Padesát tři stanic na cestě Tókaidó

Padesát tři stanic na cestě Tókaidó (japonsky 東海道五十三次, Tókaidó Godžúsan-cugi) je série japonských dřevorytů ukijo-e vyvořených japonským malířem a grafikem Hirošige Utagawou. Tématem tisků jsou zastávky (stanice) na cestě Tókaidó (東海道), což je označení pro historickou cestu podél tichomořského pobřeží, která spojovala hlavní japonská města Kjóto a Tokio (dříve Edo). Tisky vytvořil Hirošige v letech 1833–1834 v edici Hóeidó poté, co v roce 1832 sám tuto cestu poprvé absolvoval. Vedle 53 stanic série znázorňuje ještě odchod z Eda a příchod do Kjóta, takže soubor čítá celkem 55 tisků. Později série vycházela v re-edicích různě pozměněná[1]; známé jsou například edice Gjóšo (1841–1844)[2] a Reišo (1847–1852)[3]. V rámci jednotlivých edicí se pak také objevovali různé verze některých tisků.[4]

Přehled tisků

edice Hóeidó (1833–1834)
NázevJaponský názevPopis obrázku (edice Hóeidó)
Současná lokalita
edice Gjóšo (1841–1844)[2]edice Reišo (1847–1852)[3]
1Odchod z Eda: Nihonbaši日本橋
Nihonbaši: ranní pohled

