Marte Vallis

Marte Vallis
Údolí Marte Vallis (THEMIS)
Údolí Marte Vallis (THEMIS)
Poloha15°N 176.5°W
Rozměraž 185 km

Marte Vallis je údolí či řečiště na povrchu Marsu, které se nachází v oblasti Amazonis. Marte Vallis byl identifikován jako odtokový kanál vyrytý do geologické vrstvy povrchu Marsu. Toto údolí nese první nalezené náznaky chladnoucí lávy na povrchu Marsu.


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Marte Vallis based on day THEMIS.png
Snímek Marte Vallis na povrchu Marsu.
Martevallis hir 2007304 lrgMod1.png
Columnar jointing displayed in outcrops in unnamed impact crater on Mars. Marte Vallis region. Image courtesy High Resolution Imaging Experiment HiRISE, NASA-University of Arizona. Horizontal dimension is ~1 kilometer.
Columnar jointing, Marte Vallis.jpg
Columnar jointing of basalt in Marte Vallis, Mars. The image shows layers of solidified lava flows exposed on the rim of a 16-kilometer-diamter crater in the Marte Vallis region on Mars. This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment HiRISE instrument aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the first columnar joints positively identified on a planet other than Earth. Columns between 30–40 meters (100–130 feet) tall and about 2 meters (6.6 feet) wide comprise the lowest of the visible layers in the Mars image. (The exposed columns run from lower left to upper right in this image.) Beneath the columns, talus (eroded debris) slopes towards the crater floor. The crater rim is visible in the lower right corner. The Sun is lighting the scene from the lower left.

Jointed columns occur around the entire circumference of the crater, indicating that the lava flows cover a huge area: at least 200 square kilometers (77 square miles). The widespread lava flows stacked on top of one another appear similar to the terrestrial flood basalts of the Columbia River Basin in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, where instances of columnar jointing are common. It is likely that runny lava from a distant source formed layers of basalt in Marte Vallis, and they were uncovered when an asteroid punched through the Martian surface.

Mars image courtesy High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, Arizona State University.
Marte Vallis Island.JPG
Marte Vallis Island, as seen by hirise. Location is 11.7 North and 183 East. Scale bar is 500 meters long. Image was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRISE. The HiRISE camera was built by Ball Aerospace and Technology Corporation and is operated by the University of Arizona. Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.
MarteVallis by Odyssey.jpg
Marte Vallis, located in Amazonis Planitia, is broad and shallow. The streamlined islands at the top and bottom of the image illustrate this.