Panarabské barvy

Panarabské barvy jsou barvy, které jsou vnímány jako symbol Arabů. Předpona Pan- (řecky πᾶν, pan) znamená vše, všechno, zapojení všech členů skupiny. Jsou to černá, bílá, zelená a červená. Každá ze čtyř panarabských barev má reprezentovat určitou historickou arabskou dynastii či éru. Černá byla dynastická barva Abbásovců, bílá Umajjovců, zelená Fátimovců a červená Hášimovců. Čtyři barvy také odkazují na verše iráckého básníka Safi al-Din al-Hilliho ze 14. století: „Bílé jsou naše činy, černé naše bitvy, zelená naše pole a červené naše meče“.

Dynastické vlajky

Vlajky států s panarabskými barvami

Přehled vlajek současných států (i bez plného uznání) s panarabskými barvami.

Historické vlajky s panarabskými barvami



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IFIS Historical.svg
Autor: DoktorMandrake, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
IFIS for "historical version" (not part of original set of symbols)
Flag of Hejaz 1920.svg
Flag of the Kingdom of Hejaz from 1920 to 1926 and flag of Hejaz as part of the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd from 1926 to 1932. This flag was also used by the Sharifian Caliphate from 1924-1925, before Hejaz merged with Nejd to form a union (1338 to 1350 AH).
Flag of Al-Ahwaz.svg
Flag of the Al-Ahwaz
Flag of Iraq (1959–1963).svg
Flag of Iraq under the Qassem regime, 1959-1963.
Flag of Kingdom of Syria (1920-03-08 to 1920-07-24).svg
Flag during the short lived Kingdom of Syria from March 8th to July 24th 1920
Black flag used by anarchists, pirates and some ancient Islamic caliphates
Flag of Lower Yafa.svg
Flag of the Sultanate of Lower Yafa
Flag of Hejaz 1917.svg
Flag of Hejaz from 1917 to 1920 (1335-1338 A.H.), commonly known as the "Arab revolt flag".
Flag of Iraq 2004-2008.svg
علم العراق، ١٤٢٩-١٤٢٥
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004.svg
Former Iraqi flag, used from 1991 to 2004.
Flag of the Mahra Sultanate (18th century).png
Autor: Dekodrak, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of the Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra, used in the 18th century.
Umayyad Flag.svg
Flag of the Umayyad Dynasty (660–750)
Flag of Egypt (1952-1958).svg
the "Arab Liberation" flag associated with the Egyptian officers' coup of 1952, used as the flag of Egypt from 1952 to 1958. Note: For some purposes the flag of a white crescent and three stars on green was still used until 1958.
Flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman.svg
Autor: Zscout370, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman
Flag of the Mahra Sultanate.svg
Flag of the Mahra Sultanate of Qishn and Socotra until 1967
Rectangular green flag.svg
Rectangular green flag. This flag should not be used to represent the Fatimid Caliphate. Note that the concept of rectangular national flags did not exist during Fatimid times, and that the dynastic color of the Fatimids was white, not green (just as black was the dynastic color of the Abbasids, etc.).
Red flag.svg
The red flag – international symbol of the working class. (3:5 ratio)
Flag of Arabistan.svg
Flag of the Arab minority in Khuzestan (colloquially referred to as Arabistan), Iran (called «Al Ahwaz» in Arabic). Used by the w:Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz. Use of this flag is forbidden in Iran.
Flag of Iraq (1963–1991).svg
Flag of Iraq, 1963-1991. Also flag of Syria, 1963-1972.
Flag of Jordan.png
Autor: unknown, Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of al-Mountada al-Adabi.svg
Autor: GTRus, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of al-Mountada al-Adabi (1909-1915)
Flag of North Yemen (1962).svg
Flag of North Yemen from September 27, 1962 to November 1, 1962