Most Japonska v dnešním Tokiu

Vyrážení za úsvitu
21. stanice: Šinagawa品川
Šinagawa: východ slunce
Šinagawa je dnes čtvrť v Tokiu
Shinagawa, Samegafuchi asa no kei
32. stanice: Kawasaki川崎
Kawasaki: trajekt Rokugó
Město Kawasaki v prefektuře Kanagawa
43. stanice: Kanagawa神奈川
Kanagawa: pohled na nábřeží
Dnes jedna ze čtvrtí v Jokohamě
54. stanice: Hodogaja程ヶ谷, 保土ヶ谷
Hodogaja: most Šimmači
Dnes jedna ze čtvrtí v Jokohamě
65. stanice: Totsuka戸塚
Totcuka: křižovatka s cestou do Kamakury
Dnes jedna ze čtvrtí v Jokohamě
76. stanice: Fudžisawa藤沢
Fudžisawa: chrám Jugjódži
Dnes město Fudžisawa
87. stanice: Hiracuka平塚
Hiracuka: pěšina mezi rýžovými políčky
Dnes město Hiracuka
98. stanice: Óiso大磯
Óiso: déšť
Dnes město Óiso-mači v prefektuře Kanagawa
109. stanice: Odawara小田原
Odawara: brod na řece Sakawa
Dnes město Odawara v prefektuře Kanagawa
1110. stanice: Hakone箱根
Hakone: Vysoké skály u jezera Hakone
Dnes město u stejnojmenné sopky a jezera
1211. stanice: Mišima三島
Mišima: ranní mlha, cestující míjejí chrám
Dnes město Mišima v prefektuře Šizuoka
1312. stanice: Numazu沼津
Numazu: soumrak
Dnes město Numazu v prefektuře Šizuoka
1413. stanice: Hara
Hara: Fudži po ránu
Městečko Hara bylo v roce 1968 sloučeno s Numazu
1514. stanice: Jošiwara吉原
Jošiwara: Fudži po levé straně silnice
Jošiwara je dnes vlaková stanice ve městě Fudži
1615. stanice: Kanbara蒲原
Kanbara: vesnice pod sněhem
Městečko Kanbara bylo v roce 2006 začleněno do čtvrti Šimizu-ku ve městě Šizuoka
1716. stanice: Jui由井, 由比
Jui: průsmyk u hory Satta
V roce 2008 bylo Jui začleněno do čtvrti Šimizu-ku ve městě Šizuoka
1817. stanice: Okicu興津
Okitsu: řeka Okicu
Stejnojmenná vlaková stanice dnes součástí čtvrti Šimizu-ku ve městě Šizuoka
1918. stanice: Edžiri江尻
Edžiri: výhled na pláž Miho
Edžiri je dnes součástí čtvrti Šimizu-ku ve městě Šizuoka
2019. stanice: Fučú府中, 駿府
Fučú: řeka Abe
Dnes součást čtvrti Aoi-ku ve městě Šizuoka
2120. stanice: Mariko鞠子, 丸子
Mariko: slavná čajovna
Dnes součást čtvrti Suruga-ku ve městě Šizuoka
2221. stanice: Okabe岡部
Okabe: hora Ucu
Dnes součást města Fudžieda v prefektuře Šizuoka
2322. stanice: Fudžieda藤枝
Fudžieda: výměna nosičů a koní
Dnes město Fudžieda v prefektuře Šizuoka
2423. stanice: Šimada島田
Šimada: na levém břehu (Sugura) řeky Ói
Město Šimada v prefektuře Šizuoka
2524. stanice: Kanaja金屋, 金谷
Kanaja: na pravém břehu (Tótómi) řeky Ói
Městečko Kanaya sloučeno v roce 2005 s městem Šimada
2625. stanice: Nissaka日坂
Nissaka: průsmyk Sayo no Nakayama
Dnes součást města Kakegawa
2726. stanice: Kakegawa掛川
Kakegawa: Vzdálený pohled na horu Akiha
Město Kakegawa v prefektuře Šizuoka
2827. stanice: Fukuroi袋井
Fukuroi: venkovní čajový stánek
Město Fukuroi v prefektuře Šizuoka
2928. stanice: Micuke見附
Mitsuke: řeka Tenrju
Dnes součást města Iwata
3029. stanice: Hamamacu浜松
Hamamacu: zimní pustina
Město Hamamacu v prefektuře Šizuoka
3130. stanice: Maisaka舞阪
Maisaka: ostroh Imagire
Dnes součást západní části Hamamacu
3231. stanice: Arai荒井, 新居
Arai: trajekty
Arai bylo v roce 2010 začlenědo do města Kosai v prefektuře Šizuoka
3332. stanice: Širasuka白須賀
Širasuka: Šiomizaka
Širasuka je dnes čtvrť ve města Kosai
3433. stanice: Futagawa二川
Futagawa: zastávka na odpočinek Sarugababa
Dnes součást města Tojohaši v prefektuře Aiči
3534. stanice: Jošida吉田
Jošida: most přes řeku Tojo
Dnes centrum města Tojohaši v prefektuře Aiči
3635. stanice: Goju御油
Goju: ženy zastavující cestovatele
Dnes součást města Tojokawa v prefektuře Aiči
3736. stanice: Akasaka赤坂
Akasaka: Cestující a hostesky v hostinci
Dnes součást města Tojokawa v prefektuře Aiči
3837. stanice: Fudžikawa藤川
Fudžikawa: hraniční značka (patník)
Dnes součást města Okazaki v prefektuře Aiči
3938. stanice: Okazaki岡崎
Okazaki: most přes řeku Jahagi
Město Okazaki v prefektuře Aiči
4039. stanice: Čirjú池鯉鮒, 知立
Čirjú: letní veletrh koní
Město Čirjú v prefektuře Aiči
4140. stanice: Narumi鳴海
Narumi: barevné látky ve čtvrti Arimatsu
Dnes součástí čtvrti Midori-ku ve městě Nagoja
4241. stanice: Mija
Mija: náboženský festival ve svatyni Acuta
Dnes součástí čtvrti Acuta-ku ve městě Nagoja
4342. stanice: Kuwana桑名
Kuwana: Vstup do přístavu trajektu Šičiri
Město Kuwana v prefektuře Mie
4443. stanice: Jokkaiči四日市
Jokkaiči: řeka Mie
Město Jokkaiči v prefektuře Mie
4544. stanice: Išijakušija|石薬師
Išijakuši: chrám Išijakuši
Dnes součástí města Suzuka v prefektuře Mie
4645. stanice: Šóno庄野
Šóno: cestující překvapeni náhlým deštěm
Dnes součástí města Suzuka v prefektuře Mie
4746. stanice: Kamejama亀山
Kamejama: jasné počasí po sněžení (Hrad na zasněženém svahu)
Město Kamejama v prefektuře Mie
4847. stanice: Seki
Seki: časný odjezd z hostince
Dnes součástí města Kamejama
4948. stanice: Sakanošita坂下
Sakanošita: vrchol hory Fudesute
Dnes součástí města Kamejama
5049. stanice: Cučijama土山
Cučijama: jarní deštík
Dnes součástí města Kóka v prefektuře Šiga
5150. stanice: Minakuči水口
Minakuči: ženy sušící proužky tykve kanpyo
Dnes město Kóka v prefektuře Šiga
5251. stanice: Išibe石部
Išibe: vesnice Mekawa
Dnes centrum města Konan v prefektuře Šiga
5352. stanice: Kusacu草津
Kusacu: restaurace Ubagamochiya a ohlašovací stanice
Město Kusacu v prefektuře Šiga
5453. stanice: Ócu大津
Ócu: čajovna Haširii
Město Ócu, hlavní město prefektury Šiga
55Konec cesty Tókaidó v Kjótu京師
Kjóto: most Sandžó Óhaši
Dnes most Sandžó Óhaši přes řeku Kamo v Kjótu


