Obyvatelstvo Bosny a Hercegoviny

Počet obyvatel Bosny a Hercegoviny se v posledních dekádách dramaticky měnil v důsledku války v Bosně a Hercegovině v letech 1992 - 1995. V roce 2014 země měla 3 871 643 obyvatel.[1]
Bosenská ústava nespecifikuje žádný oficiální jazyk.[2][3][4] Stejný status bosenštiny, srbštiny a chorvatštiny potvrdil ústavní soud v roce 2000.[4] Mluvčí tří daných jazyků si navzájem rozumějí a někdy se považují za dialekty jednoho jazyka – srbochorvatštiny. Užívání jednoho z nich se stalo znakem etnické identity.[5] Všechny je možné psát latinkou, chorvatštinu výhradně, bosenštinu a srbštinu též v cyrilici, ovšem užívání cyrilice v bosenštině je jen výjimečné.
- Jazyková struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Jazyková struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl bosenštiny v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl srbštiny v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl chorvatštiny v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Krabička cigaret z Bosny a Herzegoviny důsledně uvádějící varovný nápis ve všech 3 oficiálních jazycích. Text je ve všech jazycích zcela shodný, jen v srbštině je psán azbukou.
Náboženské složení
Podle sčítání lidu z roku 2013 se 50,7 % populace identifikuje nábožensky jako muslimové, 30,75 % jako srbští pravoslavní křesťané, 15,19 % jako římští katolíci, 1,15 % jako ostatní, 1,1 % jako agnostici nebo ateisté, přičemž zbytek se ke svému náboženství nehlásí nebo neodpověděli. Průzkum z roku 2012 zjistil, že 47 % bosenských muslimů jsou muslimové bez vyznání, zatímco 45 % následuje sunnu.[6] V Bosně a Hercegovině je náboženství silně spjato s etnickou příslušností; islám je spjat s Bosňáky, většina Srbů vyznává pravoslaví a katolická církev má zastoupení především mezi Chorvaty.
- Islám 50,7%
- Pravoslaví 30,75%
- Katolictví 15,19%
- jiné vyznání 3,35%[7]
- Náboženská struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny v roce 1879
- Náboženská struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Náboženská struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl muslimů v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl pravoslavných křesťanů v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl katolíků v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
Demografická statistika

[8][9] [10] | Populace (x 1000) | Živě narození | Úmrtí | Přirozená změna | Hrubá míra porodnosti (na 1000 obyv.) | Hrubá míra úmrtnosti (na 1000 obyv.) | Přirozená změna (na 1000 obyv.) | Plodnost |
1947 | 2 532 | 84 600 | 38 900 | 45 700 | 33,4 | 15,4 | 18,0 | |
1948 | 2 586 | 90 700 | 41 600 | 49 100 | 35,1 | 16,1 | 19,0 | |
1949 | 2 642 | 98 200 | 42 200 | 56 000 | 37,2 | 16,0 | 21,2 | |
1950 | 2 661 | 102 680 | 35 991 | 66 689 | 38,6 | 13,5 | 25,1 | |
1951 | 2 721 | 92 330 | 46 358 | 45 972 | 33,9 | 17,0 | 16,9 | |
1952 | 2 779 | 112 216 | 34 817 | 77 399 | 40,4 | 12,5 | 27,9 | |
1953 | 2 836 | 110 373 | 41 199 | 69 174 | 38,9 | 14,5 | 24,4 | |
