Maastricht (geologie)

Maastricht je posledním geologickým stupněm (či věkem) druhohorní éry a křídové periody. Zahrnuje zhruba posledních 6 milionů let druhohor (před 72,1–66,0 Ma). Název dostal podle nizozemského města stejného jména, v jehož okolí jsou objevovány sedimenty právě tohoto stáří.[1] Toto období končí velkým hromadným vymíráním na konci křídy.[2]


V průběhu pozdního maastrichtu (asi před 68,5 až 66,25 milionu let) dochází k celkovému globálnímu ochlazení klimatu. Oteplování pak nastává až zhruba 250 000 let před velkým vymíráním na konci křídy.[3]

Obratlovci tohoto období

Souvrství Maevarano, před 70 miliony letMadagaskarObří žába, dosahující 40 cm délky a 4 kg hmotnosti.
  • Albanerpeton
Svrchní křída až pozdní pliocénEvropa a Severní AmerikaPoměrně robustní „mlokovitý“ obojživelník.
Souvrství Hell Creek, před 68–66 mil. letMontana, USAMohutný čtvernohý býložravec, největší zástupce skupiny.[4]
Souvrství Horseshoe Canyon, před 76–71 mil. letAlberta, Kanada a Montana, USAVelký obrněný dinosaurus.
Souvrství Dinosaur Park a jiné, asi před 76–67 mil. letAlberta a MontanaVelký čtyřnohý obrněný dinosaurus.
Souvrství Ojo Alamo, svrchní křídaNové MexikoVelký nodosaurid.
Kampán-maastrichtRakousko, Rumunsko, FrancieMalý nodosaurid, délka asi 2,2 metru.
Souvrství Barun GoyotMongolskoJeden z největších ankylosauridů, délka až 8,5 metru.
  • Anatalavis
    • Anatalavis rex
Před 66,7 milionu letBelgiePrimitivní zástupce kladu Neornithes, mající blízko ke kladu Galloanserae.
  • Canadaga
    • Canadaga arctica
  • Ceramornis
    • Ceramornis major
  • "Cimolopteryx"[5]
  • Enantiornis
    • Enantiornis leali
Před 71 až 66 miliony letFrancie, RumunskoNejvětší známý nelétavý křídový pták, odhadovaná hmotnost až kolem 150 kg.
  • Graculavus
  • Judinornis
    • Judinornis nogontsavensis
  • Laornis
    • Laornis edvardsianus
  • Lectavis
  • Lectavis bretincola
  • Neogaeornis
    • Neogaeornis wetzeli
  • Palaeotringa
  • Palintropus
  • Palintropus retusus
  • Telmatornis
  • Tytthostonyx
    • Tytthostonyx glauconiticus
  • Vegavis
    • Vegavis iaai
Před 66,5 milionu letAntarktidaZástupce čeledi Vegaavidae.

Chrupavčité ryby

  • Coupatezia
  • Ctenopristis
  • Dalpiazia
  • Ganopristis
  • Gibbechinorhinus
  • Igdabatis
  • Microetmopterus
  • Paraginglymostoma
  • Parasquatina
  • Proetmopterus
  • Pucabatis
  • Pucapristis
  • Raja
  • Rhombodus
  • Schizorhiza