  1. Muneshige Narazaki. The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road. The Woodblock Prints of Utagawa Hiroshige [online]. [cit. 2020-10-27]. Seznam různých edicí a rozpracovaných tisků s motivem Tókaidó od Hirošigeho. Dostupné online. 
  2. a b Gyōsho Tōkaidō. The Woodblock Prints of Utagawa Hiroshige [online]. [cit. 2020-10-27]. Dostupné online. 
  3. a b Reisho Tōkaidō. The Woodblock Prints of Utagawa Hiroshige [online]. [cit. 2020-10-27]. Dostupné online. 
  4. The Great Tokaido: Versions of Prints. The Woodblock Prints of Utagawa Hiroshige [online]. [cit. 2020-10-27]. Různých verze tisků edice Hóeidó. Dostupné online. 

Externí odkazy

Média použitá na této stránce

Hakone Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Hakone, Izu Sagami Ryôgoku no sakai; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Mariko Teahouse, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608845).jpg
Lower right, teahouse within which two travelers are eating, waited on by woman with baby on her back. Behind is hill and on each side plum trees in blossom. Left, traveler walks away. Lower half, horizontal lines of green shading.
Print, Hodogaya (Shinkame Bridge), in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608907).jpg
Right, travelers crossing wooden bridge at the end of which are teahouses and village. Upper right: distant mountains.
Kameyama Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 47 - Kameyama, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hamamatsu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Hamamatsu: the Murmuring Pines (Hamamatsu, zazanza no matsu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Seki Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 48 - Seki, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Shono Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Shôno: the Post House (Shôno, Jinba yadotsugi no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige03 kawasaki.jpg

The 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō - #3. Kawasaki. Wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan.

The Rokugo River ferry with Mt. Fuji in the background in early spring.
Print, Kusatsu, A Station Famous for its Rice Cakes, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608915).jpg
Large teahouse with travelers eating rice cakes which are being made under the veranda. Lower half, two litters, one open and one closed, both carried by coolies.
Print, Shimada, Travelers Crossing the Oigawa, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608851).jpg
Procession of travelers crossing the first arm of ford of river from right to left. Chief retainers of daimyo are waiting their turn on shore of near bank.
Akasaka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Akasaka, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Fuchu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Fuchû: Distant View of the Abe River (Fuchû, Abekawa enkei), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Shirasuka LCCN2008660701.jpg
Title: Shirasuka Abstract/medium: 1 print : woodcut, color.
Print, Otsu Teahouse Fountain, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608917).jpg
Three bullock carts, one with bales of rice, the others with charcoal (?), come down street toward teahouse. Left, teahouse in front of which is fountain. Center, pine trees and green hill outlined in distance.
Totsuka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Totsuka; Reisho Tôkaidô
Mitsuke Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 29 - Mitsuke: Ferryboats on the Tenryû River (Mitsuke, Tenryûgawa no funawatashi), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hiratsuka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Hiratsuka, Ba'nyû-gawa funewatashi no zu; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Okazaki Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 39 - Okazaki: The Yahagi River (Okazaki, Yahagigawa), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Yui Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Yui: Fording the Yui River (Yui, kachiwatari Yuigawa no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Hara Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 14 - Hara, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Shinagawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Shinagawa, Samegafuchi no chaya; Reisho Tôkaidô
Kameyama Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kameyama, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Kameyama, Snow Scene, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608901).jpg
Snow scene. Right, steep hillsides, snow-laden trees and a procession climbing up to castle. Lower, village. Left, rose-colored glow.
Hiratsuka LCCN2008660615.jpg
Title: Hiratsuka Abstract/medium: 1 print : woodcut, color.
Nihonbashi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Nihonbashi Reisho Tokaido
Hiroshige06 totsuka.jpg

wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan

Title: Totsuka
Mitsuke Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Mitsuke: Ferry on the Tenryû River (Mitsuke, Tenryûgawa funewatashi), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Okitsu River, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608837).jpg
Two wrestlers crossing the stream, one in litter and one mounted. Left, rocks and pine trees in a marsh. Sea seen in distance with sails of boats.
Odawara Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Odawara, Sakawagawa kachiwatashi; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Het station Tsuchiyama-Rijksmuseum RP-P-2008-147.jpeg
Reizigers, in de regen lopend over modderig pad, in berglandschap.

