Inkluze (mineralogie)

Inkluze mravence v baltském jantaru

Inkluze neboli uzavřenina je jakýkoli druh látky uzavřený v druhé, strukturou odlišné (například tekutina nebo plyn v pevném krystalu, ale i pevná látka v jiné pevné látce). Vzniká v krystalu během jeho růstu kdy dojde při krystalizaci k uzavření substance v jiné fázi uvnitř krystalu a vzniku fázového rozhraní. Pokud jsou obě fáze zahřáty na určitou teplotu, při které minerál vznikl (teplota homogenizace), stávají se homogenní – tzn. obě mají stejnou fázi.

Inkluze můžeme podle jejich složení rozdělit na pevné a plynokapalné, někdy bývá vyčleňována zvláštní kategorie inkluze tavenin, kdy dochází k uzavření kapalného stavu taveniny v krystalu. Za normální teploty pak tavenina přechází do pevného stavu, tedy krystalizuje (vykrystalizovaná tavenina nebo sklo).

V jantaru lze nalézt inkluze ve formě rostlin a živočichů.



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Quartz with Petroleum Inclusions.JPG
Autor: Luciana Barbosa, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Quartz with Petroleum Inclusions. From Balochistan, Pakistan. It measures 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.9
(c) Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0
Fluorite, Quartz
Locality: Miandrivazo, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar
Size: cabinet, 13.6 x 3.4 x 2.0 cm
Fluorite included in Quartz
These specimens were one of the few "new sensations" at the Tucson Show of 2005, especially as new finds were so scarce that year in general. We EXPECTED to see more at Denver 2005 but there were none to be had...they have NOT FOUND ANOTHER LARGE POCKET SINCE! This is a very large crystal for the find , and exceptionally rich with purple-blue, sharp fluorite crystals included inside. It is almost doubly-terminated, with a slight bit missing a tthe bottom and the smallest of dings atop (you have to really look to see visual impact). This piece has the most inclusions per unit area of any I have had, I would say, and thus the best overall impact and color appeal. The fluorites grew on the face of the quartz crystals at some point during their development in the pocket, and were later engulfed as the quartz continued its growth. These are certainly the most interesting fluorite inclusions we have seen from any recent find, and this particular piece is a stellar example.
Autor: Anders L. Damgaard - - Baltic-amber-beetle, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Baltic amber inclusions - Ant - About 7 mm long. Alternate amber with fingers cropped slightly, keeping a 2:3 aspect ratio.