Joyce Carol Oatesová
Joyce Carol Oatesová | |
(c) Larry D. Moore, CC BY 4.0 | |
Narození | 16. června 1938 (84 let) Lockport |
Pseudonym | Rosamond Smith |
Povolání | dramatička, básnířka, romanopiskyně, esejistka, autorka autobiografie, spisovatelka, scenáristka, vysokoškolská učitelka, profesorka a autorka dětské literatury |
Alma mater | Syracuská univerzita (do 1960) Wisconsinská univerzita v Madisonu (do 1961) University of Detroit Mercy Riceova univerzita Williamsville South High School |
Témata | poezie a esej |
Významná díla | Black Water Blonde The Falls |
Ocenění | Guggenheimovo stipendium (1967) O. Henry Award (1967) Národní knižní cena za beletrii (1970) St. Louis Literary Award (1988) Rea Award for the Short Story (1990) … více na Wikidatech |
Manžel(ka) | Raymond J. Smith (1961–2008) |
Vlivy | Charlotte Brontëová Henry James Flannery O'Connorová Howard Phillips Lovecraft Ernest Hemingway … více na Wikidatech |
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Joyce Carol Oatesová (* 16. června 1938 Lockport (Niagara County, stát New York) je americká spisovatelka, básnířka a dramatička.
Narodila se jako nejstarší ze tří dětí v rodině Američana Frederica Jamese Oatse a Caroliny (rozené Bushové, maďarského původu), ženy v domácnosti. Vyrůstala na farmě svých rodičů za městem, na níž celá rodina fyzicky pracovala. Roku 1960 absolvovala bakalářské studium literatury na prestižní soukromé Syracuse University v New Yorku a v roce 1961 získala titul magistra na Wisconsinské univerzitě v Madisonu. Literární pokusy psala na stroji od 14 let a publikovala ve školním časopise. Po celou dobu vysokoškolských studií přispívala kratšími literárními útvary do různých periodik , většinou pod pseudonymem. Po ukončení studia se brzy stala spisovatelkou na volné noze.
Za novelu Them získala roku 1969 National Book Award, na niž byla k tomu ještě osmkrát nominována. Třikrát byla rovněž nominována na Pulitzerovu cenu, nikdy ji však nezískala. Napsala přes 80 knih, některé navíc pod pseudonymy Rosamond Smith a Lauren Kelly. Zfilmovány byly dvě její knihy: Foxfire (roku 1996) [1] a životopis Marilyn Monroeové Blonde (roku 2022).[2]
- With Shuddering Fall (1964)
- A Garden of Earthly Delights (1967)
- Expensive People (1968)
- them (1969)
- Wonderland (1971)
- Do With Me What You Will (1973)
- The Assassins (1975)
- Childwold (1976)
- Son of the Morning (1978)
- Cybele (1979)
- Unholy Loves (1979)
- Bellefleur (1980)
- Angel of Light (1981)
- A Bloodsmoor Romance (1982)
- Mysteries of Winterthurn (1984)
- Solstice (1985)
- Marya: A Life (1986)
- You Must Remember This (1987)
- American Appetites (1989)
- Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart (1990)
- Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang (1993)
- What I Lived For (1994)
- Zombie (1995)
- We Were the Mulvaneys (1996)
- Man Crazy (1997)
- My Heart Laid Bare (1998)
- Broke Heart Blues (1999)
- Blonde (2000)
- Middle Age: A Romance (2001)
- I'll Take You There (2002)
- The Tattooed Girl (2003)
- The Falls (2004)
- Missing Mom (2005)
- Black Girl / White Girl (2006)
- The Gravedigger's Daughter (2007)
- My Sister, My Love (2008)
- Little Bird of Heaven (2009)
- A Fair Maiden (2010)
- Mudwoman (2012)
- Carthage (2013)
- Daddy Love (2013)
- The Accursed (2013)
- A Book of American Martyrs (2017)
Krátké prózy
- By the North Gate (1963)
- Upon the Sweeping Flood And Other Stories (1966)
- The Wheel of Love and Other Stories (1970)
- Marriages and Infidelities (1972)
- The Goddess and Other Women (1974)
- The Hungry Ghosts: Seven Allusive Comedies (1974)
- Crossing the Border (1976)
