Katolická liga (Francie)
Ligue catholique | |
Účast na Hugenotských válkách | |
![]() Vlajka Katolické ligy | |
Základní info | |
Aktivní | 1576–1577, 1584–1595 |
Operační území | ![]() |
Ideologie | anti-protestantismus protireformace obrana katolické církve opozice vůči reformované cíkrvi ultramontanismus |
Velitel | Jindřich I. de Guise |
Základny | Paříž a Péronne |
Síla | neznámá |
Spojenci | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Oponenti | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Konflikty/boje | hugenotské války |
Katolická liga, někdy také Svatá liga či Svatá unie (francouzsky Ligue catholique, Sainte Ligue) byla aliance francouzské katolické šlechty, která usilovala o potlačení či vyhlazení hugenotů a jednou ze stran v hugenotských válkách. Jejím zakladatelem a až do svého zavraždění vůdčí postavou byl Jindřich I. de Guise.

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Autor: Oren neu dag (talk), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal flag of France before the Revolution (heraldic banner of "France modern")
Vatican flag before1808
Autor: Oren neu dag (talk), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Royal flag of France before the Revolution (heraldic banner of "France modern")
Monochrome version of the IHS emblem of the Jesuits.
The design of the emblem is attributed to Ignatius of Loyola (1541).
- the cross is here drawn as formy fitchy; this is not necessarily part of the design, early modern depictions sometimes show a plain cross, or various baroque ornamentations
- the three nails are sometimes shown as piercing a heart
- the alternating straight and wavy rays are found in historical specimens, but not necessarily, and sometimes with two or three straight rays separating wavy rays.
- the number of rays is often 32 as here, but sometimes also 12, 16 or 24.
- the emblem is sometimes surrounded by the inscription et vocatum est nomen eius Iesus (Luke 2:21)
Autor: Dahn, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Henri de Guise's Catholic League; one of several related variants depicted in paintings and prints, closely based on version found at The Carnavalet, Paris. For reproductions and overview, see Tom Hamilton, "The Procession of the League: Remembering the Wars of Religion in Visual and Literary Satire", in French History, Vol. 30, Issue 1, 2016.
Autor: Ningyou., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag with the cross of Burgundy (saltire). Also named Cross of Burgundy flag. It was used in the Catholic Monarchy and in its viceroyalties such as New Spain and Peru. It was also used by Spain as a military or king's prosonal flag. Used by the Carlist movement.