Přehled evoluce člověka
Přehled zahrnuje jednotlivé nálezy hominidů, kteří hráli významnou roli v evoluci druhu Homo sapiens. Seznam není vyčerpávající a uvádí pouze významné nálezy. Z velké části se nejedná o přímé předky moderních lidí, ale o druhy těmto předkům blízce příbuzné.
Obrázek | Katalogové číslo (jméno) | Druh | Stáří | Lokalita | Stát | Objev | Publikace |
(c) Guérin Nicolas, CC BY-SA 3.0 | CGM 26901 | Aegyptopithecus zeuxis | 30 milionů | Fajjúm | Egypt | 1965 | Elwyn L. Simons |
![]() | SGS UM 2009-002 | Saadanius hijazensis | 28 - 29 milionů | Harrat Al Ujayfa | Saúdská Arábie | 2009 | 2010, Iyad Zalmout |
KNM LS 7 | Kamoyapithecus hamiltoni | 24 - 27,5 milionů | Lothidok | Keňa | 1948 | 1995, Meave Leakey |
Obrázek | Katalogové číslo (jméno) | Druh | Stáří | Lokalita | Stát | Objev | Publikace |
BMNH 14084 | Proconsul africanus | 19 - 20 milionů | Koru | Keňa | 1927, H. L. Gordon | 1933, Arthur Tindell Hopwood | |
![]() | KNM RU 7290 | Proconsul heseloni | 17 - 18,5 milionů | Rusinga | Keňa | 1948 | Mary Leakey |
KNM WK 16999 | Afropithecus turkanensis | 17 - 18 milionů | Kalodirr | Keňa | 1986 | Richard Leakey, Meave Leakey | |
ENG 4/1 | cf. Griphopithecus darwini | 16,5 - 17 milionů | Engelswies | Německo | 1973 | Heinz Tobien | |
IPS 21350 („Pau“) | Pierolapithecus catalaunicus | 11,9 milionů | Hostalets de Pierola | Španělsko | 2002 | 2004, Salvador Moyà-Solà | |
![]() | RUD 200 („Gabi“) | Dryopithecus brancoi (Rudapithecus) | 9,5 - 10 milionů | Rudabánya | Maďarsko | 1999 | Gábor Hernyák |
![]() | XIR 1 | Ouranopithecus macedoniensis | 10,5 milionů | Xirochori | Řecko | 1989 | 1990, George D. Koufos, Louis de Bonis, Geneviève Bouvrain |
Zlomek čelisti | KNM-NA 46400 | Nakalipithecus nakayamai | 9,8 milionů | Nakali | Keňa | 2005 | 2007, Yutaka Kunimatsu |
![]() | TM 266-01-60-1 („Toumaï“) | Sahelanthropus tchadensis | 6,8 – 7,2 milionů | Toros-Menalla | Čad | 2001, Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye | 2002, Michel Brunet |
(c) Lucius, CC BY-SA 3.0 | BAR 1002'00 („Millenium man“) | Orrorin tugenensis | 6 milionů | Kapsomin | Keňa | 2000 | 2001, Martin Pickford, Brigitte Senut |
(c) Lucius, CC BY-SA 3.0 | ALA-VP-2/10 | Ardipithecus kadabba | 5,2 – 5,8 milionů | Střední Awaš (Alayla) | Etiopie | 1997, Yohannes Haile-Selassie | 2001, Yohannes Haile-Selassie |
Obrázek | Katalogové číslo (jméno) | Druh | Stáří | Lokalita | Stát | Rok objevu | Autor |
![]() | ARA-VP-6/500 („Ardi“) | Ardipithecus ramidus | 4,4 miliony | Střední Awaš (Aramis) | Etiopie | 1994, Yohannes Haile-Selassie | 2009, Tim D. White |
KNM KP 271 | Australopithecus anamensis | 4 miliony | Kanapoi | Keňa | 1965, Bryan Patterson | 1967, Bryan Patterson | |
![]() | dvounohý hominin | 3,66 milionu | Laetoli | Tanzanie | 1978, Paul Abell | 1979, Mary Leakey | |
![]() | LH 4 | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,6 milionu | Laetoli | Tanzanie | 1974 | 1976, Mary Leakey |