Label Line: mentioned on object Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa (1797 - 1858), in of na 1843 - in of voor 1845, kleurenhoutsnede; lijnblok in zwart met kleurblokken

Collection: prenten; Japan (collectie)
Hamamatsu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 30 - Hamamatsu, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Totsuka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Totsuka, Ôsaka yori shuku wo miru zu; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Okazaki, Tenshin Bridge, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608883).jpg
Daimyo procession crossing trestle-bridge over river from left to right. Upper half, village, castle, group of low hills and mountain.
Hakone Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Hakone, yonaka taimatsu tori; Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Hakone Lake, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608823).jpg
Left, large lake with foothills and white peak of Fuji in the distance. Right, group of precipitous cliffs of many colors. Heads of pilgrims can be seen.
Ishibe Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Ishibe, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Kanbara Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kanbara: View of the Fuji River from Iwafuchi (Kanbara, Iwafuchi yori Fujikawa o miru zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Minakuchi, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608911).jpg
Lower left, two women are preparing sliced gourd (kampyo). A third has baby on her back. Center, tree and beyond is village amid bamboos with fences on which sliced gourd is hanging. Upper half, mountains.
Print, Yugoyoji Temple (Fugisawa), in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608951).jpg
Upper half of paper, temple on hill rising above village. Lower half of paper, center: torii; left: three blind men facing stream over which there is bridge leading back to houses.
Ejiri Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Ejiri: Distant View of the Harbor at Shimizu (Ejiri, Shimizu no minato enbô), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Numazu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Numazu: Making the Famous Dried Fish (Numazu, meibutsu katsuobushi o seisu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Yoshiwara Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Yoshiwara, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Fujieda Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 23 - Fujieda, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kawasaki Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Kawasaki, Rokugô no watashi; Reisho Tôkaidô
Yoshida Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 35 - Yoshida: The Tennô Festival on the Fifteenth Day of the Sixth Month (Rokugatsu jûgonichi Tennôsai), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Odawara Reisho Tokaido.jpg
dawara, Sakawagawa; Reisho Tôkaidô
Kuwana Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 43 - Kuwana: Ferryboat at Shichiri Crossing (Kuwana, Shichiri no watashibune), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Ishibe Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 52 - Ishibe, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Minakuchi Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Minakuchi, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Shirasuka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Shirasuka: View of Shiomizaka (Shirasuka, Shiomizaka fûkei), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Chiryu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Chiryû, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Tsuchi-yama, Spring Rain, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608909).jpg
Daimyo procession crossing a bridge over torrent in heavy rain towards village. Far left, village screened by row of trees.
Fujisawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Fujisawa; Reisho Tôkaidô
Fujisawa Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Fujisawa; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Maisaka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 31 - Maisaka, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Okazaki Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Okazaki: Yahagi Bridge (Okazaki, Yahagi no hashi), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Narumi Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Narumi: Shop Selling Famous Arimatsu Tie-dyed Fabric (Narumi, meibutsu Arimatsu shibori mise), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Shono Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 46 - Shôno, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Futakawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 34 - Futakawa: Sarugababa, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Otsu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 54 - Ôtsu, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Okabe Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Okabe: View of Mt. Utsu (Okabe, Utsu-no-yama no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige01 nihonbashi.jpg
The 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō - #1. Nihonbashi
Numazu in de avondschemering Numazu tasogare no zu (titel op object) De 53 stations van de Tokaido (serietitel) Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi (serietitel op object), RP-P-1960-375.jpg
Autor: Rijksmuseum, Licence: CC0

Titel(s): Numazu in de avondschemering. Numazu tasogare no zu (titel op object). De 53 stations van de Tokaido (serietitel). Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi (serietitel op object)
Objecttype: prent
Serienummer: 13/55
Objectnummer: RP-P-1960-375
Catalogusreferentie: Jap Cat IV 14
Opschriften / Merken: verzamelaarsmerk, onder prent, gestempeld: Lugt 2228signatuur: ‘Hiroshige ga’ (Gemaakt door Hiroshige.)
Omschrijving: Reizigers, in de avondschemer, lopend langs een rivier in de richting van het dorp Numazu, bij volle maan; de achterste man draagt een masker van een mythologische tengu op zijn rug.