  1. Anchiceratops ornatus
  1. Arrhinoceratops brachyops
  1. Nedoceratops hatcheri
  1. Eotriceratops xerinsularis
Před 68 až 67 miliony letAlberta, KanadaObří rohatý dinosaurus.[6]
  1. Leptoceratops gracilis
  1. Montanoceratops cerorhynchos
  1. Pachyrhinosaurus canadensis
  1. Torosaurus latus
Před 68 až 66 miliony letSeverní AmerikaObří rohatý dinosaurus.[7]
  1. Triceratops horridus
  2. Triceratops prorsus
Před 68 až 66 miliony letSeverní AmerikaObří rohatý dinosaurus.[8]
  • Dyrosaurus
  • Hyposaurus
  • Mahajangasuchus
  • Arius
  • Congorhynchus
  • Coriops
  • Eodiaphyodus
  • Gasteroclupea
  • Goudkoffia
  • Hemilampronites
  • Kankatodus
  • Natlandia
  • Zalambdalestes
  1. Amurosaurus riabinini
Edmontosaurus annectens
(c) I,, CC BY 2.5
Edmontosaurus regalis‎
  1. Anasazisaurus horneri
  1. Anatotitan copei
Asi před 68–65,5 miliony let, souvrství Hell Creek.Západ Severní Ameriky.Velký hadrosaurid, délka až 12 metrů.
  1. Barsboldia sicinskii
  1. Charonosaurus jiayinensis
Dálný Východ (Rusko)Velký hadrosaurid s výrazným lebečním hřebenem.
  1. Edmontosaurus regalis
  2. Edmontosaurus annectens
  3. Edmontosaurus sakatchewansis
  1. Hypacrosaurus altispinus
  1. Kerberosaurus manakini
  1. Koutalisaurus kohlerorum
  1. Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis
  1. Nanningosaurus dashiensis
  1. Olorotitan arhanensis
  1. Orthomerus dolloi
  1. Pararhabdodon isonensis
  1. Parksosaurus warreni
  1. Rhabdodon priscus
  2. Rhabdodon septimanicus
  1. Sahaliyania elunchunorum
  1. Saurolophus osborni
  1. Secernosaurus koerneri
  1. Shantungosaurus giganteus
Asi před 70 miliony let.ČínaJeden z největších hadrosauridů, délka až 15 metrů.
  1. Tanius sinensis
  1. Talenkauen santacrucensis
  1. Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
  1. Thescelosaurus garbanii
  2. Thescelosaurus neglectus
Souvrství Hell Creek, asi před 68–65,5 miliony let.Montana, USAMenší ornitopod, délka asi 4 metry.
  1. Thespesius occidentalis
  1. Wulagasaurus dongi
  1. Zalmoxes robustus
  2. Zalmoxes shqiperorum
  1. Dracorex hogwartsia
  1. Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis
  1. Prenocephale prenes
  2. Prenocephale brevis
  3. Prenocephale edmontonensis
  4. Prenocephale goodwini
  1. Sphaerotholus bucholtzae
  1. Stygimoloch spinifer
  • Aristonectes
  • Hydrotherosaurus
    • Hydrotherosaurus alexandrae
  • Turneria
  1. Hatzegopteryx thambema
Souvrství Densus-Ciula, RumunskoJeden z největších ptakoještěrů, rozpětí křídel kolem 12 metrů.
  1. N. lamegoi
  2. N. gracilis
Severní Amerika
  1. Quetzalcoatlus northropi
Severní AmerikaJeden z největších ptakoještěrů vůbec, rozpětí křídel až 13 metrů.
Velikost rodu Antarctosaurus ve srovnání s člověkem.
Hypselosaurus, vejce
ArgentinaObří sauropod.
    • Argyrosaurus superbus
ArgentinaObří sauropod.
Bruhathkayosaurus může být největším vůbec známým dinosaurem.
    • Campylodoniscus ameghinoi
    • Hypselosaurus priscus
Grès à Reptiles, Francie; ŠpanělskoStředně velký sauropod, známý také z fosílií vajec.
    • Isisaurus colberti
    • Jainosaurus septentrionalis
    • Laplatasaurus araukanicus
    • Magyarosaurus dacus
RumunskoMalý sauropod, zřejmě ostrovní forma.
    • Opisthocoelocaudia skarzynskii
    • Saltasaurus loricatus
    • Titanosaurus indicus
  • Globidens
  • Goronyosaurus
  1. Goronyosaurus nigeriensis
  1. Hainosaurus bernardi
  2. Hainosaurus gaudryi
  • Halisaurus
  1. Halisaurus platyspondylus
  • Igdamanosaurus
  1. Igdamanosaurus aegyptiacus
  • Liodon
  1. Liodon sectorius
  1. Mosasaurus dekayi
  2. Mosasaurus hoffmanni
  3. Mosasaurus mokoroa
  • Palaeophis
  • Platecarpus
  1. Platecarpus bocagei
  • Plesiotylosaurus
  1. Plesiotylosaurus crassidens
  1. Plotosaurus tuckeri
  • Pluridens
  1. Pluridens walkeri
  • Prognathodon
  1. Prognathodon waiparaensis
  1. Taniwhasaurus oweni

Teropodi (neptačí)