![]() | STW 573 („Little Foot“) | Australopithecus | 3,6 milionu? | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1994, Ron J. Clarke | 1998, Ron J. Clarke |
KSD-VP-1/1 („Kadanuumuu“) | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,58 milionu | Woranso-Mile | Etiopie | 2005, Alemayehu Asfaw | 2010, Yohannes Haile-Selassie | |
KT-12/H1 („Abel“) | Australopithecus bahrelghazali | 3,58 milionu | Koro-Toro | Čad | 1995 | 1995, Michel Brunet | |
KNM WT 40000 | Kenyanthropus platyops | 3,5 milionu | Turkana (Lomekwi) | Keňa | 1999, Justus Erus | 2001, Meave Leakey | |
![]() | DIK 1-1 („Selam“) | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,3 milionu | Dikika | Etiopie | 2000, T. Gebreselassie | 2006, Zeresenay Alemseged |
AL 129-1 („Johansonovo koleno“) | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,1 - 3,3 milionu | Hadar | Etiopie | 1973, Donald Johanson | 1976, Donald Johanson | |
![]() | AL 288-1 („Lucy“) | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,1 - 3,2 milionu | Hadar | Etiopie | 1974, Tom Gray - Donald Johanson | 1976, Donald Johanson |
AL 333 („První rodina“) | Australopithecus afarensis | 3,2 milionu | Hadar | Etiopie | 1975 | ||
![]() | AL 444-2 | Australopithecus afarensis | 3 miliony | Hadar | Etiopie | 1992, Yoel Rak | 1994, William H. Kimbel, Donald Johanson, Yoel Rak, |
Obrázek | Katalogové číslo (jméno) | Druh | Stáří | Lokalita | Stát | Objev | Publikace |
MLD 1 | Australopithecus africanus | 2,5 - 3 miliony | Makapansgat | Jihoafrická republika | 1947, James Kitching | ||
KNM WT 17000 („Černá lebka“) | Paranthropus aethiopicus | 2,5 milionu | Turkana (Lomekwi) | Keňa | 1985, Alan Walker | 1986, Alan Walker (archeolog) | |
![]() | BOU-VP-12/130 | Australopithecus garhi | 2,5 milionu | Střední Awaš (Bouri) | Etiopie | 1997, Yohannes Haile-Selassie | 1999, Berhane Asfaw |
![]() | Taung („Taungské dítě“) | Australopithecus africanus | 2,5 milionu | Taung | Jihoafrická republika | 1924, M. de Bruyn | 1925, Raymond A. Dart |
RC 911 | Paranthropus boisei | 2,4 milionu | Malema | Malawi | 1996, Friedemann Schrenk | 1999, Ottmar Kullmer | |
TM 1511 | Australopithecus africanus | 2 - 2,6 milionu | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1936, Robert Broom | 1936, Robert Broom | |
STW 252 | Australopithecus africanus | 2 - 2,6 milionu | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1984 | 1999, Charles A. Lockwood, Phillip V. Tobias | |
STW 431 | Australopithecus africanus | 2 - 2,6 milionu | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1987, A. R. Hughes, S. Sekowe, M. Makgothokgo | 2013, Michel Toussaint | |
![]() | STS 5 („Mrs. Ples“) | Australopithecus africanus | 2 miliony | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1947, Robert Broom | 1947, Robert Broom |
STS 14 | Australopithecus africanus | 2 miliony | Sterkfontein | Jihoafrická republika | 1947, Robert Broom | ||
DNH 7 („Eurydice“) | Paranthropus robustus | 1,5 - 2 miliony | Drimolen | Jihoafrická republika | 1994, R. Smith | 2000, André W. Keyser | |
