Kent Vernon Rominger
Kent Vernon Rominger | |
![]() Kent Vernon Rominger | |
Astronaut NASA | |
Státní příslušnost | ![]() |
Datum narození | 7. srpna 1956 (66 let) |
Místo narození | Del Norte, stát Colorado |
Předchozí zaměstnání | Testovací pilot |
Hodnost | kapitán námořnictva |
Čas ve vesmíru | 67 dní, 02 hodin a 58 minut |
Kosmonaut od | 1992 |
Mise | STS-73, STS-80, STS-85, STS-96, STS-100 |
Znaky misí | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Kosmonaut do | 2006 |
Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. |
Kent Vernon „Rommel“ Rominger (* 7. srpna 1956 v Del Norte, stát Colorado, USA), vojenský důstojník a pilot, americký kosmonaut. Ve vesmíru byl pětkrát.
Mládí a výcvik
V roce 1974 absolvoval střední školu v rodném Del Notre, roky 1974 až 1978 strávil na Univerzitě v Coloradu.
V týmu astronautů NASA byl v letech 1992 až 2006. Oženil se s Mary Sue, rozenou Ruleovou.
Lety do vesmíru
Na oběžnou dráhu se v raketoplánech dostal pětkrát a strávil ve vesmíru 67 dní, 2 hodiny a 58 minut. Byl 332 člověkem ve vesmíru.
- STS-73 Columbia, (20. říjen 1995 – 5. listopad 1995), pilot
- STS-80 Columbia, (19. listopad 1996 – 7. prosinec 1996), pilot
- STS-85 Discovery, (7. srpen 1997 – 19. srpen1997), pilot
- STS-96 Discovery (27. květen 1999 – 6. červen 1999), velitel
- STS-100 Endeavour (19. duben 2001 – 1. květen 2001), velitel
Externí odkazy
Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Kent Vernon Rominger na Wikimedia Commons
- Web Space
- Web Kosmo
Média použitá na této stránce
This mission patch for mission STS-80 depicts the Space Shuttle Columbia and the two research satellites its crew deployed into the blue field of space. The uppermost satellite is the Orbiting Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrograph-Shuttle Pallet Satellite (ORFEUS-SPAS), a telescope aimed at unraveling the life cycles of stars and understanding the gases that drift between them. The lower satellite is the Wake Shield Facility (WSF), flying for the third time. It will use the vacuum of space to create advanced semiconductors for the nation's electronics industry. ORFEUS and WSF are joined by the symbol of the Astronaut Corps, representing the human contribution to scientific progress in space. The two bright blue stars represent the mission's Extravehicular Activities (EVA), final rehearsals for techniques and tools to be used in assembly of the International Space Station (ISS). Surrounding Columbia is a constellation of 16 stars, one for each day of the mission, representing the stellar talents of the ground and flight teams that share the goal of expanding knowledge through a permanent human presence in space.
Official portrait of Kent V. Rominger, mission commander
The crew patch of STS-73, the second flight of the United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML-2), depicts the Space Shuttle Columbia in the vastness of space. In the foreground are the classic regular polyhedrons that were investigated by Plato and later Euclid. The Pythagoreans were also fascinated by the symmetrical three-dimensional objects whose sides are the same regular polygon. The tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, and the icosahedron were each associated with the Natural Elements of that time: fire (on this mission represented as combustion science); Earth (crystallography), air and water (fluid physics). An additional icon shown as the infinity symbol was added to further convey the discipline of fluid mechanics. The shape of the emblem represents a fifth polyhedron, a dodecahedron, which the Pythagoreans thought corresponded to a fifth element that represented the cosmos.
The mission patch for STS-85 is designed to reflect the broad range of science and engineering payloads on the flight. The primary objectives of the mission were to measure chemical constituents in Earth's atmosphere with a free-flying satellite and to flight-test a new Japanese robotic arm designed for use on the International Space Station (ISS). STS-85 was the second flight of the satellite known as Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere-Shuttle Pallet Satellite-2 CRISTA-SPAS-02. CRISTA, depicted on the right side of the patch pointing its trio of infrared telescopes at Earth's atmosphere, stands for Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere. The high inclination orbit is shown as a yellow band over Earth's northern latitudes. In the Space Shuttle Discovery's open payload bay an enlarged version of the Japanese National Space Development Agency's (NASDA) Manipulator Flight Demonstration (MFD) robotic arm is shown. Also shown in the payload bay are two sets of multi-science experiments: the International Extreme Ultraviolet Hitchhiker (IEH-02) nearest the tail and the Technology Applications and Science (TAS-01) payload. Jupiter and three stars are shown to represent sources of ultraviolet energy in the universe. Comet Hale-Bopp, which was visible from Earth during the mission, is depicted at upper right. The left side of the patch symbolizes daytime operations over the Northern Hemisphere of Earth and the solar science objectives of several of the payloads.
Logo of Nasa's STS-100 mission.
- The STS-100/6A emblem reflects the complex interaction of robotics and extravehicular activity (EVA) on this mission. During the mission spacewalks will be conducted to deploy the International Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The EVA helmet frames the patch, with the Canadian-built SSRMS shown below the visor. Reflected in the visor is the Space Shuttle Endeavour, with the International Space Station rising above the horizon at orbital sunrise. Endeavour's payload bay houses a Spacelab pallet, itself holding the SSRMS and the Space Station Ultra High Frequency Antenna, and the Italian-built Multi-Purpose Logistics Module "Raffaello." American, Russian, Canadian, and Italian astronauts compose the crew, and their flags are stylized in the lower portion of the emblem. Ten stars adorn the sky, representing the children of the STS-100 crew and the future of space exploration.
Designed by the crew members, this is the mission insignia for the STS-96 space flight, the second Space Shuttle mission dedicated to the assembly of the International Space Station (ISS). The crew patch highlights the major themes of the Station Program: Earth-directed research, the advancement of human space exploration, and international cooperation. The Space Shuttle Discovery is depicted shortly after reaching orbit as the crew prepares to carry out the first docking with the new Station. At this early stage in its construction, ISS consists of two modules: Zarya and Unity, shown orbiting Earth. The triangular shape of the patch represents building on the knowledge and experience of earlier missions, while the three vertical bars of the astronaut emblem point toward future human endeavors in space. The five-pointed star that tops the astronaut emblem in this depiction is symbolic of the five space agencies participating in the development of ISS: NASA, the Russian Space Agency, the European Space Agency, the National Space Development Agency of Japan, and the Canadian Space Agency. The blend of red, white, and blue is a tribute to the nationalities of the crew members who are from the United States, Canada, and Russia.