Vervaardiger: prentmaker: Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa (vermeld op object), uitgever: Takenouchi Magohachi (Hoeido) (vermeld op object)
Plaats vervaardiging: prentmaker: Japan, uitgever: Tokyo
Datering: 1828 - 1835
Fysieke kenmerken: kleurenhoutsnede; lijnblok in zwart met kleurblokken
Materiaal: papier
Techniek: nishiki-e / kleurenhoutsnede
Afmetingen: blad: h 233 mm × b 366 mm

Verwerving en rechten
Verwerving: overdracht van beheer 1960
Copyright: Publiek domein
Yokkaichi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 44 - Yokkaichi: Crossroads at Hiraga Village and Road to Ise Shrine (Yokkaichi, Hiraga-mura oiwake, Sangûdô), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Tokaido53 Hara.jpg
"Tokaido-53tugi Hara",ukiyo-e by Hiroshige Utagawa.
Fujikawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 38 - Fujikawa, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hodogaya Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Hodogaya, Shinmachi iriguchi; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Hiratsuka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Hiratsuka; Reisho Tôkaidô
Ishiyakushi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 45 - Ishiyakushi, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Mariko Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 21 - Mariko, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Fukuroi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 28 - Fukuroi: Famous Kites of Tôtômi Province (Fukuroi, meibutsu Enshû-dako), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Yoshiwara Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 15 - Yoshiwara: the Famous SIght of Mount Fuji on the Left (Yoshiwara, meisho hidari Fuji), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hara Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Hara: The Rest Stop at Kawashibara and the Fuji Swamp (Hara, Kashiwabara tateba Fuji no numa), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Kyoto Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 55 - The End, Kyôto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Taibi, Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Fukuroi Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Fukuroi, first version, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Seki Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Seki: The Inn (Seki, Hatagoya mise no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Kuwana, Mouth of the Kiso River, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608893).jpg
Right, two sailing boats with sails partly lowered, entering inlet on farther side of which is Kuwana Castle. Left, other sailing boats out at sea.
Yoshida, de brug over de Toyo rivier-Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-JAP-10.jpeg
Gezicht op de brede Toyo rivier met links de Toyokawa brug en op de voorgrond rechts het Yoshida kasteel in de steigers.

Label Line: mentioned on object Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa (1797 - 1858), 1828 - 1835, kleurenhoutsnede; lijnblok in zwart met kleurblokken

Collection: prenten; Japan (collectie)
Otsu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Ôtsu, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Yokkaichi Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Yokkaichi: Junction with the Road to the Shrine (Yokkkaichi, Sangûdô oiwake no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Hamamatsu, Wintertime, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608865).jpg
Lower center, group of peasants with fire at foot of trunk of huge tree. Right, rice fields in snow and village and castle.
Mishima Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 12 - Mishima, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige32 arai.jpg

wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan

Title: Arai
Mariko Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Mariko, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Nissaka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 26 - Nissaka: Sayo-no-Nakayama, the Night-crying Stone, and Mount Mugen (Nissaka, Sayo-no-Nakayama, Yonaki ishi, Mugenzan), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Shimada Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 24 - Shimada: The Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Miya Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 42 - Miya: Shichiri Crossing, Gate of the Atsuta Shrine, and Nezame Village (Miya, Shichiri no watashi, Atsuta no torii, Nezame no sato), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), a.k.a. the Reisho Tôkaidô
Goyu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 36 - Goyu: Motono Plain on the Old Road (Kokaidô Motonogahara), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Maisaka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Maisaka: Sea Ferry at Imagiri (Maisaka, Imagiri kaijô funawatashi), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Shirasuka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 33 - Shirasuka: Shiomi Slope (Shirasuka, Shiomizaka), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Mitsuke, Tenryu-gawa River, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi, ca. 1834 (CH 18608861).jpg
Right, on near arm of river two ferry boats are beached, one with two boatmen. Left, on far side of sandbank are more ferry boats with travelers. Beyond, hills with trees appear in mist.
Kanbara Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 16 - Kanbara: Ferryboat on the Fuji River (Kanbara, Fujikawa funawatashi), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Okitsu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 18 - Okitsu: Kiyomigaseki and Kiyomidera, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kakegawa Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kakegawa: Junction with the Akiba Road (Kakegawa, Akibamichi oiwake no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Theehuis in de buitenlucht in Fukuroi-Rijksmuseum RP-P-2006-265.jpeg
Het ruststation Fukuroi langs de Tokaido. Een vrouw stookt het vuur onder een grote ketel, hangend aan een boomtak, op, terwijl een zojuist gearriveerde reiziger zijn pijp aansteekt. Onder een rieten overkapping kijkt een man, zittend met pijp in de hand, toe. In de achtergrond een dorpje.

