Noachis Terra
Noachis Terra (nazváno po Noemovi) je název jedné z pojmenovaných oblastí (terrae) na planetě Mars. Nachází se západně od velké impaktní pánve Hellas Planitia. Podle Noachis Terra je pojmenováno jedno z geologických období Marsu, Noachian.
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Dunes of sand-sized materials have been trapped on the floors of many Martian craters. This is one example, from a crater in Noachis Terra, west of the giant Hellas impact basin. The dunes here are linear, thought to be due to shifting wind directions. In places, each dune is remarkably similar to adjacent dunes, including a reddish (or dust coloured) band on north-east-facing slopes. Large angular boulders litter the floor between dunes.