1954 | 2 891 | 115 854 | 35 158 | 80 696 | 40,1 | 12,2 | 27,9 | |
1955 | 2 944 | 110 866 | 40 513 | 70 353 | 37,7 | 13,8 | 23,9 | |
1956 | 2 994 | 111 561 | 38 320 | 73 241 | 37,3 | 12,8 | 24,5 | |
1957 | 3 042 | 102 649 | 36 830 | 65 819 | 33,7 | 12,1 | 21,6 | |
1958 | 3 089 | 110 332 | 30 123 | 80 209 | 35,7 | 9,8 | 26,0 | |
1959 | 3 135 | 108 123 | 32 507 | 75 616 | 34,5 | 10,4 | 24,1 | |
1960 | 3 180 | 110 499 | 33 360 | 77 139 | 34,7 | 10,5 | 24,3 | |
1961 | 3 225 | 108 076 | 29 413 | 78 663 | 33,5 | 9,1 | 24,4 | |
1962 | 3 271 | 106 826 | 31 087 | 75 739 | 32,7 | 9,5 | 23,2 | |
1963 | 3 315 | 104 240 | 29 161 | 75 079 | 31,4 | 8,8 | 22,6 | |
1964 | 3 357 | 101 147 | 29 846 | 71 301 | 30,1 | 8,9 | 21,2 | |
1965 | 3 396 | 101 351 | 27 814 | 73 537 | 29,8 | 8,2 | 21,7 | |
1966 | 3 433 | 97 689 | 25 138 | 72 551 | 28,5 | 7,3 | 21,1 | |
1967 | 3 466 | 92 972 | 26 195 | 66 777 | 26,8 | 7,6 | 19,3 | |
1968 | 3 498 | 89 134 | 26 031 | 63 103 | 25,5 | 7,4 | 18,0 | |
1969 | 3 531 | 87 687 | 27 805 | 59 882 | 24,8 | 7,9 | 17,0 | |
1970 | 3 564 | 79 296 | 26 355 | 52 941 | 22,2 | 7,4 | 14,9 | |
1971 | 3 600 | 82 694 | 24 915 | 57 779 | 23,0 | 6,9 | 16,0 | |
1972 | 3 637 | 82 068 | 26 844 | 55 224 | 22,6 | 7,4 | 15,2 | |
1973 | 3 675 | 77 896 | 24 672 | 53 224 | 21,2 | 6,7 | 14,5 | |
1974 | 3 712 | 77 833 | 23 661 | 54 172 | 21,0 | 6,4 | 14,6 | |
1975 | 3 747 | 78 844 | 25 571 | 53 273 | 21,0 | 6,8 | 14,2 | |
1976 | 3 781 | 79 061 | 25 178 | 53 883 | 20,9 | 6,7 | 14,3 | |
1977 | 3 813 | 75 669 | 24 821 | 50 848 | 19,8 | 6,5 | 13,3 | |
1978 | 3 844 | 73 306 | 26 016 | 47 290 | 19,1 | 6,8 | 12,3 | |
1979 | 3 878 | 71 120 | 25 370 | 45 750 | 18,3 | 6,5 | 11,8 | |
1980 | 3 914 | 70 928 | 26 115 | 44 813 | 18,1 | 6,7 | 11,4 | |
1981 | 3 950 | 71 031 | 26 222 | 44 809 | 18,0 | 6,6 | 11,3 | |
1982 | 3 986 | 73 375 | 26 775 | 46 600 | 18,4 | 6,7 | 11,7 | |
1983 | 4 025 | 74 296 | 29 999 | 44 297 | 18,5 | 7,5 | 11,0 | |
1984 | 4 070 | 74 539 | 29 046 | 45 493 | 18,3 | 7,1 | 11,2 | |
1985 | 4 122 | 72 722 | 28 966 | 43 756 | 17,6 | 7,0 | 10,6 | |
1986 | 4 189 | 71 203 | 29 127 | 42 076 | 17,0 | 7,0 | 10,0 | |
1987 | 4 267 | 70 898 | 29 382 | 41 516 | 16,6 | 6,9 | 9,7 | |
1988 | 4 332 | 70 711 | 29 559 | 41 152 | 16,3 | 6,8 | 9,5 | |
1989 | 4 353 | 66 809 | 30 383 | 36 426 | 15,3 | 7,0 | 8,4 | |
1990 | 4 308 | 66 952 | 29 093 | 37 859 | 15,5 | 6,8 | 8,8 | |
1991 | 4 163 | 64 769 | 31 411 | 33 358 | 15,6 | 7,5 | 8,0 | |
1992 | ||||||||
1993 | ||||||||
1994 | ||||||||
1995 | ||||||||
1996 | 3 645 | 46 594 | 25 152 | 21 442 | 12,8 | 6,9 | 5,9 | 1,65 |
1997 | 3 738 | 48 397 | 27 875 | 20 522 | 12,9 | 7,5 | 5,5 | 1,68 |
1998 | 3 653 | 45 007 | 28 679 | 16 328 | 12,3 | 7,9 | 4,5 | 1,56 |
1999 | 3 725 | 42 464 | 28 637 | 13 827 | 11,4 | 7,7 | 3,7 | 1,36 |
2000 | 3 781 | 39 563 | 30 482 | 9 081 | 10,5 | 8,1 | 2,4 | 1,30 |
2001 | 3 798 | 37 717 | 30 325 | 7 392 | 9,9 | 8,0 | 1,9 | 1,40 |
2002 | 3 828 | 35 587 | 30 155 | 5 432 | 9,3 | 7,9 | 1,4 | 1,20 |
2003 | 3 832 | 35 234 | 31 757 | 3 477 | 9,2 | 8,3 | 0,9 | 1,22 |