  1. Abelisaurus comahuensis
Souvrství Allen?, Souvrství Anacleto?, Argentina
Tyrannosaurus rex
  1. Adasaurus mongoliensis
Souvrství Nemegt, Mongolsko
  1. Albertosaurus sarcophagus
  1. Alioramus remotus
  1. Anserimimus planinychus
  1. Atrociraptor marshalli
  1. Avimimus portentosus
Souvrství Nemegt, Mongolsko
  1. Bagaraatan ostromi
  1. Bahariasaurus ingens
  1. Borogovia gracilicrus
  1. Bradycneme draculae
  1. Carnotaurus sastrei
  1. Deinocheirus mirificus
  1. Dromiceiomimus brevitertius
  1. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis
  1. Elmisaurus rarus
  1. Elopteryx nopcsai
  1. Erliansaurus bellamanus
  1. Euronychodon portucalensis
  1. Gallimimus bullatus
  1. Heptasteornis andrewsi
  1. Laevisuchus indicus
  1. Majungasaurus crenatissimus
  1. Masiakasaurus knopfleri
  1. Nanotyrannus lancensis
  1. Noasaurus leali
  1. Nomingia gobiensis
  1. Paronychodon lacustris
  1. Pyroraptor olympius
  1. Struthiomimus altus
  1. Tarbosaurus bataar
  1. Therizinosaurus cheloniformis
  1. Tochisaurus nemegtensis
  1. Troodon formosus
  1. Tyrannosaurus rex
  1. Variraptor mechinorum
  • Dollochelys
  • Peritresius
  • Pneumatoarthrus
    • Pneumatoarthrus peloreus


  • Metasequoia



  1. Johan Vellekoop, Pim Kaskes, Matthias Sinnesael, Jarno Huygh, Thomas Déhais, John W. M. Jagt, Robert P. Speijer and Philippe Claeys (2022). A new age model and chemostratigraphic framework for the Maastrichtian type area (southeastern Netherlands, northeastern Belgium). Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 55 (4): 479-501. doi: 10.1127/nos/2022/0703
  3. Maurícius Nascimento Menezes, Patrick Führ Dal' Bó, Jon J. Smith, Amanda Goulart Rodrigues & Álvaro Rodríguez-Berriguete (2022). Maastrichtian atmospheric pCO2 and climatic reconstruction from carbonate paleosols of the Marília Formation (southeastern Brazil). Journal of Sedimentary Research. 92 (9): 775–796. doi:
  5. Sydney R. Mohr, John H. Acorn, Gregory Funston & Philip J. Currie (2020). An ornithurine bird coracoid from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. doi:
  10. SOCHA, Vladimír. Mosasauři z Pekelného potoka. [online]. 26. srpna 2021. Dostupné online.  (česky)

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Média použitá na této stránce

Anatotitan BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Edmontosaurus annectens (formerly Anatotitan copei), a hadrosaur from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing
Shantungosaurus giganteus.png
Autor: Connor Ashbridge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Shantungosaurus giganteus
Therizinosaurus Restoration.png
Autor: PaleoNeolitic, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Life restoration of the gigantic, Late Cretaceous therizinosaurid Therizinosaurus cheloniformis. Claws and arms based on holotype PIN 551-483 and specimens IGM 100/15, 100/16 and 100/17.
Nanuqsaurus UDL.png
Autor: UnexpectedDinoLesson, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Nanuqsaurus is a tyrannosaurid theropod from Alaska. 70 million years ago, Alaska experienced cold weather and extreme changes in daylight during the year. Prey availability likely would have increased during the summer, then declined in the dark winter, leaving predators with little to eat. In its initial description, Nanuqsaurus was estimated to have been 5–6 m long and 500–900 kg in weight. This diminutive size was postulated as being an adaptation to its high-latitude habitat. However, later studies suggested that its supposed small size was unfounded, and that it was likely similar in size to other North American tyrannosaurids - as much as 9 m in length.
Majungasaurus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Majungasaurus crenatissimus, an abelisaur from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar, pencil drawing
Euoplocephalus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Restoration of ankylosaurid dinosaur. Postcrania based mostly on type specimen of Scolosaurus cutleri, after Carpenter, 1982 [1]. Pencil drawing, digital coloring.
Mosasaurus 21copy.jpg

Mosasaurus hoffmanni.