Label Line: mentioned on object Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa (1797 - 1858), in of na 1833 - in of voor 1834, kleurenhoutsnede; zwart lijnblok met kleurblokken op Japans papier

Collection: prenten; Japan (collectie)
Fuchu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 20 - Fuchû, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Oiso Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Ôiso, Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Ejiri Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 19 - Ejiri, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Sakanoshita Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Sakanoshita: Distant View of Fudesute Mountain (Sakanoshita, Fudesuteyama chôbô), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Shinagawa, Samegafuchi asa no kei.jpg
Gyôsho Tôkaidô; Shinagawa, Samegafuchi asa no kei
Okitsu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Okitsu: Tago Bay and Kiyomigaseki (Okitsu, Tago no ura, Kiyomigaseki), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Yui Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 17 - Yui, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige20 fuchu.jpg

wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan

Title: Fuchu
Print, Ishiyakushi Temple, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608897).jpg
Left, village temple among trees at base of hill. Beyond are summits of another range of hills. Porters pass along road towards left. Right, two men working in rice fields.
Oiso Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Ôiso, Shigi tatsu sawa Saigyô-an; Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Shinagawa Station, Sunrise, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608841).jpg
Procession starting up the village street to right from the shores of bay. Six figures in procession - with two bowmen and two porters. Four ships with sails set. Left, another ship under the bank and group at anchor.
Yoshida Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Yoshida: Toyokawa River and Yoshida Bridge (Yoshida, Toyokawa Yoshida-bashi), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Sakanoshita Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 49 - Sakanoshita, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Arai Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 32 - Arai, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Okabe Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 22 - Okabe: Mount Utsu (Okabe, Utsu-no-yama), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kuwana Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kuwana: Sea Ferry Terminal at Shichiri (Kuwana, kaijô Shichiri no watashiguchi), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Kanaya, Travelers Crossing the Oigawa, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608853).jpg
Travelers crossing the farther portion of the ford on the river. Lower left, daimyo's litter is supported by a large group of coolies. A light bridge is thrown over the last arm of river. Mountains in distance.
Print, Tiger Rain (Oiso), in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18380777).jpg
Right, village on right turning around the flank of hill among pine trees. Left, sea seen from beyond bank also fringed with pines. Lower right, two travelers enter village in heavy rain. Center, five beehives.
Print, Saka-no-shita, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608905).jpg
A teahouse on the edge of a cliff with guests gazing across the valley at a group of peaks and waterfalls.
Hodogaya Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Hodogaya, Katabiragawa Katabirabash; Reisho Tôkaidô
Kanaya Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kanaya: The Tôtômi Side of the Ôi River (Kanaya, Ôigawa Engan), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Arai Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Arai: View of the Mile-and-a-Half Sea Ferry (Arai, kaijô ichi-ri-han funawatashi no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Miya, Shintoïstische ceremonie bij het Atsuta heiligdom-Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-JAP-11.jpeg
Twee groepen mannen, zich vasthoudend aan touwen bevestigd aan aangedreven paarden; op de voorgrond een torii; op

de achtergrond toeschouwers bij houten huizen met rokende vuren; bij avond. Label Line: mentioned on object Hiroshige (I) , Utagawa (1797 - 1858), 1828 - 1835, kleurenhoutsnede; lijnblok in zwart met kleurblokken