2004 | 3 837 | 35 151 | 32 616 | 2 535 | 9,2 | 8,5 | 0,7 | 1,22 |
2005 | 3 843 | 34 627 | 34 402 | 225 | 9,0 | 9,0 | 0,1 | 1,20 |
2006 | 3 843 | 34 033 | 33 221 | 812 | 8,9 | 8,6 | 0,2 | 1,18 |
2007 | 3 842 | 33 835 | 35 044 | -1 209 | 8,8 | 9,1 | -0,3 | 1,26 |
2008 | 3 842 | 34 176 | 34 026 | 150 | 8,9 | 8,9 | 0,0 | 1,29 |
2009 | 3 843 | 34 550 | 34 904 | -69 | 9,0 | 9,0 | -0,0 | 1,30 |
2010 | 3 841 | 33 379 | 34 633 | -1 254 | 8,8 | 9,0 | -0,2 | 1,27 |
2011 | 3 840 | 31 875 | 35 522 | -3 647 | 8,3 | 9,3 | -1,0 | 1,21 |
2012 | 3 836 | 32 072 | 35 692 | -3 620 | 8,5 | 9,3 | -0,8 | 1,35 |
2013[11] | 3 792 | 31 103 | 35 837 | -4 734 | 8,2 | 9,5 | -1,2 | 1,276 |
2014 | 29 247 | 34 824 | -5 577 |
Národnostní složení
Etnikum | sčítání 1948 | sčítání 1953 | sčítání 1961 | sčítání 1971 | sčítání 1981 | sčítání 1991 | sčítání UNHCR 1996 | |||||||
Počet | % | Počet | % | Počet | % | Počet | % | Počet | % | Počet | % | Počet | % | |
Bosňáci | 788 403 | 30,7 | 891 800 | 31,3 | 842 248 | 25,7 | 1 482 430 | 39,6 | 1 629 924 | 39,5 | 1 902 956 | 43,5 | 1 805 910 | 46,1 |
Srbové | 1 136 116 | 44,3 | 1 264 372 | 44,4 | 1 406 057 | 42,9 | 1 393 148 | 37,2 | 1 320 644 | 32,0 | 1 366 104 | 31,2 | 1 484 530 | 37,9 |
Chorvati | 614 123 | 23,9 | 654 229 | 23,0 | 711 665 | 21,7 | 772 491 | 20,6 | 758 136 | 18,4 | 760 852 | 17,4 | 571 317 | 14,6 |
Jugoslávci | 275 883 | 8,4 | 43 796 | 1,2 | 326 280 | 7,9 | 242 682 | 5,5 | ||||||
Černohorci | 3 094 | 0,1 | 7 336 | 0,3 | 12 828 | 0,4 | 13 021 | 0,3 | 14 114 | 0,3 | 10 071 | 0,2 | ||
Romové | 442 | 0,0 | 2 297 | 0,1 | 588 | 0,0 | 1 456 | 0,0 | 7 251 | 0,2 | 8 864 | 0,2 | ||
Albánci | 3 642 | 0,1 | 3 764 | 0,1 | 4 396 | 0,1 | 4 925 | 0,1 | ||||||
Jiné/neuvedeno | 23 099 | 0,9 | 25 | 1,0 | 28 679 | 0,8 | 36 005 | 1 | 63 263 | 1,5 | 80 579 | 1,9 | 58 196 | 1,5 |
Celkem | 2 565 277 | 2 847 790 | 3 277 948 | 3 746 111 | 4 124 008 | 4 377 033 | 3 919 953 | |||||||
- Etnická struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Etnická struktura Bosny a Hercegoviny podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl Bosňáků v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl Srbů v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
- Podíl Chorvatů v Bosně a Hercegovině podle obcí v roce 2013
CIA World Factbook
Následující demografická statistika pochází ze CIA World Factbook, pokud není uvedeno jinak.
- 3 871 643 (červenec 2014, odhad)
Věková struktura
- 0-14 let: 13,7 % (muži 272 812/ženy 256 152)
- 15-24 let: 12,7 % (muži 255 074/ženy 238 428)
- 25-54 let: 46,7 % (muži 906 265/ženy 899 870)
- 55-64 let: 13,7 % (muži 253 045/ženy 276 769)
- 65 let a víc: 13,3 % (muži 199 515/ženy 313 713) (2014, odhad)
Střední věk
- Celkem: 40,8 let
- Muži: 39,4 let
- Ženy: 42,2 let (2014, odhad)
Naděje dožití
- Celkem: 76,33 let
- Muži: 73.33 let
- Ženy: 79.55 let (2014, odhad)
Ve městech žilo v roce 2002 z celkového počtu obyvatel Bosny a Hercegoviny pouhých 43 %[12]. CIA World Factbook uvádí pro rok 2014 míru ubanizace 39,6 %[13].
