Josef Sejpka

Josef Sejpka
Narození23. listopadu 1885
Úmrtí10. července 1952 (ve věku 66 let)
Povolánímalíř, učitel, typograf a grafik
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Josef Sejpka (23. listopadu 1885 Sušice–10. července 1952 v Praze) byl český výtvarník, malíř a grafik. Působil též jako profesor ornamentálního kreslení.


Poštovní známky

Sejpka byl autorem grafiky několika poštovních známek. Za doby protektorátu navrhl známky k výročí Dvořáka i Smetany, ale také známky s portrétem Hitlera.

V roce 1945 vyšly jím navržené známky ku příležitosti světového sjezdu studentstva a k výročí Jana Koziny. Tyto známky vyryl Jaroslav Goldschmied, proto není jejich zobrazení doposud možné.

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Stamp 1942 DRBM MiNr0092 mt B002.jpg

Definitive stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1942; issue with „Adolf Hitler (1933.1945) – the „Führer“ and Rich Cancellor of Germany (1933-1945)“; The Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" existed 1939-1945 from until to as part of homeland of the German Reich; From this time also is originated the depicted stamp.; Reasonable for the stamps of the protectorate was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 92; Yvert & Tellier: No. 80; Scott: No. 65; AFA: No. 81
Color: black opal green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 50 (Haleru)

Postage validity: 1. července 1942 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1942-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1942-07-01T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 17.5 x 22.0 mm

Print run: 9,612,000 stamps in sheets à 100
Stamp 1944 DRBM MiNr0138 mt B002.jpg

Surcharge stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1944; semi-postal commemorative stamp of the issue "60th anniversary of death of the Czech composer of the Romanticism, Bedřich Smetana (Bedřich = Friedrich, Friedrich = birth name) (1824-1884); The depicted stamp shows the composer in his last living years as drawing by Josef Slejpka (1885-1952).; Smetana was after his Swedish intermezzo, musical director in Prague 1866-1874 and since 1874 completely deaf.; The depicted stamp is from 1944 as one of the last stamps of the Nazi-protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia". This state was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration.; Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 138; Yvert & Tellier: No. 117; Scott: No. B27; AFA: No. 118
Color: black blueish green
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 60 + 140 (Haleru) (140 Haleru as surcharge)

Postage validity: 12. května 1944 až 16. května 1945
date QS:P,+1944-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P580,+1944-05-12T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1945-05-16T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size: (printed area of a single stamp): 24.0 x 29.5 mm

Print run: 3,000,800 stamps in sheets à 90
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0074 mt B002a.jpg

Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; commemorative se-tenant of the issue "100th Anniversara a birth of Dvořák"; Meant is the Czech composer and musician Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904).; Depicted is the se-tenant DRBM Michel No. 74 with the central motive of a side cameo-portrait of Antonin Dvořak and a decorative side field without nominal value (normal = left decorative field, all others are rib variants) showing a Greek lyra over flowers and the date/year "08-IX-1941 – 1941".; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren".; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration. Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire.; Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp
Stamp: Michel: No. 74; Yvert & Tellier: No. 64; Scott: No. 55 AFA: No. 54
Color: dark violet brown
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 1,20K (Koruna)

Postage validity: 25. srpna 1941 až 31. prosince 1941
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1941-08-25T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size:
- printed area of a single stamp without signature line): 18.5 x 23.5 mm
- distance between the inner tangents of the perforation lines of both stamps of as se-tenant): 45.5 x 26.8 mm

Print run: 2,200,000 in sheets, each à 50 stamps and à 50 decorative fields
Stamp 1941 DRBM MiNr0075 mt B002a.jpg
Stamp of the Nazi-German "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" (= Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia); 1941; issue to the Prague Fair; The "Prague Fair 1941" took place in the time 7. září 1941 až 14. září 1941
date QS:P,+1941-09-00T00:00:00Z/10,P580,+1941-09-07T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-09-14T00:00:00Z/11
in Prague.; Depicted is the commemorative stamp DRBM Michel No. 75 with the central motive of a ox car in a rural landscape as symbol for the topic "agriculture".; This fair took place since 1891 in a ca. 36 hektare areal in the Eastern part of the Stromovka-Park in Prague (former "Royal Wild Park", located on the "Holešoviče"-Peninsula).; The Fair-Palace (Czech: "Průmyslový palác") was built in the style of the Prague Secession (a variant of the "Wiener Sezession" (= "Austrian Art Noveau").; The depicted stamp is from the Nazi-time of the "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren".; The protectorate "Bohemia and Moravia" was erected at and existed until to , although the old Nazi-stamps could official be used until according to an Ordinance of the Czechoslovak Postal Administration. Reasonable for stamps of the "Protektorat" was in each case the "Postal Supervision" (German: "Postaufsicht") of the German Empire. Currency until to was 1 Koruna (German: "Krone") = 100 Haléřů (German: "Heller").; mint stamp

Stamp: Michel: No. 75; Yvert & Tellier: No. 65; Scott: : No. 56; AFA: No. 64
Color: reddish brown to black reddish brown
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 30 h (Haleru)

Postage validity: 7. září 1941 až 31. prosince 1941
date QS:P,+1941-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P580,+1941-09-07T00:00:00Z/11,P582,+1941-12-31T00:00:00Z/11

Stamp size (printed area of a single stamp): 22.0 x 26.0 mm