Collection: prenten; Japan (collectie)
東海道五十三次之内 日本橋 曙旅立の図.jpg
Nihonbashi: Setting Out at Dawn (Nihonbashi, Akebono tabidachi no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road (Tōkaidō gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyōsho Tōkaidō
Tokaido16 Yui.jpg
Yui on the Tokaido, ukiyo-e prints by Hiroshige
Narumi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 41 - Narumi: Shops Selling the Famous Tie-dyed Fabric (Narumi, meisan shibori mise), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kusatsu Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kusatsu, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Kusatsu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 53 - Kusatsu: Yabase Crossing and View of Lake Biwa (Kusatsu, Yabase no watashiguchi, Biwa-ko fûkei), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Nissaka Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Nissaka: Night-crying Stone at Sayo Mountain Pass, Distant View of Mount Mugen (Nissaka, Sayo-no-nakayama Yonaki-ishi, Mugenzan chôbô), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), a.k.a the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Futagawa Teahouse, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608873).jpg
Left, teahouse with sign at which one traveler has just arrived. Center, three musicians pass towards teahouse. Beyond is slope with pine trees and flat fields dotted with pines.
Minakuchi Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 51 - Minakuchi: Pine Trees at Hiramatsuyama (Minakuchi, Hiramatsuyama bishô), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Mishima Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Mishima, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Kanaya Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 25 - Kanaya: Kanaya Slope and the Ôi River (Kanaya, Kanaya saka, Ôigawa), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Chiryu, The Horse Fair, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), 1833–34 (CH 18608887).jpg
Groups of horses tethered in tall grass. Upper center, tree with crowd of horse dealers at its foot and some buildings. Apple-green grass.
Print, Ishibe (Megawa Sato), in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608913).jpg
Left, large inn with groups of travelers starting along the road. Right, stream. Upper half, distant mountains rise above mist.
Miya Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Miya: Harbor Gate of the Atsuta Shrine (Miya, Atsuta hama no torii), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Futakawa Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Futakawa: View of Sarugababa (Futakawa, Sarugababa no zu) , from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Ishiyakushi Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Ishiyakushi, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige04 kanagawa.jpg

Title: Kanagawa - Yokohama as it looked in the Tokugawa era.

Wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan
Numazu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 13 - Numazu, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Fujieda Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Fujieda: Fording the Seto River (Fujieda, Setogawa hokôwatari), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Tsuchiyama Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 50 - Tsuchiyama, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Hiroshige31 maisaka.jpg
Maisaka-juku (Maisaka station) in the 1830s, as depicted by Hiroshige. "View of Imagiri“ (Imagiri shinkei, 今切真景); variant c; publisher seal Hoeidō (保永堂). Wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan
Kyoto Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi no zu), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Goyu Gyosho Tokaido 1st.jpg
Goyu, first version, from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Akasaka Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 37 - Akasaka, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kanagawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
Kanagawa, dai no chaya; Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Kakegawa, Mount Akiha, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608857).jpg
Right, Mount Akiha rises beyond rice fields and mist. Lower half, trestle bridge on which travelers are saluting priest who crosses from left. Kite is flown from left and another has broken loose.
Hiroshige10 odawara.jpg

wood-block print, reproduction from a miniature edition by Takamizawa, Japan

Title: Odawara
Fujikawa Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Fujikawa: Inns and Shops on the Mountainside (Fujikawa, sanchû shuku shôke), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Kawasaki, Rokugô no watashibune.jpg
Gyôsho Tôkaidô: Kawasaki
Kakegawa Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 27 - Kakegawa: Akibayama Fork (Kakegawa, Akibayama betsudô), from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Kanagawa Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Kanagawa Asamashita yori dai o miru zu; Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Narumi, A Place Famous for Its Cloth, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608889-2).jpg
One side of village street with two shops for selling stencilled fabrics. Over the nearest is cipher of Hiroshige. Lower left, along the road, woman in a litter with two women attendants. Another, in rear, on horseback.
Shimada Gyosho Tokaido.jpg
Shimada: The Suruga Bank of the Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa Sungan), from the series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi no uchi), also known as the Gyôsho Tôkaidô
Print, Sanjo Bridge, Kyoto, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608919).jpg
Lower half, long trestle-bridge with people crossing. Upper half, city lies along river bank at foot of range of many-peaked hills and mountain range.
Chiryu Reisho Tokaido.jpg
No. 40 - Chiryû, from the series The Tôkaidô Road - The Fifty-three Stations (Tôkaidô - Gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Reisho Tôkaidô
Print, Akasaka, Interior of Inn, in The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido Road (Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi-no Uchi), ca. 1834 (CH 18608879).jpg
Interior of inn. Left, guest reclines and maid brings in his meal on two stands. Other servants are waiting. Right, two geisha arrange their toilet. Center of courtyard, large sago-palm and stone lantern.