Irving Rusinow

Irving Rusinow
Narození11. října 1914
Úmrtí2. srpna 1990 (ve věku 75 let)
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Irving Rusinow: Mlátička obilí, Taos County, New Mexico, 1941, archiv NARA

Irving Rusinow (1915, Detroit2. srpna 1990) byl americký fotograf, filmař a režisér. Natáčel filmy pro společnost Encyclopaedia Britannica Films (EBF), ve kterých se zaměřoval na vzdělávání a školství.

Život a dílo

Vystudoval University of Chicago. Před tím, než pracoval pro EBF působil jako fotograf a kolega Dorothey Langeové, přičemž pořizoval dokumentární fotografie pro úřad Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Později natáčel filmy pro kancelář Office of Inter-American Affairs a byl působil jako režisér pro ministerstvo zemědělství. Svou vlastní společnost Irving Rusinow Film Productions založil v roce 1959.[1]

Dokumentoval dobu Velké hospodářské krize a New Deal. Stovky jeho snímků spadají do kategorie public domain a jsou k dispozici na úložišti obrázků Wikimedia Commons.




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Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. Front yard of a white tenant's home. The Ford was cut dow . . . - NARA - 521261.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. Front yard of a white tenant's home. The Ford was cut down by the occupants son.
El Cerrito, San Miguel County, New Mexico. Recreation is confined to dances, trips to town, fishing . . . - NARA - 521231.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: El Cerrito, San Miguel County, New Mexico. Recreation is confined to dances, trips to town, fishing and spontaneous games. The children have none of the playthings that are usually supplied by even the smallest rural schools. The boys of the village go around together all day long, sometimes riding (most of them have horses), sometimes inventing games to be played with old tires or sticks and stones.
Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia.... Binders are not uncommon on large farms, but those who . . . - NARA - 521328.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia.... Binders are not uncommon on large farms, but those who can handle all their small grains by hand continue to do so. These [African-American] tenants have made a sort of mechanical cradle out of an old mowing machine with a piece of corrugated iron rigged behind the cutter bar to catch the fallen stalks. One man walks along side with a stick and sweeps the standing grain back over the cutter while two others pick it out of the tin "cradle" and bind it.
El Cerrito, San Miguel County, New Mexico. Details of construction. The building is a shed for liv . . . - NARA - 521161.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: El Cerrito, San Miguel County, New Mexico. Details of construction. The building is a shed for livestock.
Coosa Valley, Alabama. Farm activity near Talladega - NARA - 522573.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Coosa Valley, Alabama. Farm activity near Talladega.
Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. The family of a Negro tenant not far from Eatonton. - NARA - 521364.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. The family of a Negro tenant not far from Eatonton.
Taos County, New Mexico. Threshing wheat by machine, Canyon. Use of threshing machine costs renter . . - NARA - 521888.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Taos County, New Mexico. Threshing wheat by machine, Canyon. Use of threshing machine costs renter about 10% of his crop, or equivalent.
Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. Here is a representative sample of the dwellings in which . . . - NARA - 521281.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. Here is a representative sample of the dwellings in which Negro tenants live. Though they vary in shape and construction, all are too small for the number of people living in them, poorly furnished, unpainted and in bad repair.
Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. These are the children of a tenant family that recently c . . . - NARA - 521362.tif
  • Scope and content: Full caption reads as follows: Harmony Community, Putnam County, Georgia. These are the children of a tenant family that recently came to live near Harmony.