Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piperová

Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piperová
Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piperová
Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piperová
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostUSA
Datum narození7. února 1963 (59 let)
Místo narozeníSaint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Hodnostkapitán námořnictva
Čas ve vesmíru27 dní, 15 hodin a 36 minut
Kosmonaut od1996
MiseSTS-115, STS-126
Znaky misíSTS-115 patch.png STS-126 patch.svg
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piperová (*7. února 1963 Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA) je americká astronautka. Ve vesmíru byla dvakrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

Absolvovala střední školu Derham Hall High School v rodném městě, po jejím ukončení v roce 1990 pokračovala ve studiu na Massachusettském technologickém institutu. Dostudovala v roce 1985 a nastoupila do firmy Naval Sea Systems Command v Arlingtonu. Zůstala zde krátce.

V roce 1996 se zapojila do výcviku budoucích kosmonautů v Houstonu, o dva roky později byla členkou jednotky kosmonautů v NASA.

Vdala se, jejím manželem se stal Glenn Piper

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánu dostala dvakrát ve funkci letová specialistka, pracovala na orbitální stanici ISS a strávila ve vesmíru 27 dní, 15 hodin a 36 minut. Byla 445. člověkem ve vesmíru, 43. ženou. Na ISS absolvovala pět výstupů do volného vesmíru (EVA) v celkové délce 33 hodin a 42 minut.


Americká vyznamenání

  • Defense Superior Service Medal ribbon.svg Defense Superior Service Medal
  • Us legion of merit rib.png Legion of Merit – uděleno dvakrát
  • Defense Meritorious Service Medal ribbon.svg Defense Meritorious Service Medal
  • Meritorious Service Medal ribbon.svg Medaile za vzornou službu
  • Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal ribbon, 2nd award.svg Navy Commendation Medal – udělena dvakrát
  • Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal ribbon, 2nd award.svg Navy Achievement Medal – udělena dvakrát
  • National Defense Service Medal ribbon.png Medaile za službu v národní obraně
  • SpaceFltRib.svg NASA Space Flight Medal – udělena dvakrát
  • USA - NASA Excep Rib.png NASA Exceptional Service Medal

Zahraniční vyznamenání



  1. zakon.rada.gov.ua [online]. [cit. 2019-10-10]. Dostupné online. 

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

NASA Space Flight Ribbon
USA - NASA Excep Rib.png
NASA Exceptional Service Medal ribbon bar
STS-126 patch.svg
The STS-126 patch represents Space Shuttle Endeavour on its mission to help complete the assembly of the International Space Station (ISS). The inner patch outline depicts the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) Leonardo. This reusable logistics module will carry the equipment necessary to sustain a crew of six on board the ISS and will include additional crew quarters, exercise equipment, galley, and life support equipment. In addition, a single expedition crew member will launch on STS-126 to remain on board ISS, replacing an expedition crew member who will return home with the shuttle crew. Near the center of the patch, the constellation Orion reflects the goals of the human spaceflight program, returning us to the Moon and on to Mars, the red planet, which are also shown. At the top of the patch is the gold symbol of the astronaut office. The sunburst, just clearing the horizon of the magnificent Earth, powers all these efforts through the solar arrays of the ISS current configuration orbiting high above.
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal ribbon, 2nd award.svg
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal ribbon, 2nd award
Order of Princess Olha 3rd Class of Ukraine.png
Ribbon bar of Order of Princess Olha 3 st.
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal ribbon, 2nd award.svg
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal ribbon, 2nd award
STS-115 patch.png
This is the STS-115 insignia. The patch was designed by Graham Huber, Gigi Lui, and Peter Hui in conjunction with York University in Toronto, Canada. This mission continues the assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) with the installation of the truss segments P3 and P4. Following the installation of the segments utilizing both the shuttle and the station robotic arms, a series of three space walks will complete the final connections and prepare for the deployment of the station's second set of solar arrays. To reflect the primary mission of the flight, the patch depicts a solar panel as the main element. As the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches towards the ISS, its trail depicts the symbol of the Astronaut Office. The starburst, representing the power of the sun, rises over the Earth and shines on the solar panel. The shuttle flight number 115 is shown at the bottom of the patch, along with the ISS assembly designation 12A (the 12th American assembly mission). The blue Earth in the background reminds us of the importance of space exploration and research to all of Earth's inhabitants. The NASA insignia design for shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the forms of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, the change will be publicly announced.
Us legion of merit rib.png
Legion of Merit Legionnare ribbon