Kenneth Cameron

Keneth Donald Cameron
Keneth Donald Cameron
Keneth Donald Cameron
Astronaut NASA
Státní příslušnostUSA USA
Datum narození29. listopadu 1949 (73 let)
Místo narozeníCleveland, stát Ohio
testovací pilot
Čas ve vesmíru23 dní, 10 hodin a 11 minut
Kosmonaut od1984
MiseSTS-37, STS-56, STS-74
Znaky misí
Kosmonaut do1996
Pozdější zaměstnánídůchodce
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky.

Keneth Donald Cameron (* 29. listopadu 1949 Cleveland, Ohio) je námořní letec a americký kosmonaut. Ve vesmíru byl třikrát.


Studium a zaměstnání

Po absolvování střední školy Rocky River High School ve městě Rocky River, Ohio nastoupil v roce 1967 k vysokoškolským studiím na Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Zakončil je zdárně v roce 1979.

V roce 1984 byl přijat do NASA, po výcviku byl o rok později zařazen do oddílu astronautů. V něm zůstal do roku 1996. Pak odešel pracovat do soukromého sektoru, v roce 2003 se k NASA vrátil.

Je ženatý, oženil se s Michele Renee, rozenou Fulfordovou. Používá přezdívku Ken.

Lety do vesmíru

Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánech dostal třikrát a strávil ve vesmíru 23 dní, 10 hodin a 11 minut. Byl 240. člověkem ve vesmíru.


Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce


STS-56 Mission Insignia

The STS-56 patch is a pictorial representation of the STS56/ATLAS-2 mission as seen from the crew's viewpoint. The payload bay is depicted with the ATLAS-2 pallet, Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet (SSBUV) experiment, and Spartan -- the two primary scientific payloads on the flight. With ATLAS-2 serving as part of the Mission to Planet Earth project, the crew has depicted the planet prominently in the artwork. Two primary areas of study are the atmosphere and the sun. To highlight this, Earth's atmosphere is depicted as a stylized visible spectrum and the sunrise is represented with an enlarged two-colored corona. Surnames of the commander and pilot are inscribed in the Earth field, with the surnames of the mission specialists appearing in the space background.
STS-74 Mission Insignia
  • The STS-74 crew patch depicts the orbiter Atlantis docked to the Russian Space Station Mir. The central focus is on the Russian-built docking module, drawn with shading to accentuate its pivotal importance to both STS-74 and the NASA-Mir Program. The rainbow across the horizon represents the Earth's atmosphere, the thin membrane protecting all nations, while the three flags across the bottom show those nations participating in STS-74: Russia, Canada, and the United States. The sunrise is symbolic of the dawn of a new era in NASA space flight , that of International Space Station construction.

STS-37 Mission Insignia

The principal theme of the STS-37 patch, designed by astronaut crewmembers, is the primary payload -- Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) -- and its relationship to the Space Shuttle. The Shuttle and the GRO are both depicted on the patch and are connected by a large gamma. The gamma symbolizes both the quest for gamma rays by GRO as well as the importance of the relationship between the manned and unmanned elements of the United States space program. The Earth background shows the southern portion of the United States under a partial cloud cover while the two fields of three and seven stars, respectively, refer to the STS-37 mission designation.
Kenneth Cameron.jpg
portrait astronaut Kenneth Cameron