- ↑ Bosnian Statistics Agency. www.cia.gov [online]. [cit. 2008-03-30]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2018-03-15.
- ↑ FAINGOLD, Eduardo D. Language rights and language justice in the constitutions of the world. Language Problems & Language Planning. 2004, s. 11-24. DOI 10.1075/lplp.28.1.03fai.
- ↑ SADURSKI, Wojciech. Rights Before Courts: A Study of Constitutional Courts in Postcommunist States of Central and Eastern Europe. [s.l.]: Springer, 2005. ISBN 1402030061. S. 342.
- ↑ a b FOOTITT, Hilary; KELLY, Michael. Languages at War: Policies and Practices of Language Contacts in Conflict. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. ISBN 0230368778. S. 111-120.
- ↑ GREENBERG, Robert David. Language and Identity in the Balkans: Serbo-Croatian and its Disintegration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0-19-925815-4.
- ↑ The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity [online]. Pew Research Center, 2012 [cit. 2016-04-07]. S. 30. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném z originálu dne 26 January 2017.
- ↑ Archivovaná kopie. www.popis2013.ba [online]. [cit. 2016-07-07]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2016-08-15.
- ↑ Institut national d'études démographique (INED)[nedostupný zdroj]
- ↑ Agency for Statistics Bosnia and Herzegovina[nedostupný zdroj]
- ↑ http://www,bhas,ba/tematskibilteni/BHAS_Demografija_BH,pdf[nedostupný zdroj]
- ↑ http://www,bhas,ba/saopstenja/2014/DEM_2013_001_01_bos,pdf[nedostupný zdroj]
- ↑ ŠÁRA, Pavel. Poznáváme svět v číslech. Praha: NČGS, 2003. ISBN 80-86034-55-0. Kapitola Demografické charakteristiky, s. 25.
- ↑ Archivovaná kopie. www.cia.gov [online]. [cit. 2008-03-30]. Dostupné v archivu pořízeném dne 2018-03-15.
Externí odkazy
Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu obyvatelstvo Bosny a Hercegoviny na Wikimedia Commons
Média použitá na této stránce
Autor: NikNaks, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Cropped version of Blank map of Europe.svg, coloured blue.
Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of orthodox in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ethnic structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Michał Huniewicz, Licence: CC BY 2.0
This is a pack of cigarettes you can buy in Bosnia. As you can see, it says the exact same thing ("Smoking is harmful to you and those around you") three times; twice in the Latin alphabet and one in the Cyrillic alphabet. Why is that? That is Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian respectively. The language people in the Balkans speak is essentially the same; the Serbs call it Serbian, the Croats call it Croatian, and Montenegrins call it Montenegrin.
But since Bosnia is a multi-ethnic entity, they officially call it Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian. This sort of political correctness seems to be common now in Bosnia: the director of Sarajevo's museums refused to speak to the FT Weekend Magazine "for fear of saying something that might irritate any ethnic group". License plates use only letters T, K, J, O, A - they are the same in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
Full gallery: www.m1key.me/photography/sarajevo/Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Bosnian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Ethnic structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Původně soubor načetl Milan1237 na projektu Wikipedie v jazyce srbština, Licence: CC BY 3.0 rs
Етнички састав БиХ по насељима 1991. године. Аутори: Иван Вукићевић - тресњево@хотмаил.цом, Милан Ђого - милан1237@гмаил.цом
Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Serbian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Linguistic structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Jrmcarth, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
First Austro-Hungarian Census of the Sanjak of Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 1879 after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
Autor: Lilic, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 rs
Ethnic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the 2013 population census.
Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Religious structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Linguistic structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of Croatian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Religious structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Tresnjevo, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Share of catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina by municipalities 2013. Authorː Ivan Vukicevic - tresnjevo@hotmail.com
- Census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 - Final results, Agency for statistics of Bosnian and Herzegovina, 1st of July 2016.
- EU legislation on the 2011 Population and Housing Censuses, Eurostat, 2011. Recommendations for status of permanent residents followed by majority of EU member and candidate countries on page 66, Topic: Place of usual residence, paragraph (d)ː An institution shall be taken as the place of usual residence of all its residents who at the time of the census have spent, or are likely to spend, 12 months or more living there.
- Public announcement, 4th of July 2016, Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics, 4th of July 2016. With this announcement institute disputes the methodology used by Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Autor: Imer Muhović, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Map visualizing the demographics of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a dot representing 100 people. Dots are placed randomly within each municipality according to data taken from the 2013 census.