Indická armáda

Indian Army
भारतीय थलसेना
Vlajka Indické armády
Vlajka Indické armády
ZeměIndieIndie Indie
Vznik1895 (Britská Indická armáda)
Velikost1 129 000 aktivních příslušníků, 960 000 záložníků
PosádkaNové Dillí (stanoviště velitelství)
Velitelégenerál Bipin Rawat
Nadřazené jednotkyVlajka ministerstva obrany Indie Indické ozbrojené síly
Válkyprvní indicko-pákistánská válka
čínsko-indická válka
druhá indicko-pákistánská válka
třetí indicko-pákistánská válka
kárgilský konflikt

Indická armáda (anglicky Indian Army, hindsky भारतीय थलसेना) je pozemní složka ozbrojených sil Indie. Představuje jejich nejpočetnější složku a v současnosti je druhou největší armádou světa. Podobně jako další složky Indických ozbrojených sil se plně skládá z vojáků z povolání.


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IA Dhruv Berlin-08.jpg
Autor: Neuwieser, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
HAL Dhruv der indischen Armee
Flag of Indian Army.svg
Autor: Fred the Oyster, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Indian Army
Flag of the Ministry of Defence of India.svg
Autor: Bharata-indstar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Ministry of Defence of India
Naval Ensign of India.svg
The ensign consists of the Indian national flag on the upper canton, a blue octagon encasing the national emblem atop an anchor to depict steadfastness, superimposed on a shield with the Navy’s motto “Śaṁ No Varunaḥ” (a Vedic mantra invoking the god of seas to be auspicious) in Devanagari. The octagon represents the eight directions and has been included as a symbol of the Navy’s “multidirectional reach and multidimensional operational capability”. The golden borders of the octagon have been inspired by the seal of Maratha Emperor Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
India Para.jpg
Indian Army Elite 9 Para Commandos
Indian army lady officer.jpg
Autor: Indian Army, Licence: GODL-India
A female Indian Army officer briefs the Russian contingent about disarming an IED explosive during a joint exercise in Rajasthan, India, 2015.
Arjun MBT bump track test.JPG
Autor: Ajai Shukla, Licence: CC BY 2.5 in
An Arjun MBT being test driven on the bump track at the Central Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), at Avadi, Chennai
19th-DRC Goma North Kivu (CLA) Community Liaison Assistants on working environment in Goma city.jpg
Autor: MONUSCO Photos, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0

2013-07-16-19th-DRC Goma North Kivu (CLA) Community Liaison Assistants on working environment in Goma city and on the field at Otobora.

Photo MONUSCO/ Myriam Asmani
Autor: Hemant.rawat1234, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Yudh Abhyas 2013, 2nd Batallion, 5th Gurkha Rifles.jpg
Indian Army soldiers with the 99th Mountain Brigade's 2nd Battalion, 5th Gurkha Rifles, execute an ambush for paratroopers with the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, May 7, 2013, at Fort Bragg, N.C. The soldiers are participating in Yudh Abhyas, an annual bilateral training event between the armies of the United States and India sponsored by U.S. Army Pacific. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Michael J. MacLeod)
US Navy 061025-N-0209M-002 Indian Soldiers assigned to the 9th Battalion of the Sikh Infantry arrive aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4) to participate in Malabar 2006.jpg
Mumbai, India (Oct. 25, 2006) - Indian Soldiers assigned to the 9th Battalion of the Sikh Infantry arrive aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4) to participate in Malabar 2006. Malabar 2006 is a multinational exercise between the U.S., Indian and Canadian armed forces to increase interoperability between the three nations and support international security cooperation missions. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Joshua Martin (RELEASED)