Sources for anatomy:

  • ~1:7 head-to-body ratio matches Fanti et al. (2014)[1]
  • Shape of tail is based on soft tissue from the related Prognathodon per Lindgren et al. (2013)[2]
  • The feeding on a turtle is based on fossil evidence per Lingham-Soliar (1995)[3]
Abelisaurus comahuensis jmallon.jpg
Autor: Jordan Mallon, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.5
Sketch of Abelisaurus comahuensis, a theropod Dinosaur which has been placed into its own taxon, the Abelisauridae, among several other genera.
Autor: Alamotitan, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Hypothetical restoration of Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, based on Scott Hartman's skeletal restoration [1] with speculative quills and hypothetical osteoderms' position and osteoderms' layout loosely based on this interpretation, which is based on the work of Vidal et. al., 2015 [2].
Alioramus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Alioramus remotus, a tyrannosaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia, pencil drawing
Antarctosaurus dinosaur.jpg
speculative form of a Antarctosaurus. there are too few pieces found to make a more detailed image.
Autor: Creator: Dmitry Bogdanov, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Goronyosaurus nigerensis - unusual tylosaurine mosasaur from maastrichtian of Niger
Purgatorius BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Purgatorius unio, from the Late Paleocene of North America, believed to be the earliest primate, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Struthiomimus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Struthiomimus altus is an ornithomimid from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Hainosaurus catching a squid
Nyctosaurus DB.jpg
Autor: Creator:Dmitry Bogdanov Crest fixed by FunkMonk., Licence: CC BY 3.0
Nyctosaurus sp. Modified to match crest-shape shown in:[1]
Mahajangasuchus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Mahajangasuchus insignis, a extinct crocodile from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar, after Buckley (2001), pencil drawing
Ankylosaurus magniventris reconstruction nomargin.png
Autor: Emily Willoughby (,; modifications by FunkMonk, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Simple drawing of Ankylosaurus magniventris, a North American Cretaceous ankylosaurid. Based on skeletal reconstruction in Paul 2010.
Nomingia gobiensis.png
Drawn by en:Smokeybjb
  • Based on skeletal reconstruction by Scott Hartman found here.
Chirostenotes BW.jpg
Autor: User:ArthurWeasley, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Life restoration of Chirostenotes, pencil drawing, based mainly on Scott Hartmann's skeletal of Anzu[1], with modifications after Greg Funston's skeletal of Chirostenotes.[2]
Tarbosaurus Restoration.png
Autor: PaleoNeolitic, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Life restoration of the large Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurid Tarbosaurus bataar.
Saltasaurus dinosaur.png
Saltasaurus (which means "lizard from Salta") was a sauropod dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous Period. Relatively small among sauropods, though still massive by human standards, it was characterized by a diplodocid-like head
Dryptosaurus by Durbed.jpg
Autor: Josep Asensi:, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Late Cretaceous basal tyrannosaur Dryptosaurus
Variraptor mechinorum reconstruction.png
Autor: Adramelech89, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Variraptor mechinorum in vivo reconstruction.
Isisaurus UDL.png
Autor: UnexpectedDinoLesson, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Originally known as Titanosaurus, Isisaurus is a genus of titanosaurian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of India and Pakistan. Its name was changed in honor of the Indian Statistical Institute, after the defining traits of the genus Titanosaurus became obsolete as more species were discovered. Isisaurus is known from better remains than many other titanosaurs that were known at the time of its description. Isisaurus was a medium-sized sauropod, measuring 18 m long and weighing 15 t. It had a short, vertically directed neck and long forelimbs.
Magyarosaurus 04800.JPG
Autor: Conty, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Illustration of the dwarf-sized sauropod dinosaur Magyarosaurus (Romania, Late Cretaceous.)
Pachycephalosaurus Reconstruction.jpg
Autor: Fred Wierum, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Reconstruction of Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis based on the “Sandy” specimen.
Autor: No machine-readable author provided. ArthurWeasley~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims)., Licence: CC BY 2.5

