Louise Boyleová

Louise Boyleová
Narození17. února 1910
Grand Forks, Severní Dakota
Úmrtí31. prosince 2005 (ve věku 95 let)
Ithaca, New York
Alma materVassar College
Povolánífotoreportérka a fotografka
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Louise Boyleová (nepřechýleně Boyle; 17. února 1910 Grand Forks31. prosince 2005 Ithaca) byla americká fotografka známá svými snímky dokumentujícími vliv Velké hospodářské krize na zemědělské pracovníky na jihu, zejména Afroameričany.


Boyleová se narodila v roce 1910 v Grand Forks v Severní Dakotě, jedna ze dvou dcer Effie L. Boyleové a Jamese E. Boyla. Když jí bylo osm, její rodina se přestěhovala do Ithaky v New Yorku, a tam bydlela po většinu svého dospělého života. Navštěvovala střední školu v Ithace a pokračovala na Vassar College.[1]

Boyleová nějaký čas studovala fotografii v New Yorku a poté v Ithace otevřela komerční a portrétní fotografické studio. Jedním z jejích dřívějších dokumentů je soubor fotografií pensylvánských těžařů, které pořídila pro Survey Graphic.[1]

Tři černošské děti si hrají s panenkami a písmeny v Delta Cooperative

Boyleová byla členkou skupiny mladých socialistů, kteří se dobrovolně přihlásili na pomoc Southern Tenant Farmers Union (Svazu zemědělců jižních nájemců, SFTU).[2] V roce 1937 byla pozvána fotografovat život a dílo členů Arkansasu SFTU, které byly organizovány před třemi lety bojujícími nájemnými farmáři. Její fotografie pořízené fotoaparátem Leica dokumentují farmáře a jejich rodiny na polích, doma i na schůzkách odborů. Stejně jako práce jejích současníků Walkera Evanse a Dorothy Langeové, tak i její fotografie nenásilně ukazují obrovské potíže, kterým čelí farmáři na jihu v tomto období, zejména Afroameričané. Zároveň zaznamenávají silného komunálního ducha mezi jižními organizátory práce a farmáři. O více než čtyřicet let později se Boyleová vrátila, aby v roce 1982 znovu vyfotografovala některé ze stejných lidí a míst.[1]

Boyleová nějakou dobu působila jako redaktorka pro Cornell University Press.[3] Sbírka jejích fotografií je ve sbírce v Kheel Centru na Cornell University jako součást jejích fondů souvisejících s SFTU.[4]

Boyleová zemřela v Ithace poslední den roku 2005.[1]


Mladá černoška u studny v Delta Cooperative

Boyleová často dokumentovala Afroameričany během hospodářské krize V její práci jsou obzvláště prominentní myšlenky na soudržnost a společný boj. Její fotografie zachycují, jak farmáři společně pracovali na vytvoření kolektivní budoucnosti, která bude ku prospěchu všem. Mnoho z jejích fotografií ukazuje, jak Afroameričané sklízejí bavlnu, pracují pro odbory nebo jen žijí každodenní život ve svých domovech.[5]


  • Payne, Elizabeth Anne Payne, and Louise Boyle. „The Lady Was a Sharecropper: Myrtle Lawrence and the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union.“ Southern Cultures 4:2 (1998), s. 5–27.




V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Louise Boyle na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. a b c d „Louise Boyle“. Ithaca Journal, 4. ledna 2006 (Obituary).
  2. H. L. Mitchell. Mean Things Happening in this Land: The Life and Times of H.L. Mitchell, Co-Founder of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union. [s.l.]: University of Oklahoma Press, 22 October 2014. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0-8061-8607-8. S. 208–. 
  3. „From Our Readers.“ Southern Exposure 3:1 (1975), s. 1.
  4. „Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982“. Kheel Center Collections, Cornell University.
  5. Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982 [online]. [cit. 2017-03-10]. Dostupné online. (anglicky) 

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Woman and child looking into a car window.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: Woman and child looking into a car window
           Date: 1937
           Photographer: Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f31zc800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,Children, Women,
A young Black girl operates a water pump at Delta Cooperative with balloon in her mouth.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: A young Black girl operates a water pump at Delta Cooperative with balloon in her mouth
           Date: 1937
           Photographer: Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f30fc800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,African Americans, Children, Living Conditions
Children playing on a swings at Delta Cooperative with a dog and house in the background.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: Children playing on a swings at Delta Cooperative with a dog and house in the background
           Date: 1937
           Photographer: Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f30hc800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,African Americans, Children, Sports and Recreation
Three black children playing with dolls and alphabet blocks at Delta Cooperative.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: Three black children playing with dolls and alphabet blocks at Delta Cooperative
           Date: 1937
           Photographer: Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f31dc800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,Advertising, Children, Living Conditions
Woman at Delta Cooperative.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: Woman at Delta Cooperative. From image verso" "The wires are up at Dyess [Colony], but not working yet." "We'll have electric lights"
           Date: 1937
           Photographer:  Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f3ap800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,Farm Workers, Living Conditions
H. L. Mitchell (Harry Leland Mitchell), executive secretary of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
H. L. Mitchell (Harry Leland Mitchell), executive secretary and later president of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, working in his office at the STFU headquarters in Memphis, TN by Louise Boyle
           Date: 1937
           Photographer: Louise Boyle
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f17cp700g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,Offices, Union Officers
Louise Boyle August 1982.jpg
Autor: Kheel Center, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Title: Photographer Louise Boyle crop from pic of her talking to a grower in front of crops, August 1982
           Date: 1982
           Photographer: Unknown
           Photo ID:  5859pb2f40in800g
           Collection: Louise Boyle. Southern Tenant Farmers Union Photographs, 1937 and 1982
           Repository: The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives in the ILR School at Cornell University is the Catherwood Library unit that collects, preserves, and makes accessible special collections documenting the history of the workplace and labor relations. www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/kheel
           Copyright: The copyright status of this image is unknown. It may also be subject to third party rights of privacy or publicity. Images are being made available for purposes of private study, scholarship, and research. The Kheel Center would like to learn more about this image and hear from any copyright owners who are not properly identified so that we may make the necessary corrections.
Tags: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives,Cornell University Library,Agriculture, Farm Workers