
Karboxyzom je bakteriální vnitrobuněčná struktura (jeden z mikrokompartmentů), jejímž úkolem je fixace uhlíku.[1] Má tvar mnohostěnu a dosahuje velikosti 80 - 140 nm. Pravděpodobně v sobě koncentrují oxid uhličitý a právě enzym RuBisCo, který v Calvinově cyklu umožňuje fixaci uhlíku.
Karboxyzomy se vyskytují u všech sinic a také u některých chemotrofních bakterií schopných fixace uhlíku, jako jsou nitrifikační bakterie a thiobacily.[2] U většiny řas jejich funkci nahrazuje pyrenoid.[3]
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- ↑ Badger MR, Price GD. CO2 concentrating mechanisms in cyanobacteria: molecular components, their diversity and evolution. J. Exp. Bot.. February 2003, roč. 54, čís. 383, s. 609–22. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2012-05-29. PMID 12554704.
- ↑ Yeates TO, Kerfeld CA, Heinhorst S, Cannon GC, Shively JM. Protein-based organelles in bacteria: carboxysomes and related microcompartments. Nat. Rev. Microbiol.. August 2008, roč. 6, s. 681–691. DOI 10.1038/nrmicro1913. PMID 18679172.
- ↑ FATHINEJAD, Sara, Jürgen M Steiner, Siegfried Reipert, Martina Marchetti, Günter Allmaier, Suzanne C Burey, Norikazu Ohnishi, Hideya Fukuzawa, Wolfgang Löffelhardt, Hans J Bohnert. A carboxysomal carbon-concentrating mechanism in the cyanelles of the 'coelacanth' of the algal world, Cyanophora paradoxa?. Physiologia Plantarum. 2008-05, roč. 133, čís. 1, s. 27–32. Dostupné online [cit. 2008-11-23]. ISSN 1399-3054. DOI PPL1030.
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- (anglicky) Mysterious Bacterial Microcompartments Revealed By Biochemists
- (anglicky) Not so simple after all. A renaissance of research into prokaryotic evolution and cell structure
Média použitá na této stránce
Autor: left: Courtesy of Mark J. Yeager and Kelly A. Dryden, University of Virginia; right: Todd O. Yeates, UCLA, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Legend: (left) Purified carboxysomes (material courtesy of S. Heinhorst and G. Cannon) as visualized by cryo-electron microscopy (courtesy of M.J. Yeager and K.A. Dryden, University of Virginia). (right) Models for the structure of the carboxysome. Current data suggest that the shell is composed of several hundred hexameric protein building blocks and 12 pentameric building blocks. The three-dimensional atomic structures of the shell proteins have been determined by X-ray crystallography. RuBisCO, the main interior enzyme is shown packed inside in a regular arrangement for simplicity, though the actual organization of the enzymes is not understood yet. The other key enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, which is present in lesser amounts, is not illustrated (image by T.O. Yeates, UCLA).