![]() | MH 1 („Karabo“) | Australopithecus sediba | 1,98 milionu | Malapa | Jihoafrická republika | 2008, Matthew Berger | 2010, Lee Berger |
KNM-ER 1470 | Homo rudolfensis | 1,9 milionu | Turkana (Koobi Fora) | Keňa | 1972 | ||
TM 1517 | Paranthropus robustus | 1,8 milionu | Kromdraai | Jihoafrická republika | 1938, Gert Terblanche | 1938, Robert Broom | |
SK 48 | Paranthropus robustus | 1,5-1,8 milionu | Swartkrans | Jihoafrická republika | 1950, Fourie | ||
SK 54 | Paranthropus robustus | 1,5-1,8 milionu | Swartkrans | Jihoafrická republika | 1949 | ||
GDA-2 | Paranthropus robustus | 1,78 milionu | Gondolin | Jihoafrická republika | 1997, L. Dihasu | 1999, C. G. Menter et al. | |
OH 7 | Homo habilis | 1,75 milionu | Olduvai | Tanzanie | 1960 | ||
OH 5 („Louskáček“, „Zinj“) | Paranthropus boisei | 1,75 milionu | Olduvai | Tanzanie | 1959, Mary Leakey | 1959, Mary Leakey | |
KNM-ER 406 | Paranthropus boisei | 1,7 milionu | Turkana (Koobi Fora) | Keňa | 1969, H. Mutua | 1970, Richard Leakey | |
![]() | KNM-ER 15000 ("Turkana Boy") | Homo ergaster | 1,6 milionu | Turkana | Keňa | 1984 | |
![]() | NMT-W64-160 („Peninj 1“) | Paranthropus boisei | 1,4 milionu | Peninj | Tanzanie | 1964, Kamoya Kimeu | Richard Leakey |
KGA 10-525 | Paranthropus boisei | 1,4 milionu | Konso | Etiopie | 1993, A. Amzaye | 1997, Gen Suwa et al. | |
![]() | OH 80 | Paranthropus boisei | 1,34 milionu | Olduvai | Tanzanie | 2010 - 2011 | 2013, Manuel Domínguez-Rodrigo |
![]() | Trinil 2 | Homo erectus | 1 milion | Trinil | Indonésie | 1891 | |
![]() | Mauer 1 | Homo heidelbergensis | 500 000 | Mauer | Německo | 1907 | |
Qafzeh IX | Homo sapiens | 90 000 | Qafzeh | Izrael | 1933 | ||
![]() | Neanderthal 1 | Homo neanderthalensis | 40 000 | Neanderthal | Německo | 1856 | |
![]() | Cro-Magnon 1 | Homo sapiens | 30 000 | Cro-Magnon | Francie | 1868 | |
![]() | Predmost 3 | Homo sapiens | 26 000 | Předmostí | Česko | 1894 |
- CARTMILL, M.; SMITH, F. H. The Human Lineage. 1. vyd. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 624 s. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0471214915.
- CONROY, G. C. Reconstructing human origins. New York: W. W. Norton & company, 2012. 672 s. Dostupné online. ISBN 978-0393912890.
- ROBERTSOVÁ, A. Evoluce: Příběh člověka. Praha: Knižní klub, 2012. 256 s. ISBN 978-8024235974.
- SVOBODA, J. Čas lovců: Aktualizované dějiny paleolitu. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2009. 298 s. ISBN 978-8072046287.
- SVOBODA, J. Předkové. Evoluce člověka. Praha: Academia, 2014. 480 s. ISBN 978-8020023247.
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Autor: Guérin Nicolas (messages), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Muséum d'Anthropologie, campus universitaire d'Irchel, Université de Zurich (Suisse) : Paranthropus aethiopicus, reconstitution du crâne noir (numéro d'inventaire KNM WT 17000). Âge : - 2.5 millions d'années. Découverte : Lomekwi, basse vallée de l'Omo, Kenya.
