Isra Hirsiová

Irsa Hirsiová
Narození22. února 2003 (22 let)
Národnostsomálští Američané
Alma materSouth High School (do 2021)
Barnard College (od 2021)
Povolánížákyně, ochránkyně životního prostředí a klimatická aktivistka
OceněníBrower Youth Awards (2019)
Nábož. vyznáníislám
RodičeIlhan Omarová
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Hirsiová protestující proti zbraňovému násilí v roce 2018

Irsa Hirsiová (* 22. února, 2003) je americká environmentální aktivistka. Je spoluzakladatelkou US. Youth Climate Strike.[1] V roce 2020 byla časopisem Fortune zařazena do jejich seznamu 40 under 40, v kategorii vláda a politika.[2]

Život a aktivismus

Hirsiová vyrostla v Minneapolis v Minnesotě a je dcerou kongresmanky Ilhan Omarové[3][4][5] a Ahmenda Abdisalana Hirsiho. Když jí bylo 12 let, zúčastnila se protestu za spravedlnost pro Jamara Clarka.[5] Hirsiová je studentkou na Minneapolis South High School.[6] Hirsiová se zapojila do klimatického aktivismu, poté co začala navštěvovat školní environmentální klub.[5][7]

Dne 15. března a 3. května 2019 koordinovala a zorganizovala stovky školních stávek pro klima po Spojených státech.[4] V lednu 2019 se stala spoluzakladatelkou U.S Youth Climate Strike,[5] americké části globálního hnutí pro současnou změnu klimatu.[8][9][10] V roce 2019 získala cenu Brower Youth Award[11] a v samém roce také cenu the Voice of the Future Award.[7] V roce 2020 byla Hirsiová zařazena na seznam televize BET Future 40.[12]



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Irsa Hirsi na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. HATZIPANAGOS, Rachel. The missing message in Gen Z’s climate activism. Washington Post. Dostupné online [cit. 2021-04-18]. ISSN 0190-8286. (anglicky) 
  2. Isra Hirsi | 2020 40 under 40 in Government and Politics. Fortune [online]. [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  3. Brower Youth Awards [online]. 2019-09-04 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  4. a b Isra Hirsi. THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF YOUTH VOICES [online]. [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  5. a b c d Ilhan Omar's Daughter, Isra Hirsi, Is 16 and Saving the Planet. [online]. [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  6. ‘It helps a lot with climate grief’: Student organizers gear up for next week’s Minnesota Youth Climate Strike. MinnPost [online]. 2019-09-13 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  7. a b VOGEL, Emily. TheWrap [online]. 2019-10-23 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  8. Isra Hirsi: The Climate Activist | City Pages. [online]. 2020-12-04 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2020-12-04. 
  9. Ilhan Omar's 16-year-old daughter is co-leading the Youth Climate Strike. Grist [online]. 2019-03-13 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  10. - Unscripted and Unstoppable: Youth Climate Activist Isra Hirsi. [online]. 2021-04-15 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 2021-04-15. 
  11. MARCH 15, Published 1 year ago About a 9 minute read Image: 16-year-old Isha Clarke addresses the crowd at the San Francisco Youth Climate Strike on; FILMS/YOUTUBE, 2019 | Foolish Tree. 6 Exceptional Young, Female Activists Recognized for Environmental Leadership. Sustainable Brands [online]. 2019-09-16 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 
  12. BET DIGITAL CELEBRATES BLACK EXCELLENCE WITH NEW ORIGINAL EDITORIAL SERIES. Chicago Defender [online]. 2020-02-07 [cit. 2021-04-18]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 

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High school student speaking out against gun violence (Isra Hirsi) (cropped).jpg
Autor: Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, USA, Licence: CC BY 2.0

Minneapolis, Minnesota

February 21, 2018

Around 200 students from South High School went to Minneapolis City Hall to protest recent gun violence and call for gun law reform such as restricting the sale of assault rifles. They were joined there by students from other local high schools. They went into the streets and marched around city hall, then they marched into and out of city hall and then they marched around city hall again. Common chants included "Enough is enough" and "Gun reform now".

2018-02-21 This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Give attribution to: Fibonacci Blue
Isra Hirsi protesting against gun violence and for gun law reform (cropped).jpg
Autor: Fibonacci Blue from Minnesota, USA, Licence: CC BY 2.0

Minneapolis, Minnesota

February 21, 2018 Isra Hirsi with megaphone

Around 200 students from South High School went to Minneapolis City Hall to protest recent gun violence and call for gun law reform such as restricting the sale of assault rifles. They were joined there by students from other local high schools. They went into the streets and marched around city hall, then they marched into and out of city hall and then they marched around city hall again. Common chants included "Enough is enough" and "Gun reform now".

2018-02-21 This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Give attribution to: Fibonacci Blue