- The Triumph of the Spider Monkey (1976)
- Night-Sides (1977)
- The Assignation (1988)
- I Lock My Door Upon Myself (1990)
- The Rise of Life on Earth (1991)
- Heat & Other Stories (1991)
- Where is Here? (1992)
- Black Water (1992)
- Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" (1993)
- Haunted: Tales of the Grotesque (1994)
- Demon and other tales (1996)
- First Love: A Gothic Tale (1996)
- Will You Always Love Me? And Other Stories (1996)
- The Collector of Hearts: New Tales of the Grotesque (1998)
- Faithless: Tales of Transgression (2001)
- Beasts (2002)
- Rape: A Love Story (2003)
- I Am No One You Know: Stories (2004)
- The Corn Maiden: A Love Story (2005)
- The Female of the Species: Tales of Mystery and Suspense (2006)
- High Lonesome: New & Selected Stories, 1966-2006 (2006)
- The Museum of Dr. Moses: Tales of Mystery and Suspense (2007)
- Wild Nights! (2008)
- Dear Husband (2009)
- Sourland: Stories (2010)
- Give Me Your Heart: Tales of Mystery and Suspense (2011)
- The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares (2011)
- Black Dahlia & White Rose (2012)
Pod pseudonymem "Rosamond Smith"
- Lives of the Twins (1987)
- Soul/Mate (1989)
- Nemesis (1990)
- Snake Eyes (1992)
- You Can't Catch Me (1995)
- Double Delight (1997)
- Starr Bright Will Be With you Soon (1999)
- The Barrens (2001)
Pod pseudonymem "Lauren Kelly"
- Take Me, Take Me With You (2003)
- The Stolen Heart (2005)
- Blood Mask (2006)
- Miracle Play (1974)
- Three Plays (1980)
- Tone Clusters (1990)
- In Darkest America (1991)
- I Stand Before You Naked (1991)
- Twelve Plays (1991)
- The Perfectionist and Other Plays (1995)
- New Plays (1998)
- Dr. Magic: Six One Act Plays (2004)
Eseje, memoáry
- The Edge of Impossibility: Tragic Forms in Literature (1972)
- The Hostile Sun: The Poetry of D.H. Lawrence (1974)
- New Heaven, New Earth: The Visionary Experience in Literature (1974)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray: Wilde’s Parable of the Fall (1980)
- Contraries: Essays (1981)
- The Profane Art: Essays & Reviews (1983)
- On Boxing (1987)
- (Woman) Writer: Occasions and Opportunities (1988)
- George Bellows: American Artist (1995)
- They Just Went Away 1995
- Where I've Been, And Where I'm Going: Essays, Reviews, and Prose (1999)
- The Faith of A Writer: Life, Craft, Art (2003)
- Uncensored: Views & (Re)views (2005)
- In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters (2009)
- In Rough Country (2010)
- A Widow's Story: A Memoir (2011)
- Women In Love and Other Poems (1968)
- Anonymous Sins & Other Poems (1969)
- Love and Its Derangements (1970)
- Angel Fire (1973)
- The Fabulous Beasts (1975)
- Women Whose Lives Are Food, Men Whose Lives Are Money (1978)
- Invisible Woman: New and Selected Poems, 1970–1982 (1982)
- The Time Traveler (1989)
- Tenderness (1996)
Literatura pro dospívající
- Big Mouth & Ugly Girl (2002)
- Small Avalanches and Other Stories (2003)
- Freaky Green Eyes (2003)
- Sexy (2005)
- After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away (2006)
- Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You (2012)
Literatura pro děti
- Come Meet Muffin! (1998)
- Where Is Little Reynard? (2003)
- Naughty Chérie! (2008)
Externí odkazy
Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Joyce Carol Oatesová na Wikimedia Commons
- Oficiální stránky Archivováno 29. 12. 2014 na Wayback Machine.
- Portrét v The Heath Anthology of American Literature
Média použitá na této stránce
(c) Larry D. Moore, CC BY 4.0
Author Joyce Carol Oates at the 2014 Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, United States.