Elasmosaurus, Pencil drawing

Dyrosaurus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Dyrosaurus phosphaticus, a crocodilian from the Early Eocene of North Africa, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Torosaurus BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Torosaurus latus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Hatzegopteryx BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Hatzegopteryx thambema, a pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Romania, pencil drawing
Triceratops horridus.png
Autor: Connor Ashbridge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Triceratops horridus life reconstruction based on P 256878
Life reconstruction of Hypacrosaurus altispinus.png
Autor: Connor Ashbridge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Hypacrosaurus altispinus
Taniwhasaurus species mosasaur
Pachyrhinosaurus UDL.png
Autor: UnexpectedDinoLesson, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Pachyrhinosaurus canadensis is a centrosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period of North America. Instead of horns, its skull bore massive, flattened bosses - a large boss over the nose and a smaller one over the eyes. A prominent pair of horns grew from the frill and extended upwards. The skull also bore several smaller horns or ornaments that varied between individuals. Size estimates for the largest Pachyrhinosaurus species indicate lengths of 6–8 m and a weight of 3–4 t. Pachyrhinosaurus was herbivorous and possessed strong cheek teeth to help them chew tough, fibrous plants.
Deinocheirus UDL.png
Autor: UnexpectedDinoLesson, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Deinocheirus was an unusual ornithomimosaur. It was the largest of the clade at 12 m long, and weighing around 6 t. Though it was a bulky animal, it had many hollow bones which saved weight. The arms were among the largest of any bipedal dinosaur with large, blunt claws on its three-fingered hands. The legs were relatively short, and also bore blunt claws. Its vertebrae had tall neural spines that formed a "sail" along its back and the skull had a wide bill and a deep lower jaw, similar to those of hadrosaurs. For nearly half a century, the massive arms were all that was known of Deinocheirus, which led to some speculation and confusion among the paleontological community.
Montanoceratops BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Montanoceratops cerorhynchus, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Carnotaurus Reconstruction (2022).png
Autor: Fred Wierum, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Carnotaurus sastrei taking a 2021 paper about the animal's skin impressions into account.
Tarchia 6497.JPG
Autor: Conty, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Tarchia ("Brainy") is an armored dinosaur closely related to Ankylosaurus. It lived in Mongolia, and is one of the biggest ankylosaurs found there. It is named for its brain, which is proportionally bigger than its relatives.
Tyrannosaurus rex by durbed.jpg
Autor: Durbed, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Illustration of the tyrannosaurid Tyrannosaurus rex.
Pyroraptor olympius reconstruction.png
Autor: Mette Aumala, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Artistic reconstruction of the life appearance of the Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurid dinosaur Pyroraptor olympius, based on a generalized dromaeosaurid model where not directly informed by existing fossil material.
Hesperornis BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Hesperornis regalis, a bird from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing
Leptoceratops BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Leptoceratops gracilis, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Saurolophus osborni.png
Autor: Connor Ashbridge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Saurolophus osborni
Edmontonia dinosaur.png
Edmontonia rugosidens.
Gallimimus Steveoc86.jpg
(c) I, Steveoc 86, CC BY 2.5

Gallimimus bullatus restoration.

• Based Proportionally on Scott Hartman's skeletal drawing. [1]
• Three specimens of Ornithomimus preserve evidence of feathers, including evidence of pennaceous feathers on the arms. [1] An additional Ornithomimus specimen suggests that the skin lacked feathers on the lower parts of the thigh and under the tail. [2] This image goes under the assumption that Gallimimus were also covered in feathers.
• The colours and/or patterns, as with nearly all reconstructions of prehistoric creatures, are speculative.

Note: I often update my images; If you want to post this image on other websites, if possible, please link to the original file here. This will allow others to see the most recent version. Thanks.


  1. (2012). "Feathered Non-Avian Dinosaurs from North America Provide Insight into Wing Origins". Science 338 (6106): 510. DOI:10.1126/science.1225376.
  2. (2016). "A densely feathered ornithomimid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, Canada". Cretaceous Research 58: 108. DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2015.10.004.
Prenocephale bickering (cropped + fix).jpg
Autor: AntoninJury, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Restoration of the pachycephalosaurid Prenocephale prenes.
Thescelosaurus BW3.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 2.5
Thescelosaurus neglectus, an hypsilophodont from North America, version with scutes and rib plates, pencil drawing
Albertosaurus NT small.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Albertosaurus sarcophagus
Arrhinoceratops BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Arrhinoceratops brachyops, a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Life reconstruction of Amurosaurus riabinini.png
Autor: Connor Ashbridge, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Amurosaurus riabinini
Platecarpus tympaniticus.jpg
Autor: Creator: Dmitry Bogdanov, Licence: CC BY 3.0
New reconstruction of Platecarpus tympaniticus, based on skeletal reconstruction of specimen LACM 128319, upper Santonian–lowermost Campanian, Kansas, USA. Skeletal drawing was published by Lindgren J, Caldwell MW, Konishi T, Chiappe LM (2010).
Rhabdodon by Tom Parker.png
Autor: Tomopteryx, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Rhabdodon priscus by Tom Parker.
Autor: Dmitry Bogdanov , Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Globidens alabamaensis
Autor: ABelov2014 (, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Sphaerotholus in environment.
Zalambdalestes lechei24DB.jpg
Autor: ДиБгд, Licence: CC BY 4.0
Zalambdalestes lechei - eutherian mammal from the Upper Cretaceous in Mongolia.- Bayn Dzak Member (Djadokhta Formation), Late/Upper Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)
Albanerpeton BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Albanerpeton sp, a salamander-like lissamphibian (Order: Allocaudata) from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing
Beelzebufo BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Beelzebufo ampinga, a frog from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Olorotitan DB.jpg
(c) ДиБгд, CC BY-SA 3.0
Restoration of Olorotitan.
Eotriceratops BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Eotriceratops xerinsularis, a recently discovered (Wu et al., 2007) ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North America, that might have been the direct ancestor of Triceratops, pencil drawing, digital coloring
Hypselosaurus egg 2.jpg
Autor: Ballista., Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
A Hypselosaurus egg (Dinosaurland, Lyme Regis).
Plotosaurus ben1DB.jpg
Autor: Dmitry Bogdanov , Licence: CC BY 3.0
Plotosaurus bennisoni is a mosasaur from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) North America.
Parksosaurus Steveoc86.jpg
(c) I, Steveoc 86, CC BY 2.5