Autor: Gerbil, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Mandible (lower jaw) of the type specimen of Homo heidelbergenis from Mauer near Heidelberg, Germany (replika, museum of the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Heidelberg)
Autor: Jlorenz1, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Selam (Australopithecus afarensis) or DIK 1-1
Autor: Chartep, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Australopithecus afarensis skull AL 444-2; Hadar, Ethiopia
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Australopithecus africanus, crushed skull, (TM 1511), Sterkfontein, 1936
Autor: Guérin Nicolas (messages), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Muséum d'Anthropologie, campus universitaire d'Irchel, Université de Zurich (Suisse) : Australopithecus anamensis, extrémité distale de l'humérus droit (Kanapoi, Kenya), KNM-KP 271.
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Juvenile Paranthropus robustus skull: SK54 at the Sterkfontein caves.
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Partial Paranthropus robustus skull from Kromdraai. Partial cranium and mandible.(TM1517). Discovered 1938. at the Sterkfontein caves.
Autor: T. Michael Keesey, Licence: CC BY 2.0
Ardipithecus ramidus specimen, nicknamed ?Ardi?.
After Gen Suwa, Berhane Asfaw, Reiko T. Kono, Daisuke Kubo, C. Owen Lovejoy, Tim D. White (2009): "The Ardipithecus ramidus Skull and Its Implications for Hominid Origins." Science, 2 October 2009:
Vol. 326. no. 5949, pp. 68e1-68e7, Fig. 2Autor: Ji-Elle, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Addis Abeba, Musée national d'Ethiopie : crâne reconstitué d'Australopithecus garhi à partir d'éléments trouvés en 1997 (Awash, région Afar). 2,5 millions d'années. BOU-VP 12/130.
Autor: Nachosan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Conjunto de fósiles OH 80. Museo Nacional de Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Exhibido en exposición temporal, "La cuna de la humanidad", en el Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid
Autor: Guérin Nicolas (messages), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Muséum d'Anthropologie, campus universitaire d'Irchel, Université de Zurich (Suisse) : Moulage du crane de Paranthropus robustus, crâne SK-48 (Swartkrans,Afrique du sud)
Autor: 120 / V. Mourre, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
general view of Little Foot skeleton in its original position in Sterkfontein cave, November 2006
Autor: Guérin Nicolas (messages), Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Muséum d'Anthropologie, campus universitaire d'Irchel, Université de Zurich (Suisse) : Paranthropus boisei, numéro identification OH 5 (Olduvai, Tanzanie)
Autor: Iyad S. Zalmout, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Press release photo of Saadanius hijazensis (holotype SGS-UM 2009-002) from Saudi Arabia.
Autor: Matt Celeskey from Albuquerque, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
At the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Autor: Nrkpan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Proconsul africanus. Natural History Museum, London. KNM RU 7920. Age about 18 miljon years. Rusinga Island, Kenya. The original in Kenya National Museum, Nairobi.
Autor: Nachosan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Mandíbula de Australopithecus afarensis, LH 4. Réplica
Original: Laetoli (Tanzania) 3,6 millones de años Museo Nacional de Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Réplica: Colección privada (Madrid)
Exhibido en exposición temporal, "La cuna de la humanidad", en el Museo Arqueológico de Regional de MadridAutor: Ghedoghedo, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Fossil of Afropithecus, an extinct mammal - Took the photo at Museum Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Autor: Didier Descouens, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Cast of the Sahelanthropus tchadensis holotype cranium TM 266-01-060-1, dubbed Toumaï, in facio-lateral view.
- Specimen of the previous Molecular Anthropology and Imaging Synthesis Laboratory of the University of Toulouse 3 (with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of Strasbourg) now the Centre for Anthropobiology and Genomics of Toulouse.
