
Lowlands je neoficiální oblast ve Skotsku sahající od anglických hranic směrem na sever po město Perth, respektive území na sever od Glasgow k části, kde začíná Highlands. Oblast se dělí ještě na Central Lowlands a Southern Uplands. Krajina Central Lowlands má výrazně nížinný charakter, naproti tomu krajina u hranic s Anglií (Southern Uplands) je převážně hornatá.
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Autor: Drawn by User:Briangotts as Image:Scotch regions.png and converted to SVG by w:User:Interiot., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Single malt scotch regions of Scotland. Note that some regard Islay and Campbeltown malts as belonging to the same group or to the Highland or Island group. Others dispute the existence of a separate "Island" group, insisting that it is a subset of Highland malts. The only officially recognised regions are Campbeltown, Islay, Highland, Lowland and Speyside.