Parksosaurus warreni restoration,

• Based proportionally on a skeletal diagram by Gregory S Paul. [1]
• The skin details in this image are speculative but based loosely on related dinosaurs. Until recently most skin impressions from Ornithischians showed circular or polygonal scales but these were from larger hadrosaurs and ceratopsians. In 2009 the Heterodontosaur Tianyulong was described which shows filamentous quill like structures along its back and underside. [2] In 2014 Kulindadromeus was described and showed a mix of feather like structures and scales. [3]
• The colours and/or patterns, as with nearly all reconstructions of prehistoric creatures, are speculative.

NOTE: I often update my images. If you want to have any of my images on a website, please (if possible) don’t host/save it to the website server. I’d prefer it if the image's Wikimedia URL is used. This means that if I update an image, it will be updated on the site as well. Thanks.


  1. Paul, G.S. , ed. (2000) The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs, St. Martin's Press ISBN: 0-312-26226-4.
  2. Zheng, Xiao-Ting (19 March 2009). "An Early Cretaceous heterodontosaurid dinosaur with filamentous integumentary structures". Nature 458 (7236): 333–336. DOI:10.1038/nature07856. PMID 19295609.
  3. Godefroit, P., Sinitsa, S.M., Dhouailly, D., Bolotsky, Y.L., Sizov, A.V., McNamara, M.E., Benton, M.J., and Spagna, P. 2014. "A Jurassic ornithischian dinosaur from Siberia with both feathers and scales." Science, 345(6195): 451-455. Published 25 Jul 2014. doi:10.1126/science.1253351
Tylosaurus nepaeolicus NT.png
Autor: Nobu Tamura, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of Tylosaurus nepaeolicus
Edmontosaurus BW.jpg
(c) I,, CC BY 2.5
Edmontosaurus regalis, a hadrosaur from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing. Illustration based from the Edmontosaurus' skeletal reconstruction by Greg Paul.
Titanoceratops dinosaur.png
Life restoration of ceratopsid specimen OMNH 10165, originally classified as Pentaceratops, but considered since 2011 Titanoceratops ouranos, a separate genus ( (1 June 2011). "Titanoceratops ouranos, a giant horned dinosaur from the late Campanian of New Mexico". Cretaceous Research 32 (3): 264–276. DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2010.12.007. ISSN 0195-6671.).
Telmatosaurus sketch v2.jpg
(c) Debivort, CC BY-SA 3.0
drawing by me user debivort may 07
"Ornithomimus" sp. by Tom Parker.png
Autor: Tom Parker, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Life reconstruction of "Ornithomimus" sp. based on specimens from the Dinosaur Park Formation.
Anchiceratops dinosaur.png
Anchiceratops (ANG-ki-SER-a-tops; meaning "near horned face", derived from the Greek "anchi -/αγχι-" "near", "cerat-/κερατ-" "horn", "-ops/ωψ" "face") is a genus of chasmosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period of western North America.
Zalmoxes UDL.png
Autor: UnexpectedDinoLesson, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Zalmoxes is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur named after the Romanian deity Zalmoxis, as a reference to being "resurrected" from its fossil grave. A fairly small, but robust bipedial herbivore, Zalmoxes could grow to about 2.5 m in length and weighed around 45 kg. It had a large triangular head and a beak, suggesting that it most likely had a diet consisting of tough fibrous plants like horsetails and ferns.
Nedoceratops BW.jpg
Autor: Nobu Tamura (, Licence: CC BY 3.0
Diceratus/Nedoceratops hatcheri is a ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of North America, pencil drawing, digital coloring