- Size: 182,5 X 105 X 97 mm
Autor: Profberger, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Holotype of Australopithecus sediba, circa 2010. image created by Peter Schmid. Courtesy of Lee R. Berger
Autor: Didier Descouens, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Cast in three parts: endocranium, face and mandible, of a 2.1 million year old Australopithecus africanus specimen so-called Taung child, discovered in South Africa.
Collection of the University of the Witwatersrand (Evolutionary Studies Institute), Johannesburg, South Africa. Sterkfontein cave, hominid fossil
Autor: 120, Licence: CC BY 2.5
crâne de l'un des individus de l'abri de Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon 1), moulage vitrine du Musée de l'Homme, Paris
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Parathropus robustus skull, female, excavated 1994. "Eurydice", DNH-7 at the Sterkfontein caves.
Autor: Wapondaponda, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
early modern human from Qafzeh Israel, cast from the American Museum of Natural History
Autor: 120, Licence: CC BY 2.5
« Lucy » skeleton (AL 288-1) Australopithecus afarensis, cast from Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris
Autor: Hans Weingartz, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0 de
Schädeldecke des 1856 gefundenen Neandertalers
- Ort der Aufnahme: Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn
- Aufnahme: 10. September 2005
- Url: http://www.pass-weingartz.de/hw.htm
original fossils of Pithecanthropus erectus (now Homo erectus) found in Java in 1891
Autor: José Braga; Didier Descouens, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
The original complete skull (without upper teeth and mandible) of a 2,1 million years old Australopithecus africanus specimen so-called "Mrs. Ples" (catalogue number STS 5, Sterkfontein cave, hominid fossil number 5), discovered in South Africa . Collection of the Transvaal Museum, Northern Flagship Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.
Autor: Momotarou2012, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Laetoli footprints, replica. Exhibit in the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan.
Autor: 120, Licence: CC BY 2.5
skull fragment of Ouranopithecus macedoniensis from Xirochori, Greece (Upper Miocene, 10,5 My) ; cast from Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Parathropus robustus: tooth from Gondolin.. At the Sterkfontein caves.
Autor: Ryan Somma from Occoquan, USA
Visit my blog at ideonexus.com, Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0
Homo sapiens sapiens fossil skull, Premost 3.
Predmost (Czechoslavakia)
Estimated date: 30,000 years ago.
Cranial capacity: 1580 cubic centimeters.
Autor: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
The skull of Paranthropus boisei, known as KNM ER 406, photographed at the Nairobi National Museum in August 2012.
(c) Guérin Nicolas, CC BY-SA 3.0
Muséum d'Anthropologie, campus universitaire d'Irchel, Université de Zurich (Suisse) :
Aegyptopithecus(c) Lucius, CC BY-SA 3.0
Orrorin tugenensis fossils.
- A: BAR 1002'00, left femur;
- B: BAR 1215'00, fragmentary right proximal femur;
- C: BAR 1003'00, proximal left femur;
- D: BAR 1004'00, right distal humerus;
- E: Teeth;
- F: BAR 1000'00, left mandibular fragment with M2–3;
- G: BAR 1000'00, right mandibular fragment with M3.
(c) Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)., CC BY-SA 4.0
Australopithecus africanus, back of cranium, (MLD 1), Makapansgat, 1947
Autor: ing. Pavel Švejnar, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Found in Kenya, the fossil is approx. 3,5 mil years old. The brain size was 350cm³ (versus a human's 1200-1400cm³). This is a model of the skull as on display in the Brno museum of evolution named "Anthropos".
Autor: Nachosan, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Parietales y mandíbula de Homo habilis, OH 7 o "Johnny's Child". Réplica.
Holotipo de la especie. Posiblemente un varon de entre 10 y 12 años. Descubierto por John Leakey Original: FLK NN, Garganta de olduvai (Tanzania) 1,7 millones de años Museo Nacional de Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Réplica: Instituto de Evolución en África
Exhibido en exposición temporal, "La cuna de la humanidad", en el Museo Arqueológico de Regional de Madrid