lamp 300-400 Electric incandescent light, metallic filament 25-50 Electric incandescent light, carbon filament 8-32 and higher Magnesiimi ribbon burning 0.0074 gm. (about 1-10grain) per second 125 Calcium light, low pressure 23-90 « high 52 lbs 790 Acetylene gas light 60-100 with compressed a
Note About Images
Identifier: americanannualof1912newy (find matches)
Title: The American annual of photography
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Subjects: Photography
Publisher: New York : Tennant and Ward
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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t on a sheet of glass, belowwhich, at some distance, is the background. This methodnecessitates a stand made for the purpose, but it may be quitea simple piece of apparatus, and is quite worth the trouble. In conclusion, I may offer my apology to the reader forwhat appears to me to be a lack of practical information.Many pages of this Annual might be filled with devices usedfor one purpose and another, which would each need illus-trations to make them readily .comprehensible, and even thenthey might not apply to the exact want of the inquirer. Eachworker has to find for himself the methods that are mostuseful to the particular work in hand. The methods and appa-ratus that would do admirably for, say, a series of photographsof carices would be almost useless for one of mosses. So Iwould ask the reader to take these hints for what they areworth, and if by chance they inspire anyone to attempt theabsorbing pastime of plant photography I am amply repaidfor the trouble of penning them. ii6
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CHILD PORTRAIT. Harold Cazneaux. ryrr^T^
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The War Memorial, Newington College, Sydney, New South Wales [picture], designed by William Hardy Wilson
Edna Thomas, American concert singer
Author:Cazneaux, Harold, 1878-1953
Date created:1934
Image title:Stepping stones [picture]